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 Swift playgrounds Chinese version

Swift playgrounds Chinese version

V4.0.2 Apple
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Swift playgrounds for Apple It is an application software that provides users with programming learning. It adopts cartoon screen design and presents a variety of programming code courses, allowing you to give full play to your creativity, help you quickly write the code page you want, improve your programming ability, and support real-time sharing. It is simple and convenient to use!

Chinese version of swift playgrounds:

SwiftPlaygrounds is a revolutionary application that makes code learning and exploration interesting. "Learning Programming" provides a series of courses to guide you to break through the barriers through interactive learning and gradually master the basic knowledge of programming. You can also try many challenges to explore many unique programming experiences. SwiftPlaygrounds requires no programming foundation and is especially suitable for beginners, young and old. The whole application is designed to help you learn Swift. This is a powerful programming language developed by Apple. Nowadays, many popular applications are developed by professionals using Swift. SwiftPlaygrounds has brought an unprecedented learning experience by fully utilizing the advantages of the iPad and the real iPad OSSDK.

 Swift playgrounds iPad

The Apple version of swift playgrounds features:

Built in courses

--View the running results of the code in the beautiful interactive 3D world, and rotate and zoom with your finger

--The courses made by Apple guide you to understand the core concepts of programming through the code breakthrough mode

--Three animated characters are responsible for executing your code commands

--Before the official breakthrough, all new programming concepts are vividly introduced through animation

--The glossary and built-in help pages provide details of the available commands and frameworks

Built for touch

--The suggestion of "quick input" allows you to add multiple lines of code with a few clicks without a keyboard

--Press and hold any command and drag to change the code order

--Drag curly braces with your finger to include a code block in a loop or conditional statement

--Drag and drop common code snippets directly into Playground

--Tap the color box in the code to display the pop-up color picker

--The programming keyboard is fully equipped with Swift common characters. You can select alternative symbols by swiping any key

Exploration and development

--Challenge level provides you with various new opportunities to exert creativity through game logic, music, sensors, etc

--Interactive programming shows code running results immediately beside code or in real-time view

--Step through the code and highlight the running code line by line

--Use your own photos and images in Playground to customize your own Playground

--Write your own Playground from scratch to raise your programming ability to a new level

--The "starting point" helps you write your own Playground using charts, graphs, touch behavior or human-computer dialogue

--Reset any page to start over, or copy and rename any document to provide private copies for family members


--Record video while programming or running programs, and provide personal narration

--Send your creations to friends and relatives using "Info", "Mail", "Space Delivery" or other shared form extension tools

--Use any streaming media service application that supports ReplayKit to present programming courses to the world in real time

Real Swift and iOS code

--The concepts and skills learned can be directly used in real application writing

--Learn the powerful Swift programming language, which is a magic weapon for professionals to develop many applications in the AppStore

--Your code can directly control iPad hardware, such as gyroscope, accelerometer, camera and touch event

--Access the iPadOS framework, such as for 2d games SpriteKit for 3D graphics, SceneKit for 3D graphics, UIKit, etc

--Use Bluetooth API to write Playground, and control robots and other devices in real life through iPad

Updated content:

Localization and performance improvements.

 Swift playgrounds Chinese version v4.0.2 Apple version (1)
 Swift playgrounds Chinese version v4.0.2 Apple version (2)
 Swift playgrounds Chinese version v4.0.2 Apple version (3)

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Swift playgrounds Chinese version v4.0.2 Apple version

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  • programming software
 programming software

programming software More+

Programming software is a mobile phone software for programming teaching and learning. It has rich programming knowledge content, which aims to help users learn more programming codes, deepen their understanding and understanding of programming, so as to constantly unlock new programming skills, effectively exercise users' logical thinking ability and creative ability, and is a great help for everyone to learn programming!

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