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 Animal Translator APP

Animal Translator APP

V1.0.3 Android
  • App size: 52.7 MB
  • Application language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated: 2024-05-24
  • Application type: Domestic software/system tools
  • Operating environment: Android
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  • Official homepage:
  • Application manufacturer: Fuchuan (Shanghai) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
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Animal Translator APP is a software that provides pet translation tools for pet owners. In the software, users can record pet sounds to translate pet language in real time, so that users can understand what pets want to express, break the communication barrier between owners and pets, and communicate easily, The use of pet translation tools can draw in the emotional relationship between the owner and the pet, establish a deeper emotional connection, and provide a pet naming function to give your pet a pleasant name. It is recommended that there are two naming tools, Chinese name and English name, which can be used according to individual preferences. In addition, The software also recommends that there are rich pet wallpapers for users to browse, download and use. Users who need them should download the Animal Translator official website software for use!

 Animal Translator APP

Application function

1. Cute translator

The cute pet translator tool can translate the pet language in real time and understand the meaning of the pet language.

2. Pet naming

Select the pet naming function to name cats and dogs online.

3. Pet wallpaper

In the Pet Wallpaper Center, you can select and view various pet wallpapers displayed online.

4. Wallpaper classification

Divide the pet wallpaper into dog wallpaper and cat wallpaper to facilitate users to filter and view.

5. Download wallpaper

Users can download their favorite pet wallpaper with one click, and then set it as desktop wallpaper.

6. Vocal translation

The voice translation tool is provided, which can be used to translate the voice by long pressing the recorded voice.

Application features

1. Zero barrier communication

Users can communicate with pets with zero barriers through the use of the adorable translator function.

2. Efficient translation

Recording the pet's voice can effectively translate the pet's language and quickly get the translation results.

3. High definition wallpaper

The high-definition wallpaper can be selected by users at will, and high-definition pet wallpaper can be selected at any time.

4. Rich wallpapers

The provided pet wallpaper resources are very rich. You can get rich pet wallpaper for use.

5. Easy naming

The use of pet naming tools can make it easier for users to name pets.

6. Perfect address

Users can find a perfect name for your pet here.


1. Users can download and install animal translation software on this website first;

2. In the software, users can translate pet language through the cute translator tool;

3. Users can use the pet naming function to give your new pet a pleasant name;

4. Users can browse and view the wallpaper on the pet wallpaper page to select their favorite wallpaper;

5. Users can download the pet wallpaper with one button to facilitate the use of pet wallpaper at any time;

Package name: com.fckj.dwfy


 Animal Translator APP v1.0.3 (1)
 Animal Translator APP v1.0.3 (2)
 Animal Translator APP v1.0.3 (3)
 Animal Translator APP v1.0.3 (4)

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  • Android

Animal Translator APP v1.0.3 Android

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