Local life is changing in the short video era Explore new scenarios for life services
Time: 2022-08-22 08:02:20    Source: China Business Daily   
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After Meituan quickly reached the strategic cooperation on connectivity at the end of last year, Elema and Douyin also chose to "keep warm together". On August 19, Elema and Diaoyin jointly announced that they had reached cooperation. So far, in the era of short video, the local life service has officially bid farewell to fighting alone and entered a new stage of group warfare.

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The cooperation of Elemo and Diaoyin has cast a new "bomb" on the local life service industry.

The two sides said that they would work together to explore a new scenario for upgrading local life services, deeply connect businesses and consumers through high-quality content, rich goods and efficient logistics distribution, and bring a new experience of local life of "seeing, clicking, and reaching" in the video era.

According to the cooperation, Hunglema will be open based on dithering flat With small programs as the carrier, together with Tiao Yin, through a wealth of product scenarios and technical capabilities, it helps millions of businesses provide 600 million Tiao Yin Daily Life users with local life services ranging from grass planting, online ordering to instant delivery. The two sides will jointly invest more innovative resources to support the development of local life businesses and better meet consumers' immediate needs for urban life.

"We are looking forward to helping the life service industry to explore the video business and help small and medium-sized businesses to better develop together with Ezema. In the future, we also hope that we can open up through dithering flat Taiwan, together with more partners, to create greater value for users. " Zhang Nan, CEO of Diaoyin Group, said that Diaoyin was open flat The station is an important bridge for Ditto to connect partners and users. Ditto hopes to bring more abundant and diversified information, goods and services to users through cooperation with Elema.

Yu Yongfu, CEO of Alibaba Local Life Service Company, said that the cooperation with Diaoyin is a new start. He believed that this cooperation will further improve the digital business ability of merchants, bring new experience of local life services to consumers, and bring new space for the upgrading and development of the whole industry. "The two sides will adhere to the concept of openness and win-win, and contribute to building a more healthy and sustainable local living ecology."

It is worth noting that Meituan has already cooperated with another short video before Hungleman and Diaoyin joined hands flat Taiwan express hands to cooperate. On December 27 last year, Meituan and Fasthand reached strategic connectivity cooperation. Meituan will open in fast hand flat The Meituan applet on the platform provides Meituan merchants with complete service capabilities such as package, voucher, reservation and other commodity display, online transaction and after-sales service, and quick users will be able to access through Meituan applet. At present, by searching for "Meituan" on the Fasthand App, you can directly access Meituan applet to enjoy various functions.

From fighting alone to fighting in groups

Some market voices believe that the combination of Hunglema and Tiaoyin is a confrontation between Meituan and Fasthand. However, some insiders believe that the two major takeaways flat TV and two short videos flat Taiwan's cooperation follows the trend.

In and out flat Before the cooperation with Taiwan, two short videos, dithering and fast hand flat Taidu has tried to do its own local life business.

In 2018, Diaoyin began to explore the life service business. In 2020, Diaoyin will continue to lay out its local life service business and set up a local direct business center. In March of the same year, Douyin upgraded its enterprise account and launched the group purchase function. At that time, Meituan and Elema also launched the local takeout applet in Douyin, and attached the order entry on the brand's home page. Users can directly click to jump. In November of the same year, Diaoyin launched the "catering support plan", and in December, Diaoyin released the first "exciting restaurants" list. In 2021, the local page of the Tiao Yin App will change. It can be found in the first and second tier cities such as Hangzhou, Beijing, and Shanghai that the "city name+eating, drinking, and having fun" area has been added to its home page, which is the original group purchase entrance.

In addition, Diaoyin also covets the business of selling goods to the outside world. In July 2021, the small program of "Heart Taking Delivery" was once considered as a signal of its large-scale attack on the takeaway market. Later, in September, the internal test of the takeaway function was started in the live broadcast room. However, only a month later, Diaoyin denied the rumor of "carrying out takeout business", and now "exciting takeout" can no longer be searched.

