Steady progress in China's Internet development promotes the development of the digital economy
Time: 2022-09-13 08:34:59    Source: China Business Daily   
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near China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the 50th Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). The report shows that as of June 2022, the number of Internet users in China is 1.051 billion, and the Internet penetration rate is 74.4%. Internet infrastructure has been fully covered, and the number of users has increased steadily.

The 50th Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China shows that the utilization rates of Internet news, search, games and music are 75.0%, 78.2%, 52.6% and 69.2% respectively.

Steady progress of digital society

"In the first half of this year, China's Internet development made steady progress. Internet infrastructure continued to advance, helping to steadily increase the size of Internet users." Zhang Xiao, deputy director of the China Internet Network Information Center, said that by June 2022, China's 5G network scale had continued to expand, with a total of 1.854 million 5G base stations open. In order to better meet the needs of the elderly and special groups, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has organized and completed the aging friendly and barrier free transformation and evaluation of 452 websites and apps to make intelligent life warm and barrier free.

The report shows that as of June 2022, the total number of domain names in China is 33.8 million, the number of ". CN" domain names is 17.86 million, and the number of IPv6 addresses is 63079 pieces/32, an increase of 0.04% over December 2021. In terms of information infrastructure construction, as of June 2022, China's gigabit optical network has the ability to cover more than 400 million households, has built and opened a total of 1.854 million 5G base stations, and has achieved "5G connectivity in counties and broadband connectivity in villages". The total number of fixed Internet broadband access users of the three basic telecommunications enterprises reached 563 million, a net increase of 27.05 million over the end of the previous year. Among them, 527 million fixed Internet broadband users have access rates of 100Mbps and above, accounting for 93.7% of the total number of users. Three basic telecom enterprises have developed 1.639 billion end users of the cellular Internet of Things.

Internet applications continue to develop, with the most obvious growth of short videos. The report shows that as of June 2022, the number of short video users in China has grown most significantly, reaching 962 million, 28.05 million more than that in December 2021, accounting for 91.5% of the total Internet users; The number of instant messaging users reached 1.027 billion, an increase of 20.42 million over December 2021, accounting for 97.7% of the total Internet users; The number of online news users reached 788 million, an increase of 16.98 million over December 2021, accounting for 75.0% of the total number of Internet users; The number of webcast users reached 716 million, an increase of 12.9 million over December 2021, accounting for 68.1% of the total netizens; The number of online medical users reached 300 million, an increase of 1.96 million over December 2021, accounting for 28.5% of the total number of Internet users.

While infrastructure construction continues to advance, China's network security situation continues to improve, and the proportion of users suffering from security problems further decreases. The report shows that as of June 2022, 63.2% of netizens said that they had not encountered network security problems in the past six months, 1.3 percentage points higher than that in December 2021; The proportion of netizens suffering from personal information leakage was 21.8%, down 0.3 percentage points from December 2021.

Effectively help rural revitalization

Since China's full function access to the Internet in 1994, the Internet has played an important role in promoting the optimization and upgrading of China's industrial structure, promoting the vigorous development of China's digital economy, and meeting the people's growing needs for a better life.

country Gao Xinmin, a member of the Informatization Expert Advisory Committee, said that in the first half of this year, the number of rural Internet users in China reached 293 million, and the Internet penetration rate in rural areas was 58.8%, 1.2 percentage points higher than that in December 2021. China's rural Internet infrastructure construction has been fully covered, digital technology has been widely used in rural production, and rural e-commerce has developed rapidly, providing favorable conditions for improving the scale of rural Internet users, bridging the digital gap, and accelerating rural revitalization.

The report shows that in the first half of this year, on the basis of the realization of "broadband access to villages" in the existing administrative villages in China in 2021, "5G access to counties" was achieved. The comprehensive coverage of rural Internet infrastructure construction has strongly promoted the steady increase of Internet penetration in rural areas.

Digital technology is widely used in agricultural production. At present, agricultural digitization has been widely carried out nationwide. The new generation of information technology, such as the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, is deeply integrated with planting, animal husbandry, fishery, etc. In May 2022, China released the first intelligent agricultural machinery technology roadmap, taking unmanned agricultural machinery as the final product form, and proposed nine cutting-edge and key technologies, including smart machine architecture and universal digital chassis.

Rural e-commerce has developed rapidly, opening up the consumption cycle in urban and rural areas. Data shows that in the first half of this year, rural online retail and agricultural product online retail increased by 2.5% and 11.2% respectively. Rural e-commerce effectively helps rural revitalization and becomes consolidation and expansion shake off poverty An important means of tackling key problems.

Promote the development of digital economy

China's digital infrastructure construction has continued to consolidate, and the digital economy has become an important pillar to stabilize growth, promote transformation, and ensure people's livelihood.

Communication industry flat Stable operation, laying a solid foundation for the development of the digital economy. The construction and application of new infrastructures such as 5G and gigabit optical networks accelerated. The report shows that as of June 2022, 5G applications in China have achieved remarkable results. 5G and gigabit optical network integration applications have accelerated to be popularized in industries, medical care, education, transportation and other fields, with more than 20000 5G application cases.

At the same time, Internet business revenue has maintained positive growth, making significant contributions to the digital economy. As of June 2022, the Internet business revenue of enterprises mainly engaged in information services (including news, search, social networking, games, music videos, etc.) has increased by 8.5% year on year. The report shows that the utilization rates of Internet news, search, games and music are 75.0%, 78.2%, 52.6% and 69.2% respectively. In addition, the Internet business income of enterprises that mainly provide online sales services increased by 17.8% year on year, 17.7 percentage points higher than the overall growth of the industry.

The digital economy injects new impetus into the new development pattern of "double circulation". Experts said that, New crown pneumonia epidemic situation Since its inception, China's economy has taken the lead in recovery and continued to recover steadily, which is inseparable from the digital economy for domestic epidemic situation The key support for prevention and control and economic cycle to inject new impetus. On the one hand, the development of digital economy takes expanding domestic demand as the strategic core to release more power for the domestic circulation; On the other hand, the high-quality development of digital economy and continuous innovation of digital technology promote the modernization of China's industrial chain supply chain flat Continuously improve and improve economic efficiency and core competitiveness.

The report shows that with the continuous improvement of 5G, data center, industrial Internet and other new infrastructure construction, the continuous promotion of cloud computing, blockchain and other technology applications, enterprises in manufacturing and other industries have significantly increased their efforts to go to the cloud and use the cloud, and the trend of going to the chain and using the chain is gradually emerging.

Experts said that as an important engine of the digital economy, the Internet, based on its penetration and diffusion effects, promotes the integration of new applications, new scenarios, new models and new formats, promotes the steady development of digital industrialization and industry digitalization, and provides inexhaustible power for high-quality economic development. (Yiyan)


China's digital infrastructure construction has continued to consolidate, and the digital economy has become an important pillar to stabilize growth, promote transformation, and ensure people's livelihood. Experts said that as an important engine of the digital economy, the Internet, based on its penetration and diffusion effects, promotes the integration of new applications, new scenarios, new models and new formats, promotes the steady development of digital industrialization and industry digitalization, and provides inexhaustible power for high-quality economic development.


The report shows that as of June 2022, the number of Internet users in China is 1.051 billion, and the Internet penetration rate is 74.4%, which is 1.4 percentage points higher than the new 19.19 million Internet users in December 2021. The Internet infrastructure has been fully covered, realizing "5G connectivity in counties and broadband connectivity in villages", and promoting the Internet penetration rate in rural areas to increase by 1.2 percentage points from December 2021 to 58.8%.