Liu Hongzhi, deputy to the National People's Congress and general manager of China Mobile Liaoning Company: promote the construction of digital countryside and stimulate the "digital intelligence power" of rural revitalization
Time: 2024-03-07 10:27:42    Source: Today's Hotspot   
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"The construction of digital countryside will help promote the overall upgrading of agriculture, the overall progress of rural areas, and the overall development of farmers. It will help to open up a new situation of integrated development of urban and rural areas and modernization, and promote the overall development of Rural revitalization, building a powerful agricultural country, and accelerating agricultural and rural modernization continue to provide new momentum. " whole country Deputies to the National People's Congress, Party Committee of China Mobile Liaoning Company Secretary, Chairman General Manager Liu Hongzhi is accepting reporter Said in the interview.

Party The report of the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that "accelerating the development of the digital economy and promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy" "comprehensively promote Rural revitalization ". Held at the end of last year Central Economic Work Conference It proposed that "to improve the development of rural industries Leveling and improving rural construction water Leveling and improving rural water treatment Focusing on equality, strengthening the dual wheel drive of science and technology and reform ". Digital village is The strategic direction of rural revitalization is also the construction figure Chinese Important content. In this context, it is of great significance to accelerate the construction of digital countryside and give full play to the enabling role of information and communication technology.

From the information and communication industry and Liu Hongzhi, a representative of the central enterprise, believes that China's digital village construction has achieved remarkable results under the promotion of the new generation of information technology, showing the following three significant characteristics: first, the digital infrastructure is increasingly perfect, providing a strong technical support for the digital village; Second, the upgrading of rural industries has been gradually accelerated. The rise of featured e-commerce has promoted agricultural products, promoted the transformation and upgrading of rural industries, and become a new engine to promote rural economic growth; Third, there is a huge demand for digital life in rural areas, and rural residents' digital demand in video security, remote education, telemedicine and other aspects is growing.

Focus on promoting the construction and stimulation of digital countryside Rural revitalization of "digital intelligence power", Representative of Liu Hongzhi propose "Promote five upgrades" Suggestions of:

everything advance number rural Infrastructure upgrading and consolidation Rural revitalization network foundation.

Digital infrastructure construction is digital The premise of rural revitalization and development. It is suggested to increase the policy preference and Investment efforts were made to thoroughly implement the pilot project of universal telecommunications services. Give full play to the advantages of state-owned enterprises in technology, capital and talent, accelerate the deployment of "dual gigabit" networks in rural areas, promote the construction of 5G networks in rural areas on a large scale, promote the extension of gigabit optical fiber networks to villages and towns with demand and conditions, and achieve "same network and same speed" in urban and rural areas.

two yes advance number rural flat The platform carrier is upgraded to build a digital ecosystem serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

Digital rural services flat Taiwan promotes rural modernization, improves agricultural production efficiency, and promotes rural informatization and intelligent development Important tools. Give play to suggestions flat The role of Taiwan as a carrier to promote the service of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" flat Taiwan is interconnected to realize the interconnection of entrances, farmers, services and data, break the "information island" and improve the efficiency of resource allocation. develop flat The role of Taiwan convergence is to build a strong digital village by bringing together product suppliers, service providers, demand consumers and application developers flat The service industry chain of Formosa Chemical meets the all-round needs of rural production, life and governance, such as providing quality traceability of agricultural products Ping An rural monitoring, video care for the elderly and young, and other services. develop flat The data driven role of the station is to collect and analyze massive data through artificial intelligence technology, provide accurate services, and enable digitalization, AI, etc. to fully empower the rural digital landscape.

Third, promote the upgrading of digital rural production mode and the development of modern agriculture.

Promote the modernization of agricultural production mode, improve agricultural production efficiency, promote the overall development of rural economy, and realize The strategic goal of rural revitalization. It is suggested to accelerate the promotion of smart agricultural technology, encourage and support agricultural scientific and technological innovation, develop precision agriculture, smart agricultural machinery and equipment, and improve agricultural production efficiency and quality. The Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies are used to achieve accurate monitoring and regulation of crop growth environment. Accelerate the digitalization of agricultural industry chain, support the digitalization transformation of upstream and downstream enterprises in the agricultural industry chain, support the processing, logistics, sales and other links of agricultural products through informatization means, and improve the efficiency of the industry chain. Accelerate the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce, deepen the implementation of "promoting agriculture through digital commerce", establish a traceability system for agricultural products, and improve the quality of agricultural products and safe water To help farmers directly connect with the market, reduce circulation links and increase the added value of agricultural products.

Fourth, promote the upgrading of digital rural lifestyle to meet the needs of a better digital life.

Use digital means to enrich the cultural life of rural residents, improve the quality of education and medical services, narrow the "digital divide" between urban and rural areas, and improve the quality of life of rural residents. Improve the quality of educational resources, and use digital tools to improve rural teachers' teaching ability and students' learning Learning experience, promoting distance education and online learning Xi flat Taiwan provides rural students with educational resources of the same quality as those in cities, narrowing the gap between urban and rural education. Improve the quality of medical resources, establish a telemedicine service system, and provide convenient medical services for rural residents through video diagnosis and online health consultation. Promote the application of smart medical devices, such as wearable health monitoring devices, and pay real-time attention to the health status of rural residents. Improve the quality of cultural resources, and use digital technology to enrich rural cultural activities, such as cloud libraries, digital museums, so that rural residents can enjoy rich cultural resources.

Fifthly, promote the upgrading of digital rural governance to ensure the harmony and stability of rural society.

Use digital technology to improve the transparency and efficiency of rural governance, realize the modernization of rural governance, enhance the capacity of rural social governance, and do a good job in the "last hundred meters" of rural services. Promote online public services, such as agricultural administrative approval, administrative law enforcement supervision, and convenience service projects, to enhance rural residents' satisfaction and happiness. Promote the improvement of human settlements, establish a rural environmental monitoring network, monitor garbage disposal, sewage treatment, etc. in real time, find and deal with environmental problems in a timely manner, and ensure the continuous improvement of rural ecological environment. Promote the construction of smart party building, deepen the informatization construction of rural party affairs, government affairs and village affairs, and enrich the informatization integration of party building flat Taiwan function, speed up the "cloud" of grass-roots party organizations, and consolidate the foundation of rural party building.

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