Shaanxi Qishan County held online job fairs to provide more than 2300 jobs for key groups
Time: 2022-10-18 08:41:01    Source: Baoji Daily   
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near On October 1, the 2022 job fair for key groups of people "live on duty" hosted by Qishan County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau opened in the county entrepreneurship incubation center.

The "live job" job fair lasted from October 8 to October 31, and the "Qishan Employment" was played every Monday and Friday morning flat Online recruitment is carried out in Taiwan. 65 employers including Baoji Fufeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Baoji Keda Special Paper Industry Co., Ltd. participated in the job fair. The recruitment involves more than 120 types of work in 10 industries, including manufacturing, service and textile, and is aimed at key groups such as migrant workers returning home, unemployed college graduates leaving school, ex servicemen, and registered unemployed people, More than 2300 jobs were created.

Since this year, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Qishan County has held more than 20 job fairs such as "Spring Breeze Action Online Recruitment", "Online+Offline Recruitment for Key Groups and College Graduates", provided more than 15000 jobs and reached 2978 employment intentions. (Tian Yi)