999 points for sauce flavored latte! Why can CMB credit card always be the "first"?
Time: 12:58:32, September 8, 2023    Source: Today's Hotspot   
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Today, did you drink Soy Sauce Latte?

The eye-catching "Moutai Red" paper bag, the "Ruixing, Real Moutai" on popular search, the latest Internet hot spot "Young people's first cup of soy sauce", and the "Ruixing responds to whether it is possible to drive to drink Maotai co branded coffee" and "full cup of Maotai coffee liquor" that ignited the public debate

The collision of "good wine plus coffee", coffee elites and liquor veterans triggered a long lost screen.

The encounter between Ruixing and Moutai in this phenomenal marketing event was not entirely accidental.

According to media reports, behind the cooperation between Moutai and Ruixing, it was the credit card of China Merchants Bank that played the role of "matchmaker". I have to sigh that you really understand innovative marketing with CMB credit card!

The CMB credit card also launched the "999 points exchange for soy sauce latte" activity for the first time. Wow! The sauce flavored latte, together with the discount, is even more impressive.

Coffee, liquor and credit card, three brands that seemed totally different, completed a perfect integration on September 4. In this era of scarce attention, it is not easy to create a "ring breaking" marketing event, and it is even rarer to continue to create blockbusters and even lead the trend.

But Ruixing did it, Moutai did it, and so did the credit card of China Merchants Bank. This also proves once again that the industry leader has a unique vision of marketing and a keen prediction of trends.



The Secret of the Best Seller:

Embrace the future that is happening

If the birth of a blockbuster may be accidental, then continuous production of blockbusters is an ability.

Ruixing needless to say that today's Maotai flavor latte, or the iced coconut latte and Biluo Zhichun latte in the previous few months, are all popular and popular. In the first week of listing, they won 4.47 million cups and 6.66 million cups respectively. The thick milk latte and raw coconut latte before that are more attractive to peers.

Another co named protagonist, Guizhou Moutai, has also frequently introduced new ideas in recent years. From the "Moutai ice cream" that has amazed the outside world to the innovative fruit tea that has been introduced later, this old brand of liquor has been revitalized.

This time, CMB's credit card was able to participate in the sale of "Soy Sauce Latte" at the first time, not only because of its long established close cooperation with Ruixing Coffee and Guizhou Moutai, but also because of the "two-way rush" between high-quality brands, and also the inevitable result of CMB's credit card's continuous innovation in brand marketing and continuous improvement in product operation.

Last year, "Moutai Ice Cream" came out, and CMB credit card immediately established cooperation with the official Moutai. On February 14, 2023, Moutai ice cream was the first to enter the China Merchants Bank Palmtop Mall, with the first day of discount promotion exceeding 10000 cups. In the following six months, the normal sales of Moutai ice cream totaled nearly 40000 cups, far more than 10 times that of other banking channels.

The cooperation between the credit card of China Merchants Bank and Ruixing can be traced back even earlier. From 2019, the cardholder of the credit card of China Merchants Bank can purchase the preferential Ruixing coffee voucher on the handheld life app and pick it up in the store.

What is unknown to the outside world is that the handheld life app was one of Ruixing's most important sales channels at that time, becoming an important part of its market expansion.

By 2022, the cooperation between the two sides will be upgraded, and the credit card of China Merchants Bank will become the first bank credit card in the banking industry to cooperate with Ruixing to order online, that is, consumers can buy coffee online in the handheld life app without jumping, and the sales volume in that year will exceed one million cups.

It is no accident that CMB is always able to create "blockbuster" marketing and cooperation. This is derived from his accurate prediction of consumption trends and his in-depth insight into customer needs.

From 2003, we joined hands with HP Computer to open the first installment free mail order business model in China; By 2011, 600 points will be exchanged for medium cup coffee for free, setting off the trend of exchanging industry points for coffee; From being the preferred partner of the banking industry after Apple, Starbucks, Uniqlo and other brands entered the Chinese market to being the first credit card brand to support Tesla, Ideals and other new energy vehicle installments, we can see the shadow of CMB credit cards.

Back in this phenomenal event of "Maotai flavor latte", it seems to be cross-border cooperation between several high-quality brands, but the more important essence is their common innovation background.

For CMB credit cards, it has been more than 20 years, always keeping an eye on young customers, predicting consumption trends, and embracing the emerging future.

From the first international standard dual currency credit card in 2002 to the realization of "creating a card in the cloud" in Palm Life 1.0, it has continued to iterate to 9.0 today. Over the years, the media of credit cards has changed from plastic cards to digital apps. What remains unchanged is that credit cards persist in creating value for customers and partners.


From explosive red to everlasting red:

Adhere to the platform value of credit card

Returning to the ultimate question of how credit cards can better create value, the application of "payment+consumer credit" in combination with China's actual environment and practice may be the answer given by CMB credit cards to the industry.

Relying on the handheld life app, CMB credit card has built a complete ecology integrating catering, life, content, cars, quality stores and consumer credit.

As the connector of CMB credit card holders' life, consumption and finance, and the first app in the credit card industry, the handheld life app not only "reinvents a credit card" on the mobile end, but also redefines the value of credit cards, making them a platform connecting hundreds of millions of people from a payment and consumption tool.

According to the data of China Merchants Bank's 2023 semi annual report, as of the end of June 2023, there were 140 million users of handheld life apps. During the reporting period, the peak number of daily active users of Palm Life App was 6.4955 million, and the number of monthly active users at the end of the period was 39.5168 million.

This 999 points exchange for Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai Maotai.

On the one hand, it connects a large number of customers and needs, and on the other hand, it connects a large number of brand partners and 100000+merchants in a large-scale way. Through the customer mobilization ability of the handheld life app's own platform, it not only allows businesses scattered around to have closer connections with customers, but also allows more "two-way travel" between brands.

A typical case is the "two ticket" business that has been deeply cultivated by palm life. Through the "two tickets" platform, on the one hand, LinkedIn can cooperate with merchants to provide customers with diversified consumption scenarios, and increase their consumption demand and frequency with preferential choices and convenient payment experience while meeting customers' demand for "what to eat and see"; On the other hand, it helps more high-quality partners collide and spark, and innovation brings more possibilities... This is the platform value that CMB credit card is constantly practicing on the card.

It is understood that in recent years, CMB's credit card has effectively helped businesses and served the real economy by connecting customers' life, consumption and finance through deep cultivation of meal ticket and photo ticket business. More than 500 million "two tickets" have been sold, with a turnover of about 60 billion.

Starting from the most basic function of payment and consumption, the "connection" attribute of CMB credit card is further highlighted. Not only the connection between customers and consumers, the connection between partners and partners, online and offline connections, but also the connection between finance and entities are all suddenly connected together.

Now, the credit card industry is anxious about what form it will exist in the future and what value it can provide for customers and the market. Although it is hard to have an exact answer to this question at present, it is certain that all evolution is based on "creating value".

At this level, CMB's credit card was the first to write down its own answer with "999 points for soy sauce latte".

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