The first lesson at the beginning of school is to strengthen the road protection and enter the campus
Time: 2023-09-08 10:46:41    Source: China News Network   
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(Luo Haipeng) In order to further enhance the railway safety awareness and road protection awareness of primary and secondary school students along the line, the Hotan Station Police Station of the Kashgar Railway Public Security Department, together with railway enterprises, went deep into the primary and secondary schools under their jurisdiction and actively carried out the publicity campaign of "the first lesson of legal publicity on campus".

The Hetian Station Police Station of the Public Security Department of Kashgar Railway entered the campus, and carried out the activity of "the first lesson of legal publicity into the campus" through safety lectures, issuing a letter, publishing a propaganda column, mutual questions and answers, and explaining cases. The police explained the basic knowledge and safety knowledge of railway in detail to students, and introduced railway safety knowledge and relevant laws and regulations to students, Announce railway safety precautions, strengthen students' awareness of abiding by rules and loving the railway, and let students understand the importance of maintaining railway safety. Teachers and students actively participated in the activity and the atmosphere was warm.

This legal safety publicity campaign made primary and secondary school students have a further understanding of railway safety, and effectively improved the legal safety awareness of teachers and students.

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