Many young people fall in love with "going to the market" and the development mode of creative market still needs polishing
Time: 2022-09-20 08:29:22    Source: China Business Daily   
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During the Mid Autumn Festival, many cultural and tourism units, shopping centers and market brands in Beijing held creative fairs, garden parties and other activities to ignite the enthusiasm of mass culture consumption with immersive experience. The one-stop entertainment, shopping and social scenes have attracted many local holiday consumers to come and play. "Going to the market" has gradually become a new trend for contemporary young people.

Young people who fall in love with "going to market"

"This Changhua stone carving is made in Han Dynasty to cover the button..." "The collection of Tang Dynasty's sketches, Youyang Zazu, records Chinese water painting..." Such a dialogue did not appear in a museum, but in front of several young people's stalls in a creative market.

From Chinese style to European and American retro trend, from traditional craftsmanship to creative play, creators and enthusiasts from many fields have flocked to the creative market to find more intersection between "soul of the same frequency" and life.

Not long ago, the first "Xinqiao Folk Art Fair" themed with folk art was held in Panjiayuan second-hand goods market, Chaoyang District, Beijing. The scene was very lively and filled with people smoke Fire. A reporter from the China Business Daily found on the spot that the commodities sold at more than 100 stalls in the market have their own characteristics, among which there are rare intangible cultural heritage works in life - Kesi fans, cultural game gourds, light glass, Beijing cooking utensils, ancient bricks and inkstones, hemp grass Xuan, brocade ash pile, woodblock printing, seal engraving, printmaking, paper cutting, hand bow, leather art Batik... combines the aesthetic interests of all times and at home and abroad.

"It feels like hundreds of excellent knowledge-based bloggers have been moved offline. It's really great to chat with them here!" Ms. Zhang, a post-95 consumer, told reporters that it was a unique experience for her to see her favorite fan face of Shuituo paintings and communicate with the stall owner face to face with the creative inspiration hidden in the colorful colors.

The rich "treasure youth" stopped in front of the stalls they were interested in, appreciated the original calligraphy, painting and photography works, played with their favorite inkstones, tea sets and other utensils, watched the on-site seal cutting, print printing, and personally experienced mural copying and old making... In one corner of the market, a stall owner who was committed to inheriting China's traditional silk dyeing and weaving skills also brought a loom, It attracts many young people to punch in and experience on the spot.

"Here we can display and spread intangible cultural heritage more naturally. Others will stop to chat when they see something they are interested in, and some people will also have a deep understanding." Kong, a young artist and the principal of Youkuang seal cutting, told reporters that many of them are the first time near She was curious about the traditional seal when she was close to it. She would explain the knowledge of stone, shape, carver and so on when they watched the seal, and share her research since childhood Xi The beauty of seal cutting art. "It is quite interesting and meaningful to meet thousands of people in a few days and be nourished by everyone's love in communication."

The market is not just "power generation with love"

Food, coffee, books, handbags, fashion games, antiques, handicrafts, pet products... The theme of the creative market is diverse, which has established a relationship between many creators and consumers. Some mature and professional market brands have also emerged in the market. So, from the perspective of operation, is the creative market a good business?

The reporter interviewed Godot, the manager of Xinqiao Market. Before establishing his own market brand, Godot was responsible for organizing cultural activities in a cultural and creative park in Beijing. He had planned many cultural activities such as salons, talk shows, and drama performances, and accumulated rich experience. By chance, he planned and organized a book market for the company, which was highly praised and later gradually developed into a popular market IP. After organizing several market activities in succession, Godot found himself very interested in this, and also realized that the creative market is very suitable as a independent The brand "Xinqiao" was born from the operation of the project.

"Xinqiao is a relatively young market brand. So far, it has held seven market activities and is still in the stage of brand construction. Our income mainly comes from booth fees and tickets, which is basically a profit or loss flat The balance line is swinging, and there may be income increase next year. " According to Godot, Xinqiao Market is more focused on building a good reputation at this stage, and the booth fees charged to the stall owners are very low. It generally costs only two or three hundred yuan to participate in the three-day market activities, and the ticket prices are also maintained within the price range that consumers can easily accept. Therefore, the traffic volume of previous fairs is relatively large. "Most of the stall owners can easily pay back their costs, and many people will also reap considerable sales. Moreover, the market can help them meet more partners with similar interests WeChat , Weibo and Little Red Book accumulate private domain traffic. These fans are potential customers. They may buy goods sold online by the stall owner in the future. They may also choose to continue to visit Xinqiao Market in order to meet their favorite stall owner. This is a good idea nature Cyclic process. "

