Fully defend against typhoon "Sula"
Time: 2023-09-12 10:06:10    Source: China County Economic Daily   
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The ninth typhoon of this year, "Sura", is threatening. Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, as a coastal city, will be affected by strong winds and heavy rains. In order to actively respond to the safety risks brought by typhoon, the Party Committee of Jiangmen Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China has always tightened its security, made every effort to do well in typhoon prevention, and ensured the safety of office buildings and employees.

Pay high attention to the responsibility of compaction. The leaders of the Jiangmen Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China attached great importance to it, held a special meeting at the first time, deployed typhoon prevention work according to the safety guidelines of the provincial branch, line by line and responsibility, made emergency response plans in advance, and achieved early warning, early preparation and early prevention. At the same time, we will transmit the officially released typhoon path, precautions for typhoon prevention, and Common Sense of Flood Prevention and Rainstorm Self rescue to customers, employees, and retired cadres in real time through LED rolling display of warning slogans, work group release of information and other forms, popularize knowledge of flood prevention and disaster avoidance, and enhance the ability of disaster prevention and self rescue.

Prepare in advance and investigate hidden dangers. On the one hand, the leaders of the Bank personally directed the inspection of electricity, water and fire use in the business hall, power distribution room, machine room, kitchen and other key areas, flushed the sewers, reinforced the low-lying areas of the Bank with flood control sandbags, and transferred important equipment and materials to safe highlands in advance to ensure the safety of personnel, important vouchers, important files, equipment, etc; On the other hand, the logistics department counts and replenishes emergency supplies, such as sandbags, flashlights, drinking water, dry food, etc., to ensure that emergency supplies are abundant and available during the typhoon.

Reasonably arrange and improve emergency response capability. During the typhoon transit period, the logistics department designates personnel to continuously track the typhoon warning signals issued by the meteorological department and the official media to help employees get the latest typhoon trends in a timely manner. The bank leaders played an exemplary role, took the lead to be on duty, and strictly implemented the 24-hour duty system. At the same time, the duty force shall be strengthened to ensure that the security personnel are on duty with two persons and two posts per shift, keep the information communication unblocked, and ensure that emergencies can be found, handled and reported in time during the typhoon, and do a good job of rescue work at any time. (Reporter Fu Xidi, Correspondent Yin Kaiqi)

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