Select three places at the same time! Yangshao Pottery Wine Salute the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of Chinese culture
Time: 2024-03-29 10:50:48    Source: Today's Hotspot   
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"Worship the Xuanyuan on the third day of March". Every year on the third day of the lunar calendar, a grand ancestor worship ceremony is held in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor of Xinzheng, attracting hundreds of thousands of Chinese descendants at home and abroad to a "Spring Festival Gala", which has become an important activity to protect the root and soul of the Chinese nation and gather the spiritual strength of Chinese people at home and abroad. three month twenty-four Day, the celebration of ancestor worship in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor in Xinzheng, Henan Province ( A grand ceremony for overseas Chinese in Britain to pay homage to Emperor Xuanyuan ) It was held in London's Chinatown. After four month eleven The Ancestor Worship Ceremony will be held in the hometown of Emperor Huangdi in Xinzheng on the same day Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) paid homage to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan in the Year of the First Anniversary

In these three important cultural festivals, Yangshao Pottery Workshop was selected as the ceremony to offer wine, sacrifice with wine, convey feelings with wine, inherit Chinese culture and promote cultural self-confidence. Among them, Yangshao Pottery Workshop was selected for the eleventh time as the wine for the ancestor worship ceremony in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor, and for the third time as the wine for the celebration ceremony of the Yellow Emperor in Hong Kong, China.

Since ancient times, the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown, as an important ceremony for the global Chinese to seek their roots and ancestors, has always been rigorous and symbolic in the selection of wine for worship. Yangshao Pottery Wine, with the 7000 year old Yangshao culture as the core, has been selected as the wine for ancestor worship ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown for the first time since 2014. Now, with a high degree of agreement with the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown to promote the national spirit and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese cultural concepts, as well as high quality, rich culture and hard power, it has been elected as the offering wine for the ceremony for 11 consecutive years, and as the offering wine for the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in Hong Kong, China and Britain, which not only reflects the high recognition of the quality of Yangshao Pottery Workshop wine, It also highlights the traditional cultural value of the Chinese nation behind its brand.

At the grand ceremony of ancestor worship in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor in the year of Jiachen, the Yangshao painted pottery workshop will become a bridge for Chinese people to trace back to history, seek roots and source, transmit Chinese civilization and self-confidence, and at the same time, show the charm of Yangshao culture and Huangdi culture with Chinese characteristics, Chinese spirit and Chinese wisdom to the world stage. On April 11, following the celebration of Emperor Xuanyuan's worship by overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese in the first year of the year in London's Chinatown, the celebration of Emperor Xuanyuan's hometown in Xinzheng's first year of the year and the celebration of Emperor Xuanyuan's worship in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Bay Area (Hong Kong) in the first year of the year will be held ceremoniously. Let's drink a glass of Yangshao wine, salute the ancestor of Chinese civilization, rally the great power of rejuvenation, and jointly pray for the prosperity of the motherland, Continue to write a new chapter of Chinese civilization.

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