Liu Na, the manager and female writer of Qingliang Yiwen Coffee Bookstore, is the second time to participate in the market hosted by Xinqiao. She told reporters that she was very satisfied with the market's drainage and sales effect. "I feel that the sponsor is very professional, and I like the style of Xinqiao, whether it is the theme, site selection, or visual presentation of the market." Liu Na runs a small and beautiful business while writing independent Bookstores, participating in various fairs and exhibitions is the most important offline promotion channel for her, which can "let more people know this bookstore and feel the difference between us and other bookstores - the book selection style of out of print books, art books and niche books." According to Liu Na, many readers found her bookstore and works through the market, After a pleasant communication, I joined the bookstore on the spot WeChat The community later went to the bookstore to participate in offline activities such as "Women's Reading Club".

Godot said that the establishment of Xinqiao Market aims to build an offline communication between cultural creators and consumers flat After two years of exploration and practice, Xinqiao has basically found its own foothold. In the future, it will further cultivate the themes of old books, old objects, folk art, etc., improve the standardized market process, and on this basis, try to play a greater role, output more content such as interviews, science popularization, etc., and make use of it flat Taiwan's influence helps stall owners increase exposure and incubate personal brands.

The development mode needs polishing

As "going to market" has become a new fashion for young people, holding various creative fairs has gradually become a standard holiday configuration for shopping malls, scenic spots, and cultural and creative spaces.

During the Mid Autumn Festival this year, dozens of market fairs and garden parties were held in Beijing alone, including the Ming City Wall Heritage Park, Nanhaizi Park, Dongsi Hutong Museum, Junwangfu, Panjiayuan Used Goods Market, Longfu Building, Langyuan Station, Chaoyang Joy City, Sanlitun Taikoo Li, etc. However, these activities not only enrich the cultural life of citizens and stimulate the vitality of cultural consumption, but also expose the serious homogenization and sponsor water flat New problems such as uneven, "original" not worthy of the name.

near A stall owner complained on social media on Sunday that there was almost no passenger flow at a certain market she attended, and the scene was deserted. Only the stall owners were "holding a group to keep warm", and they were busy all day. "Don't mention stall fees, they didn't even earn money for meals". The actual effect is far from the expected value due to the unclear positioning of the fair by the sponsor and the poor early publicity. At the same time, some organizers underestimated the popularity of the event. Ticket overbooking and long queues at the scene not only affected the travel experience, but also might bring risks. Therefore, the market activity was temporarily suspended.

Yu Zi, a senior stall owner who often participates in fairs and exhibitions, suggested that the event organizer should consider all the influencing factors, not only make emergency plans, but also communicate with the stall owner in good faith to discuss what kind of stalls and commodities are suitable for the lifestyle of the market's target customers. "The sponsor does not play a simple role as a venue intermediary. It may be difficult to understand each stall owner in depth, but at least we should have a comprehensive understanding of the stalls in the market. If nine of the ten stalls are made of wool felt, tourists will easily feel bored and the stall owners will inevitably interact with each other."

Xinqiao always attaches great importance to the selection of goods. Godot believes that the core of the market is "who sells what here", and the characteristic environment, installation art, interactive games and other factors are the plus points of a market, but not the key factors. "Just imagine that when you walk into a historic cultural relics protection building or a beautiful park, you will see the same wholesale goods. I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Maybe you are still willing to clock in and take photos at the first time, but soon you will feel tired." Godot told reporters, He hoped that everyone who visited the market could find something interesting or exchange objects. To this end, he tried different themes such as book+art, children's art, old books, old things, folk art, etc., and selected some themes with good response to further create highlights, such as focusing on the rarity and freshness of the category, so as to make everyone "bright", Try to avoid market homogenization.

"Please try your best to go to the scene, meet new friends, old friends and even strangers, and feel the real connection with the world and others. This experience is diverse and three-dimensional, which is different from online shopping and communication. Who you met, what scenery you saw, what words you talked about, and what you bought are all part of the on-site experience, and these beautiful memories It will last forever. This is what Xinqiao hopes to pass on to everyone in the form of a market. " Godot said. (See Xi Reporter Tu Hanwen)