The second round of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Gansu Division) was held online to tap the investment value of enterprises
Time: 2022-08-16 09:05:49    Source: Lanzhou Daily   
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On August 15, the reporter learned from the Department of Science and Technology of Gansu Province that the 11th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Gansu Division) was held online near The full yen ends. near Through video defense, 200 enterprises in Gansu successively entered the competition. After five days of struggle, 61 winners were finally selected, including 16 in the start-up group and 45 in the growth group.

Guided by the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the competition was co sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology of Gansu Province, the Development and Reform Commission of Gansu Province, and co hosted by the High tech Entrepreneurship Service Center of Gansu Province and the Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Incubation Association of Gansu Province, aiming to focus on the "strong science and technology" action, enhance the supply of innovation services, and explore enterprises investment Value, promote enterprise financing and development, promote science and technology, industry finance good nature Recycle, create a good scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship ecology, and help improve the industrial modernization of Gansu Province flat

The second round will be held from August 8 to 12, laying the arena on the cloud investment , technology, management and other aspects of the five judges formed an expert review team, from the technology and products, business model and implementation plan, industry and market, team, financial analysis and other aspects of the enterprise competition project professional review, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions for entrepreneurs. The semi-finals are based on the principle of "public flat , fair, open and competitive ", near The 200 participating enterprises carried out 8-minute online roadshows and 7-minute interactive Q&A one by one. The expert review team scored on the spot, and the final score and current ranking of the participating enterprises were determined on the spot.

The finals of this competition in Gansu will be held online from August 23 to 24, 2022, and the first, second and third prizes and outstanding enterprise awards of this competition in Gansu will be produced. (Li Dan, full media reporter of Lanzhou Daily)