Focus message: A-share: diamond export control, which is expected to enter the field of new generation semiconductors and attracts the attention of institutions
Time: 2022-08-15 22:47:02    Source: An unknown calf   
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Old M will control the export of diamonds, which is expected to enter the field of new generation semiconductors and is favored by institutions!

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Why diamonds are subject to export control

Old M is doing something again. The last article also mentioned the export control of old M on EDA. In fact, it also controls the export of gallium oxide and diamond. Some shareholders are thinking, isn't diamond a diamond? The export control of China is just right, which can reduce the consumption of diamonds, which is a big negative, What is the truth?

If it is so simple, the other party will not have export control. Because what is restricted is not just daily decorations, but Diamond with semiconductor material.

Due to its special crystal structure and strong carbon carbon bond interaction, diamond has extremely high thermal conductivity, chemical stability, low dielectric constant, luminescence characteristics, extremely high breakdown electric field, extremely high power capacity, and high saturated carrier velocity and mobility. These advantages enable diamond to become the most promising broadband gap semiconductor material.

Moreover, diamond is more resistant to high temperature and high pressure in manufacturing complex devices.

China's diamond is expected to enter the semiconductor field

The diamond cultivation technology in China has been perfected, and we are familiar with the Mozambique diamond. Because of the maturity of technology, the price of diamond cultivation is becoming more and more affordable. The second half of the year is the peak jewelry season.

Decoration is only a part of life, and technology is the focus of life. With the continuous breakthrough of technology, the decorative cultivation drill has also begun to develop from the scientific direction, It is expected to play a huge role in the field of the fourth generation semiconductor materials.

Although China is still at the beginning of this field, the CVD technology like Zhongbing Hongjian has made a breakthrough.

Future development direction

The penetration rate of diamond cultivation is growing steadily. In June this year, India cultivated The permeability is only 6.9%. So the market space still has infinite space. The moment can only be said to be the beginning.

In the short term, it has a very broad development prospect in photovoltaic+high-end manufacturing, especially in semiconductor, automobile, Jungong, 5G and the Internet of Things in the future.

Are there only 6 companies with core income from diamond development?

1. Chujiang Xincai

It is the leader of composite materials and carbon fiber preforms in China. A small amount of high-purity toner produced by its subsidiary Dingli Technology is used in the production of artificial diamonds.

2. Jingsheng Electromechanical

After more than half a year of process testing, its crystal laboratory has successfully grown high-quality gem grade diamond crystals by fully automatic MPCVD diamond growth equipment. And XJL200A diamond growth furnace successfully solved the industry pain point of traditional MPCVD diamond growth technology, thus solving the quality bottleneck in large-scale production.

3. Chaohongji

As one of the leading domestic companies in the jewelry industry, it has always been concerned about the development of cultivating diamonds, and believes that cultivating diamonds will certainly occupy a certain share in the jewelry market in the future. At present, domestic diamond cultivation is in the market cultivation stage.

4. Zhongbing Red Arrow

Its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhongnan Diamond has occupied the first place in the world market in the field of superhard materials for many years. Its CVD diamond cultivation technology has reached the international mainstream technology, so it helps to lay a foundation for expanding the application of functional diamonds. It has a complete production process of superhard materials. From the supply of raw material high-purity graphite, to powder pellets for synthesis, to the manufacturing of synthetic press, and automatic control system.

5. Power Diamond

It is a mainstream supplier of superhard materials in China, and its product and equipment capabilities are relatively advanced in China. It is a high-tech company focusing on the production and R&D of synthetic diamond products. Its core products include: diamond cultivation, diamond micro powder and diamond single crystal.

6. Yellow River cyclone

It is one of the largest diamond production bases in G, and has 20 years of technological advantages in cultivating diamonds from R&D to mass production. Its diamond cultivation volume accounts for about 20% of the global diamond cultivation sales market, of which high-end quality accounts for more than 50%. A system has been formed in terms of equipment operation stability control, and echelon advantages have been gradually formed in terms of personnel training.

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