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Xiaoxuntong app It is a communication platform specially built for parents, students, teachers and schools, and a communication link built for home and school to make education more networked and information-based, and create a mobile campus. Through the use of School Communication, parents can not only keep track of their children's learning at school at any time, but also learn about school announcements online, communicate with teachers in a timely manner, facilitate teachers' online teaching and online management of students' learning, promote mutual contact, and jointly help children grow healthily. Now, the editor has sorted out a series of school smart apps, and friends in need can come to the Aurora download station to experience!

2024-05-27 22:09



  • Reason for recommendation: The mobile phone version of Yizhong School Infocom is a smart campus, an interactive platform, and an app for teachers, parents and schools to communicate. Teachers can check school information announcements on the platform, and parents can care about their children's situation in school, which is convenient and practical. Download if you like! More Xiaoxuntong apps are available at the Aurora download station! Introduction to iXcom app of Yizhong School, Xuetong is a "smart campus" interactive platform on mobile phones,

  • Reason for recommendation: The mobile phone version of Guangxi Xiaoxuntong is an app for schools to communicate with parents. I want to see how children are doing at school. I can tell them when I ask them. If there is any question, I can communicate at any time, which is convenient for everyone and can help children improve their learning quickly. Download if you like! Introduction to Guangxi and education client of Guangxi School Communication client, including home school interaction, office SMS, Ping An SMS, etc

  • Reason for recommendation: The wheat school communication software is an educational software that belongs to the family school interaction category, which builds a bridge between teachers and parents for communication and interaction. The software not only has a simple interface, but also has rich curriculum resources. It provides two modules, namely, live class and quick homework, so that students can learn online and review. Parents can also participate in the online live class initiated by teachers, interact with teachers, and use it

  •  Jiangxi Xiaoxuntong Mobile Version v5.0.5 Android Version
    Jiangxi Xiaoxuntong Mobile Edition

    V5.0.5 Android

    2022-04-27 35.27 MB

    Download Now

    Reason for recommendation: Jiangxi Xiaoxuntong mobile phone version is an education type software, which is mainly to facilitate parents and schools to communicate and understand the learning situation of children. Parents can know the situation of children in school at any time, which is convenient for teachers and parents, and can also learn from each other on it. Download if you like! More Xiaoxuntong apps are available at the Aurora download station! Jiangxi Xiaoxuntong app information Jiangxi Renrentong is a mobile enterprise of Jiangxi Mobile

  •  Hunan Mobile School Infocomm app v3.0.16 official Android version
    Hunan Mobile School Infocom app

    V3.0.16 Official Android

    2019-03-12 6.27 MB

    Download Now

    Reason for recommendation: The app of Hunan Mobile School Infolink helps users better communicate with parents of students and facilitate the communication between both sides, so that parents can understand the growth trend of children, and the management of teachers is easier. The Aurora download station provides Hunan Mobile School Infolink download. Introduction to the mobile phone version of Hunan Mobile School Infocomm focuses on campus information push, an app that connects students, parents and schools. Pay attention to students

  • Reason for recommendation: The latest version of Henan School Communication is a software for teachers and parents to quit. It contains learning materials, learning videos, and interaction between teachers and parents. It is convenient and practical to know the situation of children in school. Download if you like! More Xiaoxuntong apps are available at the Aurora download station! Henan School Infocom app information The teacher side of Henan School Infocom can realize the interaction between home and school, and the connection between home and school is very convenient;


  •  Tianfu School Infocomm ios mobile version v7.1.6 iPhone version
    Tianfu school intel ios mobile version

    V7.1.6 iPhone version

    2019-08-28 20.30 MB

    Download Now

    Reason for recommendation: Tianfu School Infocomm is a mobile phone software for campus communication. Tianfu School Infocomm app is a notice to help teachers and students of Southwest University of Finance and Economics Talent College send messages, so that teachers and students can know the latest announcements and news on campus at the first time, which is convenient for students and teachers' daily life. More campus communication apps can be downloaded from the Aurora download station! Tianfu School Infocomm ios Mobile Edition Introduction: This

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