Announcement on Recruitment of Non staff Personnel by Zizhong County Emergency Management Bureau of Neijiang City in 2023
Time: 2023-09-08 16:57:14    Source: Leading foreign exchange network   
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On September 8, 2023, from the website of public institution recruitment and examination: According to the work needs, Zizhong County Emergency Management Bureau will open the recruitment of non staff personnel to the whole county. The announcement is as follows.

[Data Map]

1、 Recruitment principles

According to the standard of both ability and integrity, adhere to the principle of open, equal, competitive and merit based recruitment, adopt open registration, and adopt the method of interview for merit based recruitment.

2、 Recruitment quantity

5 persons, male or female. If the number of effective applicants is less than 10, the recruitment quantity shall be determined according to the ratio of 1:2 (rounded off).

3、 Recruitment conditions

1. Have good political quality and moral character;

2. Have the household registration or permanent residence in Zizhong County (long-term residence certificate shall be submitted when applying);

3. College degree or above, majors in emergency management, hazardous chemicals, mining, Chinese language and literature are preferred under the same conditions;

4. Aged over 21 and under 40 (born from September 7, 1983 to September 7, 2002);

5. Be in good health and able to perform job responsibilities normally;

6. Under any of the following circumstances, no application will be made:

(1) Having received criminal punishment, public security punishment or disciplinary punishment;

(2) Suspected of violating discipline and laws, being examined but not concluded;

(3) Violating social morality and professional ethics, causing adverse effects;

(4) Others are not suitable for emergency management.

4、 Recruitment procedures

(1) Registration and qualification review

1. Registration time: 2023 to September 8 to September 14, 2023 (9:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00 p.m. on weekdays).

2. Place of application: Human Resources Market of Zizhong County (Hall on the first floor of the Human Resources and Social Security Comprehensive Service Center).

3. Registration requirements: The applicant shall register on site, provide his/her household register, ID card and graduation certificate, and submit a copy of the above certificates. Fill in the Registration Form for Non staff Personnel of Zizhong County Emergency Management Bureau truthfully and accurately, and submit two recent one inch bareheaded certificate photos.

(2) Examination

1. Examination method: interview, with a total score of 100 points.

2. The interview time and place will be notified later.

(3) Political review and physical examination

1. The political review and physical examination personnel shall be determined according to the interview scores from high to low.

2. The county employment service center shall organize political review and physical examination. After passing the political examination, they will enter the physical examination. The physical examination shall be carried out in accordance with the General Standards for Physical Examination of Civil Servants (Trial), and the medical examination fees shall be borne by themselves.

3. Those who fail to pass the political review and physical examination will not be employed, and they will be supplemented according to their comprehensive scores.

(4) Employment and treatment

1. Qualified personnel shall sign labor employment contract with Zizhong County Labor Development Co., Ltd. for a probation period of two months. The term of the contract is 3 years. After the expiration of the contract, both parties can renew the employment contract through consultation.

2. Treatment: (1) According to the minimum wage standard of Neijiang in 2022, which will be adjusted according to the minimum wage standard of Neijiang; (2) Participate in social insurance according to relevant regulations. (3) Provide relevant work subsidies according to work conditions.

Zizhong County Emergency Management Bureau

September 7, 2023

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