The girl diagnosed cancer after 00 is all because of this bad habit
Time: 2023-09-08 11:20:35    Source: Wenzhou Network   
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"Staying up late is thyroid longevity"

(Data pictures are for reference only)

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It resonated with many netizens.

Some netizens feel helpless:

"On the night shift, I have to endure if I don't want to."

"Parents with babies!

This question must be done. "

High pressure leads to decreased immunity

Thyroid disease follows

Why do you stay up late every time

Are you wasting your thyroid's life?

Professor Fu Yongqing, Thyroid Surgery Department of Zhejiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that thyroid diseases are closely related to the body's resistance and immune system. Staying up late will lead to the disorder of the biological clock, the resistance of the human body will decline, the immunity of the body will also decline, and thyroid disease may follow.

How does TCM treat it

"It's your thyroid that stayed up all night"?

Wei Jiaping, chief physician of the Endocrinology Department of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that from 11:00 to 1:00 in the morning is the midnight, that is, the time when the gallbladder meridian recuperates; From 1 to 3 in the morning is the ugly time, that is, when the liver meridian recuperates. If you stay up late in these two periods of time and miss the time when the liver and gallbladder meridian recuperate, you will have gall disease (that is, thyroid disease in Western medicine).

"I can't help myself!"

26 year old girl suffers from hyperthyroidism after staying up late for a long time

Pingping, 26, has worked for three years. Since she worked, she often worked overtime until midnight. It's normal for her to go to bed at 2:00 or 3:00.

When she came to Director Wei's office for consultation, she had been afraid of heat, sweating, irritable, uncontrollable, flustered, shaking hands and other symptoms for more than a month. In the company, she often can't control her temper and can't help cursing. She usually sleeps badly and is not easy to fall asleep.

Director Wei confirmed that Pingping's symptoms were typical hyperthyroidism, and the patients with hyperthyroidism were typical of liver depression and fever. Now many young people suddenly appeared irritable, afraid of heat, sweaty, and abnormal heart rate, which may be the symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Thyroid cancer was found in college

What thyroid nodules need surgery?

When Xiao Ling, a 19-year-old girl, had just entered college, she was found to have thyroid cancer during her physical examination. Professor Fu found after inquiry that Xiaoling usually lives irregularly, often stays up late and likes to eat some greasy food, so she is also fat. Fortunately, Xiaoling's thyroid cancer was early and she recovered well after the operation.

Xiaoyu, 20, has a similar experience. He is more serious than Xiaoling. When he came to the hospital, he had difficulty in exhaling. When he went to bed, he made serious noises, which even affected his parents who slept next door. Through thyroid B ultrasound examination, Xiaoyu's airway was severely compressed by thyroid tumor. "The original unobstructed airway was compressed to a very narrow gap, so he had difficulty exhaling and snoring seriously," said Professor Fu. After the operation, Xiaoyu finally returned to normal and was able to exhale smoothly.

Comparison diagram of airway before and after Xiaoyu's operation. (Picture provided by the hospital)

Collection! Check your thyroid like this

Data shows that there are more than 200 million patients with thyroid diseases in China, and the incidence of thyroid diseases in women is higher than that in men.

Thyroid nodules refer to abnormal hyperplasia of thyroid cells caused by various reasons, resulting in abnormal hyperplasia masses in thyroid tissue, which can be divided into benign and malignant. Most patients have no clinical symptoms, and a few nodules can cause hoarseness, dyspnea and other symptoms.

Thyroid nodules are very common in clinical practice, which are mostly related to irrational diet, high pressure, obesity, heredity and other factors. It is common in women, the elderly and people with family history. Today's ultrasound technology is far more accurate and sensitive than in the past. Even small nodules of 1-2mm can be clearly detected, and the detection rate has increased from 8% to 76%.

Although the detection rate is high,

But the thyroid nodule is not as scary as I thought,

Most thyroid nodules are benign,

Don't worry too much,

Only 5% - 15%

Thyroid nodules were malignant tumors.

How can we check our thyroid gland?

One stop: stand in front of the mirror and relax.

Second, observe your neck to see if it changes, thickens and bulges.

Three touch: place your thumb and other four fingers on both sides of the trachea, touch gently with your finger pulp, and feel whether there is a lump and whether the lump is moving.

IV Swallowing: Try to swallow saliva and feel whether there is a lump and whether the lump moves up and down with swallowing.

Original title: The girl after 00 diagnosed cancer because of this bad habit

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