Official announcement! Yangshao Caitaofang Wine has won the honor of "Yellow Emperor's Hometown Ancestor Worship Ceremony" for 11 consecutive years!
Time: 2024-03-26 11:22:19    Source: Today's Hotspot   
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On the third of March, worship Xuanyuan. In the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, this festival of worshiping the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor has become a grand occasion for the Chinese nation, received common attention from the Chinese people all over the world, and has also become a powerful manifestation of the cohesion and cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation.

On April 11, 2024 (the third day of the third lunar month), the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown will be held in Xinzheng. As one of the top ten new famous liquors in China, the leader and leading brand of Henan Liquor, Yangshao Caitaofang Liquor was selected as the designated liquor for the eleventh time for the ancestor worship ceremony in Huangdi's hometown.

 Official announcement! Yangshao Caitaofang Wine has won the honor of "Yellow Emperor's Hometown Ancestor Worship Ceremony" for 11 consecutive years!

Since ancient times, the Ancestor Worship Ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown, as an important ceremony for the global Chinese to seek their roots and ancestors, has always been rigorous and symbolic in the selection of wine for worship. It is reported that Yangshao Pottery Wine, with the 7000 year old Yangshao culture as the core, has been selected as the first wine for ancestor worship ceremony in the Yellow Emperor's hometown since 2014. Now, with the spirit of cultural inheritance, quality persistence and innovation, Yangshao Pottery Wine has been selected as the sacrificial wine for the 11th consecutive year, which not only reflects the high recognition of the quality of Yangshao Pottery Wine, but also highlights the traditional cultural value of the Chinese nation behind its brand.

The Yellow Emperor was an outstanding representative of the middle and late Yangshao culture. 7000 years ago, Yangshao first used civilian fire to make painted pottery, brew wine from pottery, and worship heaven and earth with wine. 7000 years later, Yangshao Wine Industry, combined with millennial brewing technology and modern biotechnology, with its ingenious pottery wine vessels and mellow and full-bodied wine body, vividly represents the essence of Yangshao culture, which is highly consistent with the idea of carrying forward the national spirit and inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture in the Yellow Emperor's hometown ancestor worship ceremony. This is not only an affirmation of Yangshao Pottery House wine brand, but also a positive contribution to the protection and inheritance of China's traditional wine making skills and cultural heritage

 Official announcement! Yangshao Caitaofang Wine has won the honor of "Yellow Emperor's Hometown Ancestor Worship Ceremony" for 11 consecutive years!

Yangshao Pottery Workshop, a bottle of wine integrating 7000 years of Yangshao culture, and a chain of Chinese civilization inheritance spanning thousands of years, will once again inject new era vitality into the Central Plains culture and Yangshao culture handed down from generation to generation at the grand ceremony of ancestor worship in Yellow Emperor's hometown in Jiachen year, which will have Chinese characteristics, Chinese spirit The charm of Yangshao culture and Huangdi culture of Chinese wisdom has spread to the world stage.

On April 11 (the third day of the third month of the third lunar month), the celebration of ancestor worship in the Yellow Emperor's hometown in the first year of the lunar calendar, let's witness the Yangshao painted pottery workshop wine as a consecutively used wine to honor the ancestor of Chinese civilization for 11 consecutive years. (Yangshao Wine Industry)

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