How to renew auto insurance when it is about to expire?
Time: 09:39:08, March 22, 2024    Source: Live network   
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As time goes by, your car insurance may soon expire. Renewal is a crucial decision before the vehicle insurance expires to ensure that your vehicle continues to be covered by appropriate insurance. This article will introduce you to the importance of auto insurance renewal and how to effectively renew it.


1、 Why renew car insurance?

Auto insurance renewal is very important because it ensures that your vehicle is protected in the event of an accident or loss. Failure to renew the insurance may cause the following problems:

1. Legal requirements: You can drive legally only within the valid period of vehicle insurance. If your car insurance is expired and not renewed, you may face fines, suspension of your driver's license or other legal consequences.

2. Economic risk: without vehicle insurance, you will bear all the vehicle repair and medical expenses. This may have a serious impact on your financial situation, especially in the case of a major accident.

3. Vehicle protection: vehicle insurance can ensure that your vehicle can be repaired or replaced in the event of an accident, without having to bear the cost.


2、 How to renew car insurance?

When your car insurance is about to expire, there are some steps to help you effectively renew it:

1. Review existing policies: First, carefully review your existing automobile insurance policies. Know your insurance coverage, underwriting company and fees. This will help you decide if you need to make any changes to the existing policy.

2. Comparison of quotations: conduct market research and compare the quotations of different insurance companies. Different companies offer different insurance plans and prices, so it is important to choose an insurance company that suits your needs and budget.

3. Select an appropriate insurance plan: select an appropriate auto insurance plan according to your needs. This may include car damage insurance, third-party liability insurance, liability insurance for people on board and additional options.

4. Determine the insurance cost: understand the cost of renewal, including premium, premium rate and self payment. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the cost structure so that you can make an informed decision.

5. Submit the renewal application: Once you have selected a new insurance plan, contact the selected insurance company to submit the renewal application. Usually, you can complete this process online, but you can also go to the insurance agency in person.

6. Pay the premium on time: after renewal, ensure to pay the premium on time. Delay or neglect of payment may result in cancellation of insurance policy.

3、 Summary

Renewing car insurance is a key step in protecting you and your vehicle. Before the expiration of the auto insurance, carefully review your policies, compare the quotations, select an appropriate insurance plan, and submit the renewal application in a timely manner. By making prudent decisions, you can ensure that you can drive safely and legally on the road, while protecting yourself and your financial situation.

Company: PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited Wenzhou Pingyang Branch

Tel.: 0577-63612811

Address: near the garden in the center of Donghe Street, Aojiang Town, Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province (PICC Property&Casualty Insurance Pingyang Branch)

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale

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Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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