Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance handed over the first quarter answer sheet of "five major articles"
Time: 14:51:41, May 15, 2024    Source: Xinhua   
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The Central Financial Working Conference proposed to do a good job in five major articles: science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, which pointed out the direction for the new era and new journey to promote high-quality financial development and take the road of financial development with Chinese characteristics.

At the critical juncture of high-quality development of the financial industry, it is not only an opportunity but also a mission to do a good job in "five major articles". Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance actively practices the political and people oriented nature of financial work, adheres to the leadership of the Party, adheres to the supremacy of the people, thoroughly implements the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, and under the leadership of the Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Party Committee, establishes the "Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Sustainable Development Committee" to do a good job in the "five major articles" of finance, and develop with high-quality financial services and quality, We will help build a strong financial country with practice.

Increase the development of science and technology finance Help foster new quality productivity

As one of the "five major articles", "science and technology finance" highlights the important mission of finance to serve the real economy and scientific and technological innovation, and is also the key to promoting the cultivation of new quality productivity.

Ping An Property Insurance has continuously enriched financial products and services, continued to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, boosted scientific and technological research and development and achievements transformation, helped foster new quality productivity, and worked hard to provide strong financial support for accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system. Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance has investigated the actual needs of customers, and has developed more than 30 scientific and technological insurance products from the perspective of the risk of the whole business process of scientific and technological enterprises, covering R&D, property, business, personal and intellectual property risk protection, forming a comprehensive scientific and technological insurance product system, such as R&D expense loss insurance, patent achievement transformation failure insurance IC chip cost loss insurance, etc. In Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance has provided risk protection for the loss of R&D expenses of scientific research projects for 26 key scientific and technological innovation enterprises in Ningbo, effectively supported scientific and technological innovation enterprises in R&D, and helped to enhance the enthusiasm of enterprises in R&D investment in major scientific and technological projects.

In order to promote the development of new quality productivity, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance has also prepared to build Ping An Technology Insurance Laboratory, which is responsible for building core capabilities such as technology insurance market analysis, product innovation in the whole process of production and operation of technology enterprises, technology insurance services and pricing, claims settlement, etc; Introduce reinsurance resources in new energy, specialty, novelty, semiconductor and other fields, further expand underwriting capacity and service capacity of science and technology enterprises, constantly deepen multi-level, professional and characteristic science and technology financial service system, and create a new highland to support strategic emerging industries and scientific and technological innovation.

Improve the quality and efficiency of green financial services Help to take the road of green development

Green is the background of high-quality development. Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance has always adhered to the concept of green development, actively developed green insurance in green industry, green life, ecological agriculture and other fields, and boosted the overall green transformation of economic and social development.

In the field of green industry, in the first quarter of 2024, around clean energy and green travel, Ping An Property Insurance has developed chemical battery attenuation compensation liability insurance and Ping An Property Insurance energy storage system loss compensation liability insurance, which will escort the high-quality development of the new energy industry.

In the field of green life, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance further improved the pricing, sales, claims settlement and service capabilities of new energy vehicle insurance to achieve high-quality development. Complete the factor development of customer underwriting model for non operating new energy vehicle enterprises, improve pricing ability, and provide customers with better services; Formulate and implement customized after-sales maintenance claim settlement support schemes for multiple brands, apply AI image loss determination technology to external repair links, and improve claim settlement timeliness; Optimize special services such as update charging, battery detection, film sticking, and improve the experience of new energy owners. In addition, focusing on the relevant risks caused by fire and explosion during the charging of non motor vehicles, Ping An Property Insurance has also developed charging security products to contribute to safe and green travel.

In the field of ecological agriculture, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance actively promotes the development of ecological agriculture, smart agriculture and low-carbon agriculture, innovatively develops green insurance products such as forest remote sensing carbon sink index insurance, egg/tea target price insurance, farmland fertility index insurance, etc., which helps the agricultural industry to transform into an intensive green development, and supports the effective governance of the rural environment.

Expand inclusive financial product system Practice the concept of insurance for the people

The weak link of serving the economy and society is the top priority of inclusive financial development. Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance is open to new citizens, the elderly, farmers, small and micro entrepreneurs, foreigners, etc., and continues to explore and innovate the supply of inclusive insurance products and services, so as to provide multi-level, diversified and wide coverage insurance guarantees to meet people's aspirations for a better life.

In terms of serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", in the first quarter of 2024, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance will firmly grasp the main line of industrial revitalization and consumption assistance, and actively implement the high-quality development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". During this period, industrial assistance projects were launched in Guangdong, Guangxi, Liaoning and other places, and it is estimated that 520 million yuan will be used for industrial development; At the same time, through the "Safe Good Car Owner" platform agricultural aid zone, the cumulative number of agricultural products co sold exceeded 1 million, and the order amount exceeded 16 million yuan, an increase of 335% over the same period last year. In addition, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance actively participated in the "compulsory tree planting activity of green and beautiful Guangdong ecological construction", helped to promote the "ten million project", and contributed to the safety of green and beautiful Guangdong.

