Issue 1834

2023.10.12. Press conference on construction of "waste free city"

Guest introduction

Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau

Zhou Baohua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau
Sun Jiacheng, Director of Solid Waste Chemicals and Radiation Environment Management Division of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau

Video Introduction

The press conference on October 12, 2023 was released by Zhou Baohua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau, and Sun Jiacheng, Director of the Solid Waste Chemicals and Radiation Environment Management Division of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau. The main contents of the press conference were related to the construction of a "waste free city".

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Conference Record

The press conference begins.

Press conference on construction of "waste free city"

Dear friends in the press

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the press conference held by Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau. The main contents of today's press conference are the construction of the city's "waste free city" and the work plan during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. I am Zhou Baohua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau. Sitting next to me is Comrade Sun Jiacheng, Director of the Solid Waste Chemicals and Radiation Environment Management Division of Xuzhou Ecological Environment Bureau.

Invited to attend today's press conference are reporters from Xuzhou Newspaper Media Group, Xuzhou Radio and Television Media Group and China Environmental Supervision magazine.        

First of all, on behalf of the Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, I would like to express my sincere thanks and heartfelt thanks to all friends in the press for their long-term attention, care and support for the ecological environment protection work in Xuzhou!

The construction of a "waste free city" is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhering to the people centered development idea, implementing the new development concept, complying with the people's expectations for a beautiful ecological environment, which can solve the outstanding problems faced by solid waste pollution prevention and control, improve the management level of urban solid waste as a whole, and promote water The coordinated treatment of air and soil pollution will lead to high-quality economic and social development.

"Waste free city" does not mean that there is no solid waste generation, nor does it mean that solid waste can be used as resources. It is an advanced urban management concept, which aims to ultimately achieve the goal of minimizing the generation of solid waste in the whole city, making full use of resources, and disposing safely. It requires long-term exploration and practice.

Today's press conference has two links. The first is to introduce the progress of "waste free city" construction and the work plan during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. Second, answer questions from media reporters.


Now, let me first introduce the progress and achievements of the construction of "waste free city" in our city.

Since our city was selected as one of the first "11+5" "waste free city" construction pilot cities in 2019, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and government, all departments in various regions have paid close attention to the construction of indicator system, technological innovation breakthrough, exploration of highlight mode, cultivation of market system and construction of system and mechanism. The indicators of various tasks have taken the lead in the country, and the comprehensive utilization rate of general industrial solid waste has reached 98%, The comprehensive utilization rate of agricultural waste has reached over 95%, the domestic waste has achieved "zero landfill", the hazardous waste has been fully and safely disposed, the source of solid waste has been significantly reduced, the resources have been fully utilized, and the safe and effective disposal has been achieved. A series of highlight models, such as "three coordinated" financing, ecological restoration of industrial and mining wasteland, and diversified development, have been summarized and condensed, and vigorously promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Environment. Current progress and achievements:

First, the system and mechanism are perfect. Strengthen overall planning and coordination. In combination with the actual situation of our city, we adjusted the "waste free city" construction headquarters, substantively operated the waste free office, and further enriched the full-time work force. Relevant departments of all counties (cities), districts, and cities have established a "waste free city" construction coordination mechanism, initially forming a work pattern of unified command, coordination and linkage. Build an indicator system. The South China Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment was hired to prepare a high-quality implementation plan for the "14th Five Year Plan" period, systematically build 52 quantitative index systems, and adhere to the wall chart battle and push forward. Clarify annual tasks. The construction task of "waste free city" will be included in the assessment of the system of responsibility for tackling key problems. The annual "waste free city" construction implementation plan was formulated, 23 specific tasks in 6 categories and 10 key engineering projects were deployed, the responsibility list of each department was clarified item by item, and 6 progress notifications were issued. In 2023, the city plans to achieve a comprehensive utilization rate of 27% for hazardous waste, a resource utilization rate of 10.5% for construction waste, and a harmless treatment rate of 100% for industrial sludge.

