The county party committee of the Youth League held a commendation meeting for the youth speech contest
2024-05-11 09:39:42      Source: Netcom Baqing

 The county party committee of the Youth League held a commendation meeting for the youth speech contest. png

On May 9, the Baqing County Committee of the Communist Youth League held the commendation meeting of the municipal competition for the theme speech of young people building a firm sense of the Chinese national community and the awarding ceremony of the National Unity and Progress Model League of Baqing County in 2023. Zhang Yingchang, vice chairman of the CPPCC of Baqing County, presided over the speech, and the organization department of the county party committee, the county education bureau The main person in charge of the County Endeavour Office and all cadres at home from the office of workers and young women attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, the Baqing County Committee of the Communist Youth League awarded the plaque of the National Unity and Progress Model League of Baqing County in 2023 to the Baqing County Middle School and Baqing Township Primary School. At the same time, it emphasized that this honor was an affirmation of the school's past efforts in national unity education, and also an expectation for the school to continue to play an exemplary and leading role in the future. It is hoped that the school will make persistent efforts, take the honorary title obtained as a new starting point, unite teachers and students, better carry out national unity and progress education, and create a good national unity campus atmosphere.

Editor in charge: Cang La

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