Today's intraday break through the annual line of individual stocks
Time: 2023-09-08 12:29:29    Source: Securities Times   
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According to the statistics of Securities Times · Databao, as of the close of this morning, the Shanghai Composite Index stood at 3108.84 points, up or down by - 0.43% to close below the annual line, and the total turnover of A-shares was 405.729 billion yuan. Up to now, there are 64 A-shares whose prices have broken the annual line. Among them, Gauss Bell, Dawn Airlines, Guofeng New Material, etc. have a large deviation rate, which is 9.13%, 6.03% and 5.37% respectively; The deviation rate of individual stocks such as SPIRO Information, Yangpu Medical and Huasheng Shares is small, just standing on the previous year's line.

On September 8, breaking the annual line, ranking of individual stocks' deviation rate

Securities code Securities Abbreviation Rise and fall today (%) Turnover rate today (%) Annual line (yuan) Latest price (yuan) Deviation rate (%)
002848 Gosbel nine point nine nine six point eight four ten point two nine eleven point two three nine point one three
three hundred thousand five hundred and eighty-one Dawn Airlines ten point eight nine seven point nine seven ten point seven five eleven point four zero six point zero three
000859 Guofeng New Material ten point zero six two point eight three five point five zero five point eight zero five point three seven
three hundred thousand one hundred and thirty-one Yingtang Intelligent Control six point two five five point one eight five point three four five point six one five point one zero
three hundred thousand eight hundred and six Siddick eight point three zero two point three one eighteen point five two nineteen point four five five point zero four
002642 Ronglian Technology ten point zero four eleven point six seven seven point four nine seven point seven eight three point eight five
six hundred and three thousand and seventy-eight Jiang Huawei four point zero eight five point two five seventeen point two four seventeen point eight six three point five eight
002418 Kangsheng Shares ten two point nine five three point zero eight three point one nine three point five seven
001268 United Precision ten six point two two twenty-three point five three twenty-four point three one three point three two
000851 Gaohong Shares nine point six three four point nine three five point five two five point six nine three point one three
six hundred thousand three hundred and twenty-seven Great East two point seven eight one point four three four point six nine four point eight zero two point three six
six hundred thousand five hundred and fifty-two Capvision Technology three point eight two one point one four ten point eight nine eleven point one four two point three two
three hundred thousand three hundred and fifty-three Dongtu Technology three point four four two point three one ten point eight eight eleven point one three two point two eight
three hundred thousand three hundred and forty-six Nanda Optoelectronics three point four one five point one seven thirty-two point nine zero thirty-three point six two two point one seven
three hundred thousand five hundred and four Tianyi Shares three point zero eight one point six eight seventeen point six eight eighteen point zero six two point one seven
three hundred and one thousand two hundred and fifty-seven Prius two point two six two point three nine fifty-six point six seven fifty-seven point eight six two point one zero
000905 Xiamen Port one point nine nine one point one six seven point five four seven point six nine one point nine nine
three hundred and one thousand and seventy-five Dorui Pharmaceutical two point one nine three point three nine twenty-six point six three twenty-seven point zero five one point five eight
three hundred thousand three hundred and twenty-two Shuobed three point four zero four point six nine eight point three eight eight point five one one point five zero
three hundred thousand eight hundred and forty-seven Zhongchuan Hanguang one point eight six one point three one seventeen point three three seventeen point five seven one point four one
001229 Meishi Technology one point nine four one point seven five thirty-one point one four thirty-one point five three one point two four
003009 Zhongtian Rocket one point four four two point five nine forty-six point six three forty-seven point one five one point one one
six hundred thousand eight hundred and thirty Fragrant and harmonious one point one four zero point seven three six point one two six point one nine one point zero nine
three hundred thousand and seventy-nine Digital video five point four four two point six two five point seven five five point eight one one point zero nine
three hundred thousand and ninety-eight Gao Xinxing one point four two one point zero two three point five two three point five six one point zero eight
002148 North Latitude Technology one point one seven one point zero five five point nine nine six point zero five one point zero two
six hundred thousand three hundred and fifty-five Protamine electron one point four six one point three seven three point four four three point four seven zero point eight eight
three hundred thousand nine hundred and two Guoanda two point zero three one point one four thirty-three point three seven thirty-three point six five zero point eight five
three hundred and one thousand and twenty-three Jiangnan Yifan one point zero one one point three eight forty-one point five eight forty-one point nine three zero point eight four
002403 Aishida zero point nine one zero point nine six eight point seven six eight point eight three zero point eight two
