Three theme pavilions, including the opening of the 2022 Yunqi Conference "Future Land", highlight innovative achievements
Time: 2022-11-07 08:29:05    Source: China Business Daily   
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On November 3, the 2022 Yunqi Conference opened. Journalists from China Business Daily explored the cutting-edge technology and innovation achievements at the conference. From remote driving, brain computer dream drawing, to immersive tour of Daming Palace, and then to the landing of 5G medical vehicle, digital technology not only turns the brain holes that people once "opened" into reality, but also improves people's quality of life and promotes social development.

Many brain holes come true

The 2022 Yunqi Conference has three theme pavilions, namely, "Computing Power", "Evolutionary Potential" and "Future Land".

In the "Power of Computing" pavilion, "Remote Driving" once again opens people's imagination. Experients can operate in remote driving flat On the platform, the vehicle can be remotely controlled by steering wheel, foot brake, accelerator, etc; and flat The display of the console interface is also very similar to many racing games on the market.

It is reported that this is the world's first RAS automatic remote driving flat Sets. This RAS system allows users to observe 360 ° conditions around the car from the screen group through the 5G network with high bandwidth and low latency, so as to achieve "cloud driving" - driving at home.

The field staff told the reporter: "There are many application scenarios of remote driving. For example, when parking in the garage, after driving the car to the garage flat The console takes over, and the staff helps park the car through remote driving; Or when the logistics vehicle delivering express goods in the campus breaks down or encounters obstacles, it can be taken over by remote driving. Remote driving solves the abnormal situation in automatic driving, is a supplement to automatic driving, and extends the technology of automatic driving to business scenarios and business ecology. "

In the brain computer interconnection section, the experience of "brain computer dream drawing" has also attracted people's attention.

People are often curious about the meaning of their dreams. Now, through brain computer interface, people's dreams and emotions can be displayed. After the experimenter wears the EEG device, the machine will collect the EEG signal for about dozens of seconds, and then generate a painting. Through this "painting", you can make a simple judgment on people's emotions.

The field staff told the reporter that the "brain computer dream drawing" system can collect, process and analyze EEG signals, and convert them into visual pictures with different needs, so as to understand the brain condition in a timely manner and better understand yourself. On the one hand, the system can be used for health management, decompression and intelligence, self healing, and on the other hand, it can serve the groups with cognitive impairment, and has certain help for special groups such as autism and depression. However, at present, this research is still mainly used for academic research.

Brain computer interface is not only helpful for people's emotional psychology, but also helpful for their physiological activities.

In the exhibition hall, an intelligent bionic hand is on display. The staff wearing this intelligent bionic hand can use a brush to write beautiful characters even if the arm is disabled.

It is reported that the intelligent bionic hand is a high-tech rehabilitation aid that integrates brain computer interface technology and artificial intelligence algorithm. The action control of the bionic hand is achieved by collecting and processing the EMG nerve point signals generated by human muscle movement.

"Some artificial limbs may only be used for decoration, but bionic hands can really be used in life to help people with disabilities to grasp, write and other actions. At present, the project has been launched, and the price of similar products abroad may be as high as 400000-500000 yuan, but the domestic price is only 150000 yuan, and will cooperate with the government and public welfare institutions to help people with disabilities." The staff told the reporter.

Amazing cultural and entertainment experience

The change of digital technology to life is also amazing in the field of culture and entertainment.

When entering the "Future Land" exhibition hall, the first thing you will see is the magnificent model of Daming Palace. Daming Palace is the most outstanding palace complex in the history of Chinese architecture. Now, through digital technology, people can immerse themselves in it and enjoy its style.

The "Cloud Palace · Digital Restoration Exhibition of Daming Palace" systematically restores the natural environment, traffic roads, overall layout and individual buildings of Daming Palace from a global perspective through extensive collection of existing archaeological research data, relevant documents and images of Daming Palace, and large-scale three-dimensional space reconstruction and visual positioning technology through the XR laboratory of Alibaba Dharma Institute, So that the Daming Palace can reappear in the virtual world.

The reporter noticed that some people wearing AR or VR glasses were watching the restored Daming Palace. Not only that, people can also experience the culture of flying Kongming lanterns to pray for blessings on the Shangyuan Festival of the Tang Dynasty in this way Xi Vulgar.

"This technology has been implemented in many venues, pavilions and museums, especially some exhibits in museums. When people wear AR glasses, they can see the" past and present "of the exhibits," said the staff.

