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What are the construction steps of waterproof coating?

resolved Reward points: 0 - Resolution time: 09:30, May 5, 2019
common two thousand four hundred and sixty-eight Secondary concerns Questioner: lemon666  
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  1. Before the formal waterproof construction, the floor or wall of the room shall be cleaned and inspected. If the formation surface is uneven, caulking treatment is required.
2. When the base course surface is flat and clean, wet the base course surface with water. After the surface moisture is basically dry, construction can be started.
3. Set K11 waterproof coating First pour the liquid material into the mixing bucket, then add the powder material, pour the powder material while mixing, and use the electric Agitator Fully stir the mixture of powder and water emulsion. Let stand for ten minutes, and then continue to stir until there is no powder in the paste.
4. Use Brush Or roller brush and other tools can evenly brush the paste glue on the surface of the base course to be used as the waterproof space. Generally, the total thickness of the waterproof coating film is more than 1.5mm. It is recommended to brush from the pipe heel or the corner of the wall first, and then paint and scrape in large areas after the surface is dry for 4 hours at room temperature. If bubbles are generated in the process of painting, it is necessary to repeatedly paint the paste glue to exhaust the gas, and there shall be no missing brush, missing scratch or leaving defects. The next layer shall be painted after 24h curing for large area painting.
5. After applying the first layer of waterproof glue, wait for it to dry, and then apply the second layer of glue. When painting the second layer of mortar, pay attention to that the facade should be painted first and then the plane, and the painting direction should be perpendicular to the painting direction of the previous layer.
6. When the last coat of paint is applied, remember to throw away the coarse sand particles when the last coat of slurry adhesive film is semi cured, so that it is convenient to mix with cement in the future mortar combination.
7. When the K11 waterproof coating is applied, about 24 hours later, the waterproof layer can be completely dried before other construction treatment.

The above is the relevant introduction to the construction process of K11 waterproof coating. If you want to avoid leakage in your home in the future life, and want to get along well with your neighbors and friends upstairs and downstairs quietly in the future, you should do a good job in waterproofing during decoration!
[Let me comment] Respondent: 120.6.*.*   2019-05-05 09:22   
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