Fast hand has also made great efforts in local life. May 2021, fast flat Taiwan has fully opened the entrance to the same city, as well as special group purchase, list recommendation and other sectors. According to quick data, more than 140 million users visit the operator's homepage every day. Short video live broadcast represented by Fasthand flat Taiwan has also become the mainstream content consumption mode, and has brought new demand scenarios and growth possibilities to the local life service industry.

In contrast, Meituan and Enlimi have tried live broadcast business. Meituan launched the "live travel" for the opening of scenic spots and the "live kangaroo" taught by Meituan University lecturers as early as April 2020; In July, a special live broadcast activity of "One Thousand and One Nights" was held; In November of the same year, for the medical beauty business WeChat The applet goes online "Meituan Mlive Live". In April this year, Meituan launched its free launch tool "Meituan Live Assistant" for merchants and talent. Hungrier has tried to broadcast live in the kitchen of the restaurant, mainly focusing on the safety of takeout food.

After various attempts, two local life service giants and two short video giants have now moved from fighting alone to fighting in groups. "This can be said to be an inevitable trend." Lai Yang, the chief expert of the research base of Beijing International Trade Center, told the China Business Daily reporter, "Consumers are increasingly pursuing real-time communication and experience of shopping, short videos such as dithering and quick hand flat Taiwan has advantages in this respect. But they want to do a good job in local life services, and have a deep accumulation of local life services flat Compared with Taiwan, there is still a big gap. " He believes that this cooperation belongs to the mutual benefit, "local life service flat Taiwan has the ability to integrate resources, short video flat Taiwan can connect with emerging consumption Xi A habitual crowd. "

Local life ushers in new changes

In the era when brushing short videos has become the daily life of many people, short videos flat The combination of Taiwan and local life services has become inevitable.

"There are a lot of food videos on Diaoyin, including food broadcast and shop exploration, and when you see them, you will want to place an order." Ms. Liu, a Beijing consumer, told China Business Daily that she originally liked to buy some coupons on Meituan, but now she mainly buys them in Diaoyin. "Not only delicious food, but also water park, homestay, etc. The coupons on Tiaoyin are very cheap."

Many consumers told reporters that the traditional local life service flat Short video flat Taiwan's impulse to buy coupons will be stronger. "For example, if I want to go to an amusement park, I have to go to other social activities alone before flat Search on the stage, do some homework, and then decide whether to go flat Taiwan bought coupons. But short video flat There are short videos and live broadcasts on TV, so you can see the scene of the amusement park intuitively. When watching the video, a link to buy coupons will pop up below, and I will place an order directly. " Said Ms. Wang, a Shanghai consumer.

The reporter of China Business Daily can search for "Meituan" on the quick hand, and can also directly access the Meituan applet and enjoy various services of Meituan. However, there is no takeaway service for Meituan service on the fast hand applet at present. While searching for "hungry?" on the twitter, I haven't seen the small program of "hungry?" yet. Connected near People related to Hungry Mall said that the Hungry Mall applet has not been launched yet.

"In fact, what we are looking forward to is the online delivery service, but the cooperation between Meituan and Fasthand has not yet been reflected, and now it is mainly the flow cooperation of pushing coupons." An industry insider told reporters that the main content of the cooperation between Hungleman and Diaoyin is "seeing, clicking, and arriving". How the subsequent landing is still to be tested by the market and time.

There is no doubt that the local life services coveted by many giants are still a huge cake today. According to the data of iResearch, the scale of China's local life service market will be 19.5 trillion yuan in 2020, and will grow to 35.3 trillion yuan by 2025. The online penetration rate of local life service will also increase from 24.3% in 2020 to 30.8% in 2025.

In addition, according to the 49th Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China released by China Internet Network Information Center, as of December 2021, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.032 billion, including 934 million short video users.

In the era of short video, the reporters of China Business Daily will continue to pay attention to how short video has brought about changes in local life services, and how the tycoons work together in pairs. (Reporter Ran Longnan)