After experiencing the magnificence of the palace, the audience can also enjoy the bustling cultural landscape in the streets of the ancient capital Nanjing.

The Painting of Imitating Yang Dazhang and the Painting of Jinling in the Courtyard of the Song Dynasty, known as the "Nanjing Version of the Picture of the River during the Qingming Festival", has been magnified in the long near On the 110m and 3.6m high large screen, through the interconnection of the indoor high-precision positioning system (UWB), Unity engine and the self-developed intelligent management system, people can "walk into" ancient paintings from the perspective of the first person with the mobile terminal interaction mode of "accurate positioning to the single digit centimeter level" and independent decision-making.

Experients need to select their favorite roles first, and then put on positioning bracelets, so that they can see their roles walk into the Jinling map and interact with people and events in the scene. Through the operation of the mobile phone screen, people can randomly trigger some emergencies in the picture and interact with the person in the picture in real time.

The mysterious Sanxingdui Site has always aroused people's curiosity, and through digital technology, the audience can also "personally" participate in the archaeology and exploration of Sanxingdui. Experients wear VR glasses, visit the map, and conduct "cloud archaeology" like playing games.

According to the staff, the "Sanxingdui Digital Odyssey Tour" passed the large-scale real-time cloud Rendering The technology is based on the original appearance of Sanxingdui Site, which is restored at a scale of 1:1. The graphics computing power and storage requirements required for large-scale immersive experience are put on the cloud and pushed through real-time audio and video communication technology, so as to achieve immersive archaeological experience.

Helping industry progress

In addition, the reporter saw on the scene that the development of digital technology in some special industries and social public areas has also yielded fruitful results.

At the exhibition hall site, a flight simulation module attracted many visitors to queue up for experience. This simulation cabin is a 1:1 restoration of the cockpit of a large domestic aircraft, in which people can really experience the scene of pilot training.

Flight simulation alignment nature The requirements for motion simulation are extremely strict and high nature Can, low latency graphics computing, and to meet this requirement is the shadowless cloud computer.

The field staff told the reporter: "The early localization of the flight simulation module required a huge amount of computing power of servers, computers and video cards, but now it can be achieved only with a palm sized shadowless cloud computer. The aircraft simulation module has landed on the consumer side, which can provide consumers with an intuitive driving training experience."

In the field of health care, the landing of 5G medical vehicles has become a reality.

Before that, after entering the ambulance, patients still need to go through some formalities when they arrive at the hospital. But now, 5G technology enables 120 emergency command centers, ambulances and medical institutions to realize data sharing, and promotes business cooperation. Patients can also enter the rescue link faster to improve rescue efficiency.

"By building a 5G network, the relevant data of the patients on the vehicle can be transmitted to the hospital, and the experts in the hospital can make judgments on the situation of the patients on the vehicle in advance and make preparations in the emergency room. In addition, the 5G medical vehicle can also be directly linked with the emergency number on the vehicle to handle admission procedures in advance. At present, the project has been implemented in Anji, Ningbo, Taizhou, Wenzhou and other places in Zhejiang Province." The field staff said.

Safety accidents under mines are common, and digital technology is making unmanned coal mines a reality. The intelligent gateway centralized control center of fully mechanized mining can realize the underground operation tasks such as coal mining, transportation, ventilation and drainage, real-time online management of large equipment on and off the mine, and help the intelligent mining area to realize the convenience of life on the mine, the safety of work under the mine, the accurate perception of equipment, and the efficient analysis of production.

"It used to require someone to directly mine coal on the working face, but now production automation can be completely realized. Only someone needs to carry out patrol inspection, and the number of people entering the coal mine has also decreased by about 70%," the staff told reporters.

And in country At the level of strategic engineering, cloud computing is quietly glowing.

In the South to North Water Diversion Project, Alibaba Cloud and Jiangsu Water Source create a digital twin of the east line of the South to North Water Diversion Project flat Taiwan; In the process of calculating from east to west, Feitian calculates intelligently flat Taiwan has built an intensive, large-scale and green cluster; Alibaba Cloud and country The pipeline network jointly realized the first online real-time transaction settlement and open service of China's green basic energy; In the power transmission from west to east, the Feitian hybrid cloud scheme supports country A cloud region architecture in 18 provinces of the power grid.

The role of advanced technology in promoting social development is similar to that of Alibaba's board of directors chairman Zhang Yong, the chief executive officer, said: "More advanced technology is to assume greater responsibility. The continuous evolution of technology enables us to make greater contributions to social and economic development and people's better lives." (Reporter Zhao Yiru)