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 Text to speech reading software

Text to speech reading software

V2.7.6 Android
  • App size: 37.4 MB
  • Application language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated: 2024-03-28
  • Application type: Domestic software/reading tools
  • Operating environment: Android
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  • Official homepage:
  • Application manufacturer: Chengdu Yueting Technology Co., Ltd
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Text to speech Read app aloud It is an easy to use mobile phone reading tool, which can convert news, headlines, words, novels and other content into voice reading, so that you can read easily, alleviate your eyesight fatigue, protect your eyes, and it is very convenient to use. Partners in need can come here to experience it!

Introduction to text to voice reading app:

Voice reader, voice browser, web page reader, blind people reading artifact, memorizing words, learning Chinese, literacy, listening to books, listening to novels, Headlines , WeChat official account articles and other Chinese and English words that can be copied in any software can be read out by voice.

 Text to speech reading software

Features of text to speech reading software:

1. Free your eyes, protect your eyesight, and read Chinese and English words that can be copied in any software, such as Today's headlines News in, articles in WeChat, etc

2. With its own novel library, a large number of popular novels can be read for free and can be read aloud.  

3. You can also read English words, sentences and articles.  

4. Recite words, learn Chinese, and read Chinese and English words that can be copied in any software.  

Application function:

1. XunfeiYuJi reading assistant, text to speech reading assistant, support XunfeiYuJi, Google text to speech, Samsung TTS, Ekho TTS and other TTS reading engines.

2. It supports copying the website, automatically parsing the website content and reading it directly, collecting useful websites to the cloud, and publicly sharing useful websites.

3. In any other software, directly copy the text content you want to read, and you can automatically start reading.

4. It supports setting the background music when reading aloud, and reading aloud is no longer boring.

5. Support reading in line. Before sleeping, select some articles you want to listen to and join the queue. The reading assistant will read them in turn. After reading, the reading will stop automatically, so that you can easily fall asleep.

6. It also has community dynamics, private message chat functions, and chat and interact with other people with the same interests.

7. It supports the setting of reading times. A piece of content can be read repeatedly for many times. It supports reading history.

8. If you like reading articles, news, novels, listening to books, novels, etc., but you are worried about affecting your eyesight or your own eyesight is poor, then this software is specially customized for you. Please download it and try it.

Update log


1. To optimize the use and operation process of Android 10 mobile phones, see the novice guide tutorial. The suspended reading control adds mini mode and minimalist mode to reduce the screen space, which can be opened in the settings. The function of remembering the last dragged position of the reading control can be opened in the settings.

2. When adding local files or setting background music, some mobile phones cannot find the bug of external SD card.

3. Fix and optimize other known problems.


Fix and optimize some known problems.

Package name: com.wyfc.wxreader


 Text to speech reading software v2.7.6 (1)
 Text to speech reading software v2.7.6 (2)
 Text to speech reading software v2.7.6 (3)

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  • Android

Text to speech reading software v2.7.6 Android

Boutique recommendation

  • Text to voice app
 Text to voice app

Text to voice app More+

Text to speech app software, a voice synthesis dubbing application tool, supports online synthesis of multilingual voice synthesis services, and also supports analog speakers. It can help people with disabilities get more convenient and effective communication through text to speech app, and solve the problem of communication between deaf and mute people

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