000702 Zhenghong Technology one point two zero one point two three five point eight four five point eight eight zero point seven zero
six hundred thousand five hundred and ninety Taihao Technology zero point seven seven zero point three eight six point five four six point five eight zero point six eight
six hundred thousand four hundred and nine Sanyou Chemical zero point six five zero point three eight six point one three six point one seven zero point six three
002576 Tongda Power one point zero nine one point three nine sixteen point six one sixteen point seven one zero point six three
three hundred thousand six hundred and thirty-two Guangpu Shares one point zero one zero point five eight eleven point nine five twelve point zero two zero point six zero
eight hundred and thirty-six thousand one hundred and forty-nine Xujie Technology three point zero seven one point two two four point zero one four point zero three zero point five nine
six hundred and five thousand two hundred and eighteen Weishi Electronics zero point six one zero point nine four fourteen point six five fourteen point seven three zero point five seven
six hundred thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven Kailuan Shares zero point nine three zero point five four six point four six six point five zero zero point five six
six hundred thousand seven hundred and ninety Textile City one point one nine zero point two nine four point two two four point two four zero point four eight
six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two Akoli zero point five six zero point two four forty-six point four two forty-six point six zero zero point three eight
001210 Jinfang Energy zero point three eight zero point seven four twenty point nine five twenty-one point zero three zero point three seven
six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine Azure creature one point nine two zero point three three thirteen point seven five thirteen point eight zero zero point three six
six hundred thousand two hundred and three Furi Electronics two point one six three point five two six point one four six point one six zero point three three
002322 Science, Engineering and Energy Department zero point four one zero point five two nine point eight six nine point eight nine zero point three one
six hundred thousand one hundred and twenty Zhejiang Dongfang zero point seven nine zero point three two three point eight one three point eight two zero point two eight
000757 Haowu Shares zero point four seven zero point five eight four point two three four point two four zero point two seven
six hundred thousand one hundred and seventy-eight Dong'an Power zero point four seven zero point two one six point four two six point four four zero point two seven
three hundred and one thousand and eighty-two Jiusheng Electric zero point seven five zero point nine seven seventeen point three seven seventeen point four one zero point two five
three hundred thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine Huali Group zero point nine three zero point two six fifty point eight four fifty point nine seven zero point two five
three hundred thousand and sixty-six Sanchuan Wisdom zero point three eight zero point two six five point three four five point three five zero point two three
six hundred thousand four hundred and ninety Pengxin Resources zero point three zero zero point five two three point three seven three point three eight zero point two three
three hundred thousand five hundred and ninety-eight Chengmai Technology two point six nine three point four two forty-nine point nine eight fifty point zero nine zero point two three
three hundred and one thousand three hundred and eighteen Wiehead one point six two one point five three thirty-two point six one thirty-two point six eight zero point two zero
000035 Chinese parasitica zero point seven nine zero point one six five point one two five point one three zero point two zero
three hundred thousand nine hundred and seventy-six Darui Electronics zero point seven four zero point eight six forty-seven point four three forty-seven point five two zero point one nine
002664 Xinzhi Group zero point six six zero point two five thirteen point eight one thirteen point eight three zero point one eight
six hundred and three thousand seven hundred and sixteen Seli Medical zero point three seven three point seven zero ten point eight four ten point eight five zero point one two
three hundred and one thousand one hundred and thirty-five Red Intelligence zero point four eight one point three eight twenty-four point eight seven twenty-four point eight nine zero point one zero
six hundred and three thousand nine hundred and twelve cantal zero point seven seven zero point five four nine point one four nine point one five zero point one zero
three hundred thousand one hundred and fifty-three Ketai Power Supply zero point five one zero point three seven seven point eight one seven point eight two zero point zero eight
002446 Shenglu Communication two point zero six three point seven zero nine point four one nine point four two zero point zero seven
six hundred thousand one hundred and fifty-six Huasheng Shares zero point eight six zero point six four four point six eight four point six eight zero point zero seven
three hundred thousand and thirty Yangpu Medical Treatment one point eight four zero point seven four seven point two zero seven point two zero zero point zero five
three hundred thousand three hundred and twenty-four Polar information one point nine five one point two one three point one three three point one three zero point zero three

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