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 Wendi document management system

Wendi document management system

V3.0.05 Official Version
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Wendi document management system can help enterprises manage electronic documents, and can import various office documents on the computer for saving directly by creating classification in software, such as enterprise contract documents, enterprise official documents, enterprise project plans, enterprise working documents, and enterprise office Documents and all kinds of resources can be added to the software for classified management. In the future, you can directly open the Wendi file management system to quickly search which files you need to view; The software provides the function of fast scanning and importing, which can be connected to the scanner equipment to identify the paper content, and directly scan the external paper documents into electronic documents, so as to add them to the Wendi document management system for management, and they can be downloaded and used if necessary!

 Wendi document management system

software function

1. Wendi file management system supports classification setting function, which can add subdirectories in the software and create multiple classified folders to manage files

2. Support the addition of most files, office documents wps Documents, images and videos can be added

3. Support the import function, which can import various resources from disk C and disk D to Wendi file management system

4. Support the search function. You can query the resources in the file library according to the classification scheme on the top of the software

5. Support media player, which can play added videos and images directly in Wendi file management system

6. Support the memo management function, and set various work reminders in the software

7. Support the Notepad function, add the content to be recorded in the software, and input the content to be worked into the software settings notes

8. Support the data backup function, and directly create a backup of the data managed by the software

Software features

1. The interface is simple and intuitive, the functional structure is clear, and the operation is simple and convenient.

2. The software can be used on a single machine or in a network environment.

2. It supports user-defined addition fields and personalized setting fields according to the directory.

4. Based on the C/S architecture, file resources can be shared according to permissions, with full permission control.

5. The whole process of file storage and transmission is encrypted.

6. Have the ability to quickly index and retrieve data.

7. It has complete log tracking to record the user's operation process.

8. You can quickly start without training and easily realize file management.

usage method

1. Start Wendi file management system and directly install the software to the computer, click Next

 Wendi document management system

2. Prompt the login interface of the software. By default, you can log in with a trial account, and you can apply for an account yourself later

 Wendi document management system

3. As shown in the figure, this is the user's company information setting interface. You can enter the company name here

 Wendi document management system

4. In the category adding interface, click Add Directory to create a new category and manage different materials by category

 Wendi document management system

5. After classification setting, you can add files. You can also click Batch Import and Batch Export to add files in the current directory

 Wendi document management system

6. Enter the file selection interface, and add various local file resources to Wendi file management system, such as adding chm and pdf

 Wendi document management system

7. Select a file and click Save to complete the addition, or modify the attributes in the software

 Wendi document management system

8. Setting interface

The file is saved in an independent form in the Data subdirectory of the program installation directory [File visible]

File saved in binary format to data base Internal [file invisible]. If MSSQL is used as the storage database, the client can share files in the network environment access As a storage database, it can improve the confidentiality of files [limited to free version users for trial and professional version users for long-term use]

 Wendi document management system

9. Basic settings

Main Form Table Pagination Display Data

Text paging toolbar, simple paging toolbar

Automatically back up data to the backup subdirectory under the installation directory when exiting [cycle over the last 5 days]

Save user-defined main menu and toolbar layout on exit

There is a sound when the prompt dialog box pops up

Display progress bar when query records exceed 100

 Wendi document management system

10. [Operate cautiously, and strongly recommend to backup data in advance!]

This function will delete all the data entered by the user. Please backup the data before execution to avoid irreparable loss

Delete all managed original files in the Data subdirectory of the installation directory

Delete the directory tree library information, and the directory on the left side of the main window will be cleared

 Wendi document management system

11. Logon window logo settings

Users can design personalized pictures as the logo of the login window

 Wendi document management system

12. Memo setting function, which can add reminders in the software interface

 Wendi document management system

13. It supports the opening function. Files managed by the software interface can be opened using the default application on the computer

 Wendi document management system

14. It also supports the media file viewing function, and can add video resources and picture resources to the software for use

 Wendi document management system

15. As shown in the figure, this is the interface of the player. You can view the video content directly

 Wendi document management system

16. The image adding function adds the local image resources to the software management. You can set the image classification folder on the left

 Wendi document management system

17. Every time you add a new resource, a prompt will pop up. Click Save

 Wendi document management system

18. Software management resources are very simple. Enterprises can add all electronic files to the software

 Wendi document management system

19. If there are multiple resources of the same kind, you can click Batch Add to add multiple files from Disk C and Disk D to this software management

 Wendi document management system

Update log


1. Add the function of allowing users to set user-defined fields for different directories;

2. The paging display function of data query results is added;

3. Add the function of user-defined menu toolbar;

4. In the case of multiple users, the menu operation permission, directory operation permission and single file permission are set.

5. Fixed the problem of inaccurate icon display after dragging directory to change membership;

6. Some algorithms are improved, and the speed of data query is significantly improved.

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Wendi document management system v3.0.05 official version

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