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Official version of office 2019 With a full set of office projects, users can feel the obvious functions that have improved efficiency. The integration of various suites and the sense of use of models and icons make daily office work and word documents simple and easy. Don't worry if you don't know how to download office2019. The Evoque download station provides office2019 downloads.

Microsoft Office History

Office95 Office97 Office2000
OfficeXP Office2003 Office2007
Office2010 Office for Mac Office2013
Office2016 Office2019 Office2021

Introduction to official version of office2019

The official version of Office2019 gathers a lot of new functions and tools, including online icon insertion, ink writing, horizontal page turning, new functions, Chinese character library, tag switching animation effect, immersive learning, multi display optimization and many other humanized functions. Office 2019 Professional Plus will help you work more efficiently.

 Office2019 official edition

Office2019 software functions

1. Ink writing

The ink writing function is common in smart phones, but Microsoft has added this function in the powerpoint of office2019. You can use a variety of brushes to write freely on slides. The brushes can also be customized, and the drawn patterns can be directly converted into graphics, which can be used later

 Office2019 official edition

2. Chinese Hanyi font library

A very good function of WPS is the cloud font library. There are a lot of fonts to choose from. Of course, in Office2019, Microsoft has also added a number of built-in fonts for people to use. These fonts belong to the Hanyi font library. They have a strong sense of calligraphy, which is a good thing for people who often do typesetting

 Office2019 official edition

3. Insert icon online

Some icons are often used in PPT. The old version of office icons are relatively simple, less content and less beautiful. Therefore, Microsoft has added the function of inserting icons online in office2019, which is also rich in content and complete in classification. In addition, all icons can be modified in color or partially

 Office2019 official edition

4. Immersive learning

In the word document of office2019, an immersive learning mode has been added under the view function, which is simply to improve the reading comfort and facilitate people with reading difficulties. For example, you can adjust the color and width of the document page. You can also use the Microsoft Narrator function to read the content of the document directly

 Office2019 official edition

5. Horizontal page turning

This function is similar to the page turning effect of the reading software on the mobile phone. After the page turning button is checked in office2019, the word document page can turn left and right like a book. This function is mainly launched for tablet computers, thin and light books, ultrabooks and other devices. If the notebook has a touch screen function, it will be very convenient. Of course, it's a bit lame on a non touch screen computer

 Office2019 official edition

6. New function

There are many functions in Excel tables, and more new functions have been added in office2019, such as the multi condition judgment function "IFS", the multi column consolidation function "CONCAT", etc. The original old functions of the new functions have been improved and upgraded to make them more convenient for people to use. In fact, these functions have appeared in office365, but they have not been applied in office2016. For people who often use Excel forms to work, it is very helpful to improve work efficiency

 Office2019 official edition

7. Switching animation effect of labels

In fact, this should not be considered as a function, but a feature. As we all know, Win10 system has a large number of window transition animations. In order to cooperate with Win10 system, A lot of transition animation effects have also been added to office2019, and this tag animation effect is similar to the fade in and fade out effect of Win10 window. In the official version of office2019, the animation does not appear stuck, and the optimization is good. In addition, many similar animation effects have been added to Excel tables

 Office2019 official edition

8. Multi display optimization

For people who use computers to work, many people should be able to use two or more monitors, so the multi monitor display optimization function has been added in office 2019. When we use two displays, the resolution of the two displays is not necessarily the same, so there will be differences when displaying documents on different displays, especially for PPT documents with various components. If we use the multi display display optimization function, we can avoid the problem that the same document displays incorrectly on different displays

 Office2019 official edition

Office activation tool

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Office 2019 Installation Tutorial

-If you have never installed Office, please skip this step. Open the "tool" folder

 Office2019 official edition

Click the Management tab, check the installed version, and click Uninstall All

 Office2019 official edition

After uninstalling, click Clear Office to complete the uninstalling steps

 Office2019 official edition

-Open the office2013-2019c2ristallv6.3 folder

 Office2019 official edition

Select the required components, and then click Install Office to install Office

 Office2019 official edition

Installation will take some time, please wait patiently

-After the installation is completed, click activate office to activate the office

 Office2019 official edition

Difference between office2019 and 2016

Office 2019 only supports Windows 10, which means that if your Microsoft system is Windows 7/8 or older, you can't use Office 2019

Microsoft office2016 permanently activated cracked version

Size: 1.05 GB Version: 32/64 bit Chinese free full version (with activation tool) Environment: WinXP, Win7, Win10

Enter Download

Office2019 takes about 4 or 5 seconds. After clicking, there is no response. The startup screen appears after 4 or 5 seconds, and then the file can be opened. Office2016 is opened in seconds

 Official version of microsoft office2019 (1)

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Official version of microsoft office2019

Boutique recommendation

  • office2019
  • office
  • Computer office software
  • Office software

office2019 More+

Office2019 is a classic version that Microsoft quit that year. For users, it has basic functions for daily work, and has also launched a professional enhanced version. It can be used for free with the permanent activation tool. The activation method is very simple, and the functions are more comprehensive. If you feel it is easy to use, you can download and install it!


office More+

Microsoft Office is an office software launched by a microsoftware company based on the Windows operating system. It is one of the necessary software for office users. Users can use this software to network to deal with various things that need to be solved in life and work, so that users using this software can work more efficiently and conveniently, and easily solve all problems

 Computer office software

Computer office software More+

No matter in life or at work, it is often necessary to make documents, forms, etc. Computer office software can help users complete various types of document data and form statistics, of which the most commonly used is Microsoft's office software series. In terms of work communication, the most commonly used is nails, Enterprise WeChat and enterprise qq. Aurora download station helps you collect a lot of useful computer office software

 Office software

Office software More+

Office software is the most comprehensive office software series launched by Microsoft. In this office software series, users can always find the work software they need. Office software has conquered domestic legitimate and pirated users with its excellent, lightweight, fast, simple and other features

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LAN IP - Aurora Download Netizens Published on: 2022-03-23 08:21:01
Very easy to use! support

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Zhengzhou, Henan - Aurora download netizen Published on: 2022-03-15 20:03:05
Well received!

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Shanghai Telecom - Aurora Download Netizen Published on: 2022-02-11 22:27:49
Is it good to use

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America - Aurora download netizen Published on: 2021-11-25 14:09:57
The download finally does not come with other junk software for mandatory installation

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Guangdong Guangzhou Telecom - Aurora Download Netizen Published on: 2021-09-28 14:06:10
I have never seen such a professional office installation program, which is very convenient. Once installed, it is activated. It's awesome!

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Anyang, Henan - Aurora download netizen Published on: 2021-04-09 15:37:43
This is still very useful. I have used it for a long time

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