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Time: 2023-09-08 20:42:02    Source: Baidu News   
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Recently, the sour plum soup suddenly exploded!

(Data picture)

Young people are keen to go to the Chinese pharmacy to make sour plum soup

Chinese medicine hospitals in some provinces and cities in China

There has been a shortage of sour plum soup

Sour Plum Soup in a local TCM hospital

And went on a hot search

It is reported that the number of orders has soared

Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

One more piece of sour plum soup

More than 60000 posts were sold inside and outside the hospital

Figure/Official Wechat of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The hospital is currently out of stock

Urgent replenishment in progress

At noon on September 6, when the reporter inquired about the purchase of drugs, it still showed that "there is no stock"

"Yesterday, a patient bought 99 bags of sour plum soup at one go, saying that he was taking it for others." Lian Weiwei, the physician in charge of the internal medicine department of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was impressed by this. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the key point of health preservation in autumn is to nourish yin and moisten dryness while nourishing yang. Sour plum soup is a good prescription to prevent autumn dryness.

In the afternoon of September 5

Staff of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine told reporters

Recently, many young people have come to buy sour plum soup

They didn't expect it

But now I want to buy

Still have to wait

"It is estimated that it will take three days for goods to be ready"

It is understood that the supply of sour plum soup has exceeded the demand in some provinces and cities of China's traditional Chinese medicine hospitals. In Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the same is true. Many Chinese medicine stores can not only provide sour plum soup, but also buy fresh sour plum soup. Some pharmacies do not have the ready made formula of sour plum soup, so they need to provide their own formal prescriptions. Others have the prescriptions recommended by Chinese pharmacists, which saves a lot of trouble.

In a traditional Chinese medicine store in Chengdu, the herbalist placed a prescription of sour plum soup in a prominent position on the counter.

Many people also buy in Wuhan. According to the Changjiang Daily, the reporter found on social media that many netizens in Wuhan posted videos showing the whole process of purchasing raw materials, making and tasting sour plum soup in traditional Chinese medicine stores.

Why does the common sour plum soup explode in summer?

The doctor said that in autumn, the body fluid is insufficient. The sour black plum and hawthorn combined with liquorice can turn sour and sweet into yin, which is better than eating fruit - because most fruits are cold in nature, and they are not friendly to people with spleen and stomach deficiency. Many people will have gastrointestinal dysfunction after eating fruit, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, etc.

"Sour Plum Soup is not cold and harmful to the stomach. It is suitable for all ages. It can be taken all the year round. It is also very suitable for modern people who often stay up late and are prone to yin deficiency." Lian Weiwei has received more patients with spleen and stomach diseases in clinical work, and most of them are weak and cold, so he should eat less raw and cold food at ordinary times.

Compared with autumn pears in the season, Lian Weiwei will recommend patients to follow up with Suanmei decoction when taking Chinese medicine during the propaganda and education period, which can alleviate dry mouth, dry lips and dry throat in autumn. In addition to Suanmei decoction, lotus seeds, yams, etc. are also good choices at this time, with the effect of tonifying spleen yin.

Why did the common sour plum soup in summer explode this year?

The doctor believes that this may be related to the fact that contemporary young people pay more attention to health care. Under the pressure of high intensity work, how to "stay alone" during the fragmented time has always been the focus topic. If you have good spleen and stomach function, you can certainly choose "coffee for life"; If the spleen and stomach are weak, you might as well keep in good health. It is also proud and stubborn to use sour plum soup instead of plain water.

"The use habits of traditional Chinese medicine are different in different regions. Our store has not specified the use of sour plum soup for the time being, and we are always taking prescriptions." A drugstore operator said that the weather is getting cold at this time, and it has entered the golden autumn nourishing season. Recently, it is obvious that people's health care needs are getting warmer. Many neighborhoods will diagnose themselves and then go to the drugstore to buy some traditional Chinese medicine home for conditioning, "Self dispensed prescriptions" are becoming more and more common.

"There are three kinds of poisons. Many Chinese medicinal materials have certain toxicity. It is suggested that citizens should not make their own prescriptions. It is better to consult a doctor or pharmacist." He warned.

Source: China News Network, Hangzhou Daily, @ Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changjiang Daily

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