Sloannima had a discussion with Jiang Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Bank of China Tibet Branch
2024-04-22 16:49:10      Source: Shigatse News Center

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Recently, Si Lannima, the vice chairman of the autonomous region and the secretary of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee, had a discussion with Jiang Ning, the secretary of the Party Committee and the president of the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China, and a delegation led by them. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on deepening practical cooperation and promoting win-win development.

On behalf of the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and the Shigatse Municipal People's Government, Sri Lanka welcomed the delegation from Jiangning and thanked the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China for its great attention and support to the work of Shigatse. He said that for a long time, the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China consciously fulfilled the responsibility of a large state-owned bank, and continued to make efforts in the establishment of branches, loan issuance for major project construction, and facilitation of cross-border trade, making positive contributions to the economic and social development of Shigatse.

Sloannima said that in the past year, under the kind care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, under the scientific guidance of the Party's strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, and under the strong leadership of the Party Committee of the autonomous region, the whole city thoroughly implemented Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party, Implement the spirit of the 10th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region, the Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 10th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the Economic Work Conference of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, focus on the "four major events", focus on the "four creations", strive to be first-class, and strive bravely to be the first. New achievements and breakthroughs have been made in various undertakings.

Siranima said that Shigatse is a major agricultural city, a major population city, a major cultural city, a major ecological city and a major border city in Tibet. It has a special location, an important position, obvious development advantages and huge potential. It is hoped that the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China will continue to give play to its own advantages, further expand cooperation space and strengthen cooperation, inject more "financial living water" into the high-quality economic development of Shigatse, and achieve mutual benefit and common development.

Jiangning thanked the Shigatse Municipal Party Committee and the Shigatse Municipal Government for their long-term concern and support, and congratulated Shigatse on its achievements in economic and social development. He said that the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China will give full play to its own advantages, deeply meet the needs of Shigatse's economic and social development, continue to increase efforts in serving market players, expanding inclusive financial services, supporting the construction of key projects, helping development and opening up, deepen multi-channel, multi domain and multi-level cooperation, and take practical actions to help Shigatse achieve long-term stability and high-quality development.

Before the forum, the Municipal People's Government also had in-depth exchanges with the Tibet Branch of the Bank of China on relevant cooperation issues and signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement.

Editor in charge: Pu Qiong

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