Summary of evening announcement: Dofluoro plans to buy back its shares at the price of 151 million yuan to 300 million yuan
Time: 2023-09-08 06:13:10    Source: Jufeng Investment Advisor   
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Source: Jufeng Investment Advisor, Good Stock Application

1. Letong Shares: It plans to invest 5 billion yuan in the construction of efficient heterojunction battery and module intelligent manufacturing project

Letong Shares (002319) announced that the company plans to sign the Investment Contract for Enterprises Entering the Park in Anji County to invest in the construction of a full automatic intelligent production line manufacturing project with an annual output of 4.8GW high-efficiency heterojunction batteries+4.8GW battery modules. The total investment of this project is about 5 billion yuan.

2. WLECH: Yu Fanyi and his concerted actors will buy back the illegal shares of excess reduction as soon as possible

We Le Home Appliances (603326) replied to the work letter on the supervision of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Yu Fanyi and the persons acting in concert expressed their sincere apologies for this illegal share reduction, and promised to buy back the illegal shares of excess reduction as soon as possible within the scope of laws and regulations. If this part of shares is repurchased, all the earnings involved will belong to the listed company. On September 5, Yu Fanyi reduced 0.9216% of shares through bidding transaction, which did not touch the obligation of information disclosure; On September 6, the cumulative changes of Yu Fanyi and his associates had reached 5% of the company's total share capital, but the relevant shareholders did not stop trading in time as required. On the same day, Fan Yi and his colleagues continued to reduce all their remaining shares; In addition, Evian bought 4200 shares through centralized bidding.

3. Guanshi Technology: A small part of functional device products are finally used in Huawei mobile phones

Guanshi Technology (605588) disclosed the announcement of abnormal fluctuations in stock trading. As far as the hot concepts concerned by the market recently are concerned, only a small part of the functional device products produced by the company are finally used in Huawei mobile phones. This part of business income accounts for about 1% - 2% of the company's operating income, which is relatively small.

4. Jiangsu Leili: It is planned to increase the capital of Anhui Kaisting to expand the industrial layout of new energy automobile parts

Jiangsu Leili (300660) announced that the company plans to increase the capital of Anhui Kaisting with monetary capital of 167 million yuan, and the shareholding ratio will increase from 67.33% to 80.53%. After the completion of capital increase, Anhui Kaisting's registered capital will increase to 300 million yuan. This capital increase is a specific measure for the company to implement the new energy auto parts project, which will further expand the industrial layout of new energy auto parts. Anhui Kaisting is the main body of the company's 550 million yuan investment in the construction of the "core parts production base for new energy vehicles" project, which is expected to generate an annual income of about 700 million yuan after reaching its capacity.

5. Lihua Shares: sales revenue of broilers in August was 1.247 billion yuan

Lihua Shares (300761) announced that in August 2023, 41091900 broilers will be sold, with sales revenue of 1.247 billion yuan, and the average sales price of wool chicken will be 15.20 yuan/kg. The month on month changes will be 4.10%, 13.57%, 12.84%, and the year-on-year changes will be 16.31%, 0.73%, and -14.75%, respectively. In August 2023, the company sold 60700 pigs, with a sales revenue of 122 million yuan. The average sales price of pigs was 17.56 yuan/kg, with a month on month change of - 25.43%, - 14.08% and 18.81%, and a year-on-year change of 5.02%, - 16.44% and - 20.18%, respectively.

6. Dofluoro: It is planned to buy back shares with 151 million yuan to 300 million yuan

Dofluoro (002407) announced that the company planned to buy back all shares for equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans. The total amount of this repurchase is between 151 million yuan and 300 million yuan, and the repurchase price does not exceed 20 yuan/share.

7. Tianci Materials: It is planned to invest 272 million yuan in the second phase of the project with an annual output of 300000 tons of iron phosphate

Tianci Materials (002709) announced that the company planned to use self raised funds to invest an additional 272 million yuan in the holding subsidiary Yichang Tianci Iron Phosphate Project with an annual output of 300000 tons (Phase II). After the additional investment, the total investment of the project changed from 1.005 billion yuan to 1.277 billion yuan. As of the announcement date, the main pile foundation construction of the project has been completed, and the main production equipment has arrived in succession. The equipment installation and commissioning phase has entered, and all work is progressing in an orderly manner.

8. Jinxinnuo: planned to buy back 500000 to 1000000 shares

Jinxinnuo (300252) announced that it planned to buy back 500000 to 1000000 shares at a price not exceeding 13.25 yuan per share.

9. Robertco: Winning the bid for Trina Solar's battery project

Lobotec (300757) announced that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Nantong Lobo became the bid winner of Trina Solar's "Battery 40GW: Huai'an Phase III+Dongtai+Tinghu+Yangzhou" project, with a total amount of 358 million yuan.

10. Jierong Technology: serious abnormal fluctuations in stock trading The company's operating conditions have not changed significantly

Jierong Technology (002855) disclosed the announcement of abnormal fluctuations and serious abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, and the deviation of the closing price of the company's stock from August 29, 2023 to September 7, 2023 for eight consecutive trading days accumulatively exceeded 100%; Through self inspection, the company has no undisclosed matters that lead to serious abnormal fluctuations in stock trading, and there has been no significant change in the company's business situation and internal and external business environment recently.

Disclaimer: The above contents are for reference only, and do not constitute specific operation suggestions. The profit and loss and risk of the operation shall be borne by oneself

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