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 Free version of human cat and dog translator

Free version of human cat and dog translator

V3.12.0691 Android
  • App size: 33.7 MB
  • Application language: Simplified Chinese
  • Updated: 2023-12-15
  • Application type: Domestic software/life related
  • Operating environment: Android
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  • Official homepage:
  • Application manufacturer: Shanghai Jingfujing Network Technology Co., Ltd
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Human cat human dog translator app It can translate human language into the language of small animals, so as to help you communicate with the cats and dogs at home, make you feel better with the cats or dogs, and quickly understand the common language of animals. It is a good helper for the owner.

Introduction to the free version of human cat dog translator

Through this application, the human voice is audio analyzed and repeated into the barks of cats and dogs, so that pets can listen to the owner's voice, help people and cats communicate, and people and dogs communicate. When pets are unwilling to be close to the owner, misbehaving, and having small emotions, they can use this software to interact closely with cats, cats, and dogs, and better understand the pet's world and mood, Let each other's feelings closer, so as to get along better.

 Free version of human cat and dog translator

Human cat human dog translator communicator function

[Language Translation]

It supports the language translation of all cats and dogs, and has a variety of types of sounds to choose from

[Pet Language]

It is equipped with Wang Xingren and Meow Xingren's language, such as grievance, happiness, wordlessness, whimpering, injection, anger, malice and many other interesting sounds, to help you understand the common language of pets and their mood!

App features

1. Play sounds to attract pets' attention by playing animal sounds.

2. Pet communication enables you to quickly make all kinds of cat and dog sounds, whether happy, angry or uncomfortable, so that you can quickly communicate with your pet.

3. Human dog interaction, judging emotions according to the strength and frequency of voice, and human dog interaction translation.

4. Human cat interaction, judging emotions according to the strength and frequency of voice, and human cat interaction translation.

5. Understand pets, help you translate their tone and words, and let you know how they feel every day.

Software highlights

The human cat human dog translator is an entertainment oriented cat and dog god tool.

The human cat dog translator translates your voice into cat language and dog language, so as to get your cute attention.  

Meow Star People and Wang Star People column: collect the voices of various emotions of Little Meow and Little Wang, and then understand your little cute!

Joking: The entertainment scene is rich, and your little cute will not feel bored anymore!

Update log


Help you understand the common language of pets

Package name:


 Free version of cat and dog translator v3.12.0691 (1)
 Free version of cat and dog translator v3.12.0691 (2)
 Free version of cat and dog translator v3.12.0691 (3)

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  • Android

Human cat and dog translator free version v3.12.0691 Android version

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