Use expired ingredients for primary school lunch? Notice of Wuxi Liangxi District Education Bureau
Time: 2023-09-09 13:20:59    Source: My client   
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On September 9, the Education Bureau of Liangxi District, Wuxi issued a notice: At 14:50 on September 8, 2023, some netizens reported that Lianyuan Street Primary School in our district used expired ingredients for lunch. After receiving the relevant reports, our bureau attached great importance to it, quickly went to the school to learn about the relevant situation, and immediately contacted the market supervision, public security and other departments where the enterprises involved were located to carry out investigation.

At 3:44 a.m. on September 9, Huishan District Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice of investigation: the investigators carefully reviewed the on-site operation video, repeatedly checked the purchase bills, on-site physical inventory, used discarded packaging boxes, etc., and made serious inquiries about the enterprise's on-site leader, Mr. Yan, and the handling employee, Mr. Tong, who uploaded pictures of food materials. According to the preliminary investigation, the ingredients on that day were named "oiled beef fillet", with a specification of 15Kg/box, and the production date was September 5, 2023, with a shelf life of 12 months. They were purchased on September 7, 2023. On September 8, 2023, they were sent to Wuxi Huishan Branch of Wuxi Baolan Student Catering Service Co., Ltd., a total of 44 cases. 33 cases were used on that day, and 11 cases remained in the refrigerator. There was no use of expired ingredients. The pictures of beef fillets produced on November 19 and 23, 2021 were posted online, and the creation time was March 28, 2022. Upon inquiry, Tong, an employee of the enterprise, was late for work and had a time limit for uploading photos. In order to "save time and make pictures convenient", he did not go to the cold storage site to take photos of the food ingredients of the day. In a hurry, he adopted a very irresponsible attitude, searched the above beef willow image files that existed in the computer before and uploaded them.

According to the above investigation report of Huishan District Market Supervision Bureau, there was no use of expired ingredients for lunch in Lianyuan Street Primary School on September 8. However, this incident also revealed the problems in our work: the inspection of relevant food material pictures was not timely, and the supervision was not in place, which caused parents' concern, for which we deeply blamed ourselves. We will further improve the mechanism and make immediate rectification. For the problems exposed in the internal management of Baolan Company, the school was instructed to suspend its cooperation and reassess.

Food safety is a top priority for students' health. The growth of children in school affects the hearts of parents, and children's lunch is always related to each dish and soup. We will further firmly establish the sense of responsibility, go all out to strengthen the defense line of campus food safety, so that every child can have a safe meal.

Sincerely thank the netizens for their concern for Liangxi's education! We sincerely welcome parents, teachers and students to supervise us more!

(Source: "Liangxi Education" WeChat official account)

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