The Second Work Promotion Conference for Shigatse to Create a National Model City (County) of Double Support was held
2024-05-17 16:30:39      Source: Shigatse News Center

In the afternoon of May 15, the second work promotion meeting for Shigatse to build a national model city (county) of double support was held, and Ge Qingmin, deputy secretary of Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and leader of the city's leading group for double support work, attended the meeting. Nima Puchi, Vice Mayor and Deputy Leader of the Municipal Double Support Leading Group, presided over the meeting. The meeting was held in the form of video conference.

The meeting analyzed the current working situation and existing problems of Shigatse City in building a national model city (county) of double support, and arranged and deployed the next key work.

The meeting conveyed and learned the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of "double support", listened to the city's preparation for building a national model city (county) of "double support", Sangzhuzi District, Dingjie County, a certain department of the air force, and the municipal emergency management bureau made exchange speeches, and Yadong County and Nyalam County made statements.

The meeting required that we should highlight the key points, work hard, and comprehensively implement the tasks of creating a model city for mutual support. All departments at all levels should strictly compare with the new evaluation standards, comprehensively sort out weaknesses, find out deficiencies, and comprehensively implement list management and cancellation rectification. We should focus on implementation, quality and improvement according to the "full score" standard, so as to achieve "zero loss of points" in account work. We should make full use of various publicity tools and methods to create a strong atmosphere of mutual support. We should focus on the war orientation, adhere to the more prominent position of supporting the army, comprehensively support the construction of the "three fronts", focus on the "three rear" issues, and carefully address the concerns of officers and soldiers. We should adjust measures to local conditions, base on resource endowments, break through innovation, adhere to the reality of Shigatse, cultivate distinctive highlights, and show the brand of "double support".

The meeting stressed that it is necessary to strengthen linkage, compact responsibility, and widely pool the overall joint force to promote the establishment of double support. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, compact responsibilities, further improve the working mechanism of military civilian cooperation, department coordination and up and down linkage, strictly compare the implementation work plan and task list, and implement them item by item. We should foster deep feelings between the military and the people and consolidate military and civilian unity. The military and civilian sides should extensively carry out military and civilian co construction activities such as "six military camps" and "seven national defense education" with the characteristics of the times and regions, encourage schools, organs, streets, and communities to "pair up" with grass-roots companies, and consolidate and develop military and civilian solidarity in the new era. It is necessary to strengthen supervision and efficiency, and promote the implementation of the work. The municipal and county level leading groups and offices for double support work should include the establishment work in the special supervision, regularly supervise the progress of double support work, and urge all counties (districts) and units to perform their duties and implement them.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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