Restricted shares with a market value of 4.887 billion yuan were lifted today, and the market value of New Yaqiang was 3.871 billion yuan, ranking first
Time: 09:02:30, 2023-09-01    Source: Solemnly whisper   
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Wind data shows that on Friday (September 1), a total of 8 companies lifted their restrictions on shares, with a total of 218 million shares. Based on the latest closing price, the total market value of the shares lifted was 4.887 billion yuan.

From the perspective of the amount of shares lifted, the number of shares lifted by the two companies exceeded 10 million. Among them, New Yaqiang, Microelectrophysiology - U and Jinrong Tianyu ranked first with 169 million shares, 31 million shares and 7 million shares respectively.

From the perspective of the market value of the deregulation, the market value of the four companies exceeded 100 million yuan. Among them, the market values of New Yaqiang, Microelectrophysiology - U and Jinrong Tianyu were among the top, with the market values of 3.871 billion yuan, 567 million yuan and 148 million yuan respectively.

Judging from the proportion of the number of shares released from the ban in the total share capital, the proportion of one company released from the ban exceeded 10%. Among them, New Yaqiang, Microelectrophysiology - U and Jinrong Tianyu ranked first, with 75%, 6.62% and 5.21% respectively.

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