Strategic upgrading: Panasonic refrigerator will be launched in 2024
Time: 16:03:02, March 15, 2024    Source: Today's Hotspot   
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On March 14, the 2024 China Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo (AWE2024) officially opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center. The theme of this AWE is "Smart Technology, Creating and Enjoying Life", bringing together more than 1000 leading household appliances and consumer electronics enterprises in the world. As one of the important foreign brands in the Chinese market, and also an important brand that continues to be active on the AWE stage, Panasonic once again demonstrated in AWE2024 with the latest development concepts and product technology innovation achievements.

It is reported that in 2024, Panasonic's household appliance business strategy will strengthen three directions based on the changes in social environment and consumers: first, facing the Generation Z ethnic group to meet their more personalized, healthy, relaxed and dynamic life needs; The second is to deepen Panasonic's DNA advantages, integrate with Chinese consumer values, and achieve practical value and emotional resonance; The third is to make home and life comfortable and comfortable every moment through the proposal of immersive life scenes.

Figure: Panasonic Appliances (China) Co., Ltd

Cai Guojin, Deputy Director of Marketing Headquarters of Smart Life Business Department

Under such a strategic background, Cai Guojin, the deputy director of the Marketing Department of the Smart Life Business Department of Panasonic Home Appliances (China) Co., Ltd., received an exclusive interview with China Home Appliance Network during the exhibition, and gave a comprehensive introduction to the brand new approach of Panasonic's refrigerator business in the domestic market in 2024.

Reach more user groups with high-end quality leading products

For a long time, Panasonic refrigerators have been highly praised by domestic high-end groups for their high-quality and personalized labels, especially the Panasonic Xianya Zhenquan series refrigerators launched in 2023, which lead the consumption trend of high-end refrigerator market with high-level integrated home aesthetic design and all food preservation technology. With the rise of young consumers in China, Panasonic refrigerator will cover a wider range of consumers in terms of product strategy in 2024.

"The needs of Panasonic refrigerators for young people are judged to be more diversified, differentiated and high-quality. Their demands for the appearance of refrigerators are more diverse and personalized, and they also require cost performance. If you search for refrigerators on social platforms where young people gather, such as Tiaoyin and Xiaohongshu, you will find that embedded refrigerators, white refrigerators, decoration, household goods and other keywords rank higher", Cai Guojin said.

Figure: AWE2024 Panasonic releases new products of heavy refrigerators

On the first day of the opening of this AWE, Panasonic refrigerator launched the 2024 new Panasonic Great Seal. This series of refrigerators can adapt to more styles of home decoration in appearance, more in line with the aesthetic taste of young people. At the same time, it has twice the space for freezing in function, equipped with the function of automatic ice making, and achieved cost performance in price. Cai Guojin said, "This is a refrigerator that can really better meet the needs of young people."

In fact, Panasonic is the first brand in the industry to propose a full food healthy preservation refrigerator. Its technology in the field of full food healthy preservation has been honed for many years. On the full embedded refrigerator, Panasonic has also achieved the zero gap between the left and right sides, and the front is not prominent. In addition, Panasonic also has a unique eight gold installation standards for the full embedded refrigerator, Including 580mm ultra-thin box, the waist line is flush with the cabinet, and the product can still open the door at 120 degrees after embedding, etc.

On the basis of all ingredients preservation and all embedded design, according to Cai Guojin, in 2024, Panasonic refrigerators will take new, medium-sized and new large-scale upgraded products as the main market push, in which the new and medium-sized fully embedded products are aimed at young people. Like the new products of Panasonic's big seal series, they will have better appearance design, larger freezing space More innovative functions, such as automatic ice making, will be brought to young people to better meet their rich diet and diversified needs. At the same time, a new large French series refrigerator will be launched in the second half of this year to meet the needs of different users through a lighter body, a new design, etc.

Figure: 2024 series of new products are more suitable for the quality needs of young people

Revitalize online and offline channel channels with a more comprehensive strategy

After years of deep cultivation of high-end users in China, KA stores and specialty stores have always been the main sales channels of Panasonic refrigerators. However, the domestic household appliance retail field is changing with each passing day, and new channels and models such as Tiao Yin and Pinduoduo are booming. At the same time, the blowout growth of multi business models has also exacerbated the fragmented development. When the voice of a single channel declines, various business models rely on mutual assistance Symbiotic development is crucial to the deeper development of household appliance brands.

Panasonic refrigerators also see this trend, so in 2024, Panasonic refrigerators will make positive adjustments in marketing channels. Cai Guojin told the reporter that everyone is now facing the situation of tight traffic in e-commerce stations, but it is still a new opportunity channel for Panasonic. This year, Panasonic refrigerator will achieve occupancy drainage and grass planting in new channels such as Tiaoyin and Xiaohongshu, and cooperate with a full range of new product planning to achieve sales goals. In addition, the offline channels dominated by Panasonic will also make more layout, settle in JD stores, brother retail stores, Tmall premium stores, etc., and develop special supply plans in product strategies. Finally, realize the online and offline integrated marketing strategy of Panasonic refrigerator.

Cai Guojin also revealed the sales target of Panasonic refrigerators in 2024. He said that although the overall market situation is relatively quiet, Panasonic's product layout and channel layout are progressing very steadily. In 2023, Panasonic refrigerators achieved the annual sales performance target. On the whole, through the upgrading of the whole series in 2024, different link depth layout, It is believed that double digit growth will be achieved in 2024 on the basis of 2023.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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