Joint meeting on cordyceps collection and management in Rongbu Town and Ya'an Town was held
2024-05-06 12:02:41      Source: Netcom Suoxian

Recently, the 2024 joint meeting on safe border creation and cordyceps collection management in Rongbu Town, Suoxian County and Ya'an Town, Baqing County was held in Rongbu Town. Chi La, Deputy County Chief of Baqing County and Secretary of the Party Committee of Ya'an Town, Yi Xi Quyun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of Suo County and Secretary of the Party Committee of Rongbu Town, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, consultations were held on how to regulate the collection of cordyceps, protect cordyceps resources, maintain the collection order and other issues, and exchanges were held on strengthening the training and education of collection personnel, increasing the fight against illegal collection, and ensuring the sustainable use of cordyceps resources. At the same time, we will ensure further exchanges and cooperation in the future work, jointly promote the economic and social development of the border areas, and improve the living standards of the people in the two towns. Both parties signed an agreement on the establishment of safe border and the collection and management of cordyceps sinensis.


Editor in charge: Li Chenghui

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