Do a good job of grid "three members" grass-roots governance to help revitalization
Time: 10:11:11, September 12, 2023    Source: China County Economic Daily   
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Understanding social conditions and public opinions, publicizing policies and regulations, investigating potential safety hazards, carrying out environmental sanitation renovation, and mediating neighborhood disputes... These are considered trivial matters, which are regarded as "major events" by small grid workers in villages (communities) of Hongya County, Sichuan Province. Every day, they shuttled around village and group farmers and fields to face the masses and solve specific problems one by one in the "last meter".

To revitalize the countryside, governance must go first. In recent years, Hongya County has divided 2184 "small grids" for grass root management based on 30 demonstration households and geographical landform. By means of personal recommendation, mass selection, and demotion of cadres, "small grid members" are elected, and "grid members are elected online, and grid affairs are handled online" is promoted. The masses are effectively organized, resources are coordinated, and the "last meter" of grassroots governance is opened up. A new pattern of grassroots social governance is built to jointly build, jointly govern, and share, so as to pool strong joint forces for rural revitalization.

Get familiar with the situation and be a good "informant" of the masses

(Data map)

If you want to be a qualified small grid member, you must first understand the basic information of the residents in detail, so as to know the people, the households and the things.

The fifth group of small grid in Lianhe Village, Zhongbao Town, has many migrant workers, as well as some elderly and disabled people living alone. After Li Jun, a small grid member, was elected, in order to find out the family situation of each household and avoid the time when the residents were not at home, he used the "staggered working method" to conduct household visits. For villagers who go out to work, they can learn about their families by calling and sending WeChat messages.

"Uncle Huang's hair is long, so we can arrange time to have it cut" "Aunt Li's rice can be harvested, and there is a lack of labor force, so we need help" "Uncle Wen's time for physical examination has come, and he will come here to measure his blood pressure this week"... Li Jun counts the various needs of the masses, and at the same time sends personnel to provide services according to the actual situation.

The work of the small grid staff is trivial and ordinary. It is necessary to find all kinds of problems in the information collection in time to lay a good foundation for the follow-up work. In order to effectively expand the information collection channels within the grid and improve the efficiency of information flow and disposal, Hongya County optimized the grid layout and comprehensively promoted the "micro connected center" platform of the small grid. The small grid staff collected and reported the urgent problems of the masses in real time. The village (community), town party committee, comprehensive law enforcement branch, county grid service center and relevant functional departments handled within the time limit according to their responsibilities and authorities, Realize the online circulation and handling of the whole process of reporting, accepting, supervising and assessing events within the grid, improve the efficiency of the circulation and handling of grid event information, and timely address the public's demands.

Be the "propagandist" of the masses with heart and emotion

At present, it is the rice harvest season, and the prohibition of straw burning is particularly critical. Lu Yan, a grid worker in Shimiao Village, Hongchuan Town, shuttled around the fields to carry out publicity on the harm of straw burning and related anti burning policies.

In daily life, the small grid staff incarnate as "propagandists" and adopt the "online+offline" approach to strengthen publicity. On line, through WeChat groups and friend circles, we continue to push and forward the content of policies for the benefit of the people, weather forecast, anti crime, anti telecommunications fraud, changing customs, gas safety, flood control and flood prevention; Offline, by going through the streets, entering villages and households, sitting on the same bench and talking with the masses, telling grid stories in plain language and vivid cases, promoting anti fraud knowledge, protecting the people's "money bags", narrowing the distance between each other, and improving the sense of gain, happiness and security of the masses.

The "waiter" who works hard on his legs and hands

One grain of millet planted in spring and ten thousand seeds harvested in autumn. At present, it is the golden season for rice harvest. In the farmland of Liang Kaihua, a villager in Group 2 of Qilong Village, Dongyue Town, the gridsmen and volunteers are busy helping to harvest rice.

Liang Kaihua was unable to do heavy agricultural work because of illness. Seeing that the autumn harvest was coming, he was worried that the rice would not be returned. The grid staff shall report the situation to the village committee in a timely manner. Then, the village committee learned to verify and timely arranged several grid workers and volunteers to provide door-to-door services to help Liang Kaihua and other villagers in need of help to harvest rice.

In the golden rice wave, the grid workers and volunteers were busy cutting rice, threshing, packing, carrying bags, drying, and working together to help the villagers harvest more than 10 mu of rice.

Looking at the rice grains returning to the warehouse, Liang Kaihua was very grateful to the grid clerk: "Thank you for your help. It's really great!"

Small grid, great responsibility; Be a small grid and serve the people's livelihood. The masses look at it and remember it in their hearts. They said of the grid members: "They are more diligent than they are, and deserve our full trust!" (reporter Qi Yuan, correspondent Zhou Yuqin)

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