In terms of serving small and micro enterprises, Ping An Property Insurance closely follows the government's policy guidance, focuses on small and micro enterprises serving the people's livelihood economy, such as accommodation and catering, transportation, cross-border trade, sports, and so on, deeply explores industrial pain points and needs, and matches exclusive innovative product solutions. Relying on the platform of "Ping An Enterprise Treasure", Ping An Property Insurance actively gives play to its technological advantages and service platform advantages to provide enterprises with one-stop insurance solutions for green transformation and constantly improve the quality and efficiency of financial services. Up to now, Ping An Enterprise Treasure has accumulated nearly 4 million enterprises, providing nearly 40 million high-quality services, helping enterprises improve efficiency by nearly 20 million hours, and reducing costs by 50 million yuan.

In response to the call of the State Administration of Financial Supervision to improve the convenience of financial services for foreigners, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance launched an exclusive accident insurance for foreigners coming to China, and provided exclusive escort services, including reassurance, inpatient care workers, family doctors, etc., to address the pain points of foreigners who are ill and unattended, covering three scenarios of accident, health, and life. At the same time, in Fujian, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance comprehensively upgraded its internal and external business system, supported foreigners with permanent residence ID cards to handle various property insurance businesses, and effectively improved the convenience of foreigners to handle financial business.

Actively participate in pension finance Helping achieve "care for the elderly and care for the sick"

In order to solve the problem of insufficient social pension resources and realize the goal of "providing for the elderly and providing for the sick", it is imperative to vigorously develop pension financing. Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance actively responded to the government's policy call, participated in the construction of the social security system, and continued to optimize the exclusive services for the elderly to protect the health of the elderly.

Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance closely followed the government's pilot arrangement of long-term care insurance, actively implemented the pilot work of long-term care insurance, and participated in undertaking long-term care insurance projects in 26 provinces, including Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Jilin, Zhejiang, Hebei, etc. In the first quarter of 2024, 2.123 million urban employees and urban and rural residents provided long-term care related services, and 6.55 million yuan was paid. In Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, the "region+time" inspection mode of disability inspection was established. With villages and towns as the regional units, the disabled personnel who completed the assessment in the same period of history were inspected quarterly, and the "inspection map" was drawn. After the inspection, the disabled personnel were classified into high, medium and low risks for differentiated reevaluation to further ensure the security of the fund; Independent long-term care insurance agency service stations have been set up in many counties and districts, such as Pingyuan County, Wucheng County and Xin County in Dezhou, Shandong Province, to pay regular visits to severely disabled people and people in difficulty.

At the same time, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance has continuously upgraded and created convenient aging services. It has set up a special area for aging services in its business outlets, and optimized aging facilities and services in its stores; Open an exclusive green service hotline for the elderly, and match the star service team to give priority to incoming manual services; Optimize and upgrade the existing platform apps, cover and implant the whole scene of online customer service, and reduce the operation process of the elderly. In addition, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance attaches great importance to the protection of the information of the elderly group and ensures information security. On the basis of extensive protection of the information of elderly customers, it improves the information security management system in a targeted way to effectively protect the information security of elderly customers. In the first quarter of this year, Ping An Property Insurance actively carried out "normalization+node" education and publicity activities for the elderly, effectively improving the financial knowledge level and risk prevention awareness of the elderly.

Fully promote digital financial transformation Promote high-quality development to a new level

In the wave of digital economy, digital transformation is becoming the core power of building a financial power. As an active explorer of digital finance, Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance is deeply engaged in the construction of digital transformation. "Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Digital Transformation Project" won the first prize of the People's Bank of China's Financial Technology Development Award in 2022, and was selected into the top ten events of China's financial informatization in 2023. The achievements of digital financial construction were highly recognized.

Since 2024, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance has made breakthroughs in four aspects, namely, restructuring the technology base, upgrading the system architecture, data governance, and improving AI capabilities by promoting construction. It has precipitated 10 major technology data capabilities and deeply enabled multiple business scenarios, including marketing, underwriting, claims settlement, and services. In terms of empowerment team, AI assistant empowerment can effectively improve the effectiveness of the sales team and reduce the burden; In terms of enabling agricultural insurance, the planting insurance has broken through the construction of intelligent standard inspection and growth monitoring capabilities, and the breeding insurance has continuously upgraded the capabilities of cattle face recognition, pig weighing, etc., with the accuracy rate significantly improved; In terms of enabling underwriting, through the introduction of sales and underwriting risk control assistants, experience and knowledge, the operation mode transformation from "human" to "human-computer integration" is realized, and the operation efficiency of front-line sales teams and underwriting teams is effectively improved. At the same time, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance actively promoted the sinking of scientific and technological data capabilities, strengthened the construction of institutional IT capabilities, encouraged the learning and replication of excellent experience, and drove the business development of institutions with digital financial capabilities.

In the future, Ping An Property&Casualty Insurance will adhere to the leadership of the Party, continue to thoroughly implement the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party, give full play to the role of insurance as an economic shock absorber and social stabilizer, actively serve the national strategy, serve the real economy, and serve people's livelihood, fulfill the mission of financial enterprises with high-quality financial and insurance services, and make every effort to do a good job in science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance Five major articles on pension finance and digital finance provide strong financial support for high-quality economic and social development.

Contributed by Ping An Property Insurance Dalian Branch

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