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How much do you know about the seven modes of paint marketing?

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On Coating industry Strategic marketing is only Xiaohe, and of course there are some sharp Coating enterprises In doing this practice, whether consciously or unconsciously. However, enterprise operation needs to focus on the main contradictions. We should expand the scale of profits through the most effective way. According to the current observation, practice and summary, coating The strategic marketing mode of the enterprise as a whole is "theme driven strategic marketing mode as the core", and presents a "hybrid" situation.
(1) System drive mode
Integrate the limited available resources through resource marketing, and regulate the unlimited resources of the whole society. That is to say, through the internal reorganization of core marketing processes, we can break the boundaries of marketing functions, achieve marketing integration, and let all departments serve to create customer value. Through the establishment of strategic alliance relationship, the outside mainly realizes the goal of customer value transfer through the establishment of supply chain strategic partnership, and then cultivates customer loyalty. In the process of resource marketing, both the starting point and the ultimate goal are resources. Capital resources are transformed into market resources, or market resources are transformed into network resources, brand resources, channel resources, etc. Build the internal core process and external supply chain strategic system of commercial vehicle enterprises through resource marketing to form market competitiveness.
(2) Culture driven mode
        Coating enterprise culture The core of marketing is to transmit the core values of enterprises and products to customers through coatings and services, so as to achieve the resonance of values, generate affinity, reflect the various cultural elements of consumers' material and spiritual pursuit, and maximize the customer's consumption feelings and identify with enterprises and their products. Through cultural marketing, the pure transaction relationship between enterprises and customers is upgraded to a strategic relationship based on customer relationship, which connects all stakeholders. It not only includes the superficial conception, design, modeling, decoration, packaging, trademark, advertisement, style, but also includes the value evaluation, aesthetic evaluation and moral evaluation of marketing activities. Under this culture driven strategic marketing mode, the work of enterprises in all aspects of products, brands, services, etc. will be unified under this cultural banner.
However, on the whole, the current cultural marketing of paint enterprises shows some monotony in the performance of products, and some thinness in the media. The strength and breadth are not enough, and the influence, participation and appeal in the mass consumer groups are not very strong, which is related to the attributes of the paint itself and the specific promotion strategy of the enterprise.
(3) Product category driven mode
The product category driven model is to avoid competition at the brand level and focus on product category innovation and structural innovation in an industry where competitive brands gather, or when the brand influence, popularity and reputation of the enterprise itself do not occupy obvious advantages, or even are weaker than competitors, Create targeted new products around regional market segmentation and consumer group segmentation, and quickly drive the market with differentiated and targeted products.
Category driven model needs three conditions: first, market analysis should be done sufficiently, and then accurate segmentation should be made in space and consumer groups; Second, the product categories of different market segments have certain innovative technology content; Third, there should be better channels or brands to carry such categories. An innovative category needs a certain cost to be accepted by the market. If the brand is strong or the channel is well done, it will help to quickly deliver this new category to the corresponding consumers and win market recognition.
(4) Technology driven mode
China Coating industry It started as early as the 1950s and initially appeared in the form of small workshops. The coating commonly used by ordinary families is lime water and a kind of wall powder called "big white"; Kosai Silver, which rose in the 1960s; 107 glue and 106 glue commonly used in the 1970s and 1980s can be said to be early architectural decorative coatings; After the reform and opening up, through the introduction of foreign advanced production technology, the domestic coating production process level has developed rapidly.
It is difficult to find a typical representative of this strategic marketing model, mainly because the paint enterprises that have not been independent in technology have basically crossed the R&D and promotion of new technologies and new products. However, this technology drive has always been a strategic weapon firmly grasped by the top dozens of coating companies, and is a key part of the enterprise's business strategy.
(5) Public relations driven mode
Seeking the social environment for sustainable development of enterprises through relationship marketing. Sustainable development depends on synchronous development with society. The essence of relationship marketing based on transaction marketing is to establish an enterprise's interest network to complete the task of strategic marketing. The key is to develop mutually beneficial relations with all stakeholders through the establishment and maintenance of stable customer relations. It includes internal employees, competitors, partners, communities, news media, governments, financial institutions, etc. Proper handling of the relationship with these individuals and organizations is the core of enterprise strategic marketing and the key to enterprise success.
In fact, this method is used by most paint enterprises, but there are differences in the effect. For example, some paint enterprises continue to win the bid for government projects, win funding support for major technical projects through public institutions, and obtain brand communication channels with the help of the media. These are all manifestations of this public relations driven model.
(6) Channel driven mode
There are also several routes for this strategic marketing model. Some paint enterprises have taken the road of "spreading the net" from the beginning. They have invested human and material resources in many sales channels, such as dealers, specialty stores, professional markets, engineering, decoration companies, furniture companies, and so on. They have established a sales network accessible in all directions, and have always taken this as the standard, and then through the order meeting To promote sales in the form of product promotion meetings, basically every link of the work revolves around this theme; There are also some coating enterprises that have set up a channel model suitable for the marketing of coating products with the goal of a unique channel of a certain category, such as engineering oriented, franchised stores oriented, dealers oriented, etc.
In the current situation of increasingly subdivided paint sales channels, selecting a unique channel model suitable for the enterprise itself and focusing on the development and sustainable operation of this channel can make the enterprise become the largest beneficiary of this unique channel model.
(7) Area driven mode
The regional driving mode is also common in some paint enterprises, which basically constitutes the whole connotation of their strategic marketing. These enterprises have two situations: one is not marketing to the national market, but focusing on the key resources of enterprises, focusing on a regional market or several large regional markets for a long time, and making the regional market more comprehensive; The other is some national paint enterprises, which are also large in scale, but their resources are still somewhat limited after all, so they not only do the national market, continue to expand in some cities, but also concentrate their core resources in key areas, which are generally the places with the most revenue. In the annual marketing plan, such enterprises will select some new regions as the key development areas, invest heavily in these newly delineated regions, and make thorough and broad efforts.
The "penetration" and "broadening" embodied in this model have rich connotations, and are also the main components of this regional driven strategic marketing model. Widening means that the product lines of paint enterprises cover a wide range, covering these regional markets with diversified, combined and differentiated product lines, surpassing rivals, and sniping at new competitors to enter; To be thorough is that the paint enterprises have strong marketing penetration into the regional market. In terms of brand influence, reputation, market share, regional network construction, customer loyalty, sniping at competitive products and other indicators, they are far beyond other competitors in the regional market and occupy the bridgehead position in the regional market.
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