On September 8, 2023, the trading limit board will be connected: Huaying Technology 5, Guanshi Technology 3
Time: 2023-09-08 15:59:43    Source: Big Data Resumption   
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Today is September 8, 2023. Let's review today's trading limit board.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

Today, a total of 37 stocks in the three stock markets of Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing were up and down, 20 more than the 17 stocks in the previous transaction.

There are 1 board in 5 boards, 2 boards in 3 boards, 2 boards in 2 boards, and 32 boards in 1 board. At present, the highest board in the market is 5 boards!

5 boards (1 piece): Huaying Technology.

3 boards (2): Guanshi Technology, Zhangjiang High tech.

2 boards (2 pieces): Pioneer Electronics, Changjiang Materials.

One board (32 pieces): United Precision, Baichuan, Halsey, Shunwei, Lidaxin, Shuangle, Gauss Bell, Dongfang Jiasheng, Kangsheng, Tongfei, Oppo Optoelectronics, Harbin Air Conditioning, Jierong Technology, Guangyang, Weili Transmission, Lanying Equipment, Rijiu Optoelectronics, Zhejiang Shibao, Ronglian Technology, Dongmu, Sino British Technology, Hager Communication, Gaohong Chuangyao Technology, New Fiber and New Material, Jinkong Power, Huali Chuangtong, China Satcom, Sinan Navigation, Sichuan Jiuzhou, Qixia Construction, Zhenyou Technology.

The above is the details of the trading limit board in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing today! The trading limit board is the vane of the market. Pay attention to the trading limit board and grasp the hot spots!

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