Second, promote waste and carbon reduction throughout the process. Promote the reduction of solid waste at the source. Accelerate the construction of green manufacturing system and create 19 green factories above provincial level. The standardized environmental management assessment of hazardous wastes was strictly carried out, and the rate of reaching the standard in recent three years was more than 97%. The proportion of urban green buildings in new buildings continued to maintain 100%, and the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings reached 38%. We will strengthen the recycling of solid waste. Promote Xuzhou Circular Economy Industrial Park and Xinyi Venous Industrial Park to be approved as national resource recycling bases. Improve the comprehensive utilization efficiency of straw, build more than 1300 straw collection and storage centers and temporary collection and storage stations, the city's straw collection and storage capacity reaches 1.5 million tons, and develop the national leading straw (manure) solar biogas centralized gas supply technology (Mazhuang mode). We improved 835 large-scale breeding farms, and the comprehensive utilization rate of livestock and poultry manure was more than 96.6%. Two regional agricultural film recycling centers, 136 recycling sites, 54 recycling enterprises and 6 processing and utilization enterprises have been built. Improve the capability of harmless treatment of solid waste. The disposal capacity of hazardous waste reaches 3646900 tons/year (including medical waste), and the disposal category includes 420 hazardous wastes of 41 categories, basically meeting the local disposal needs. Make up for the weakness of emergency disposal capacity of medical waste, establish a classified emergency transportation and disposal mode, and determine 10 cooperative disposal units for medical waste. The daily processing capacity of kitchen waste reaches 1376 tons, and the collection and transportation coverage rate is 100%. The daily treatment capacity of domestic waste reaches 7950 tons, realizing "full incineration and zero landfill".

Third, comprehensively strengthen the guarantee of elements. Focus on the construction of "four systems" of system, technology, market and supervision. Promulgate and implement the Regulations of Xuzhou City on the Management of Industrial Solid Wastes, the Regulations of Xuzhou City on the Management of Domestic Garbage, and the Regulations of Xuzhou City on the Management of Construction Garbage, issue the local standards of the Specifications for the Setting of Domestic Garbage Classification Facilities and Equipment, promote the reform of hazardous waste supervision, utilization and disposal capacity, and study and promote the collaborative treatment technology of solid waste and wastewater in coal-fired power plants, Realize the large-scale value-added utilization of power plant ash. Implement preferential tax policies for straw collection, storage and utilization, and inject strong impetus into enterprises to improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of resources. We will establish a joint law enforcement and inspection system for ultra-thin mulch film, and gradually improve the solid waste treatment system. Improve the digital level of solid waste management. Break the data barriers between departments, include industrial sources, agricultural sources, living sources, hazard sources and various wastes from construction sources into the "smart waste management" smart management platform, build eight core functional modules, including construction dynamics, solid waste supervision, solid waste metabolism, operation services, public services, and data management, which are currently included in medical institutions, waste production enterprises 7640 supervision units such as construction sites. Extensive publicity and education were carried out. China's "waste free city" cultural exhibition hall and China's circular economy industry exhibition hall will be built. Publicize the construction requirements of "waste free city" by issuing brochures, special training, Xuzhou Daily, and the new media platform of ecological Xuzhou WeChat official account. The establishment standards of "no waste cells" series were formulated, and the establishment of "no waste cells" was included in the year-end assessment of "no waste cities".

Fourth, accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements. Promote the intelligent management mode of medical waste. With the help of the "waste free city" of Xuzhou City, intelligent waste management platform and the "Internet+" to enable medical waste supervision, real-time monitoring and supervision of the whole process of classified collection, warehousing, outbound and transfer of medical waste has been achieved. 291 medical waste information systems have been installed and connected to the system. Promote the coordinated governance model of ship, port and city. Seven multi-functional ship pollutant recovery ships and five centralized collection and transfer stations for ship pollutants have been built. The construction of ship pollutant reception facilities has been completed in 58 ports and wharves in the city. The dynamic reception of mobile receiving ships and the static reception of ports and wharves have basically achieved a closed loop. Promote the recycling and disposal mode of pesticide packaging waste. Training on pesticide waste recycling management for farmers was carried out, a recycling and treatment traceability system and a work incentive mechanism were established, and the position of waste pesticide packaging picker was tilted to poor households, simultaneously promoting the construction of waste free cities and rural revitalization. At the same time, our city has actively explored the ditch sludge disposal mode, the whole area green recycling of scrap, the development of green mines, the resource utilization of construction waste and other modes, all of which have achieved good results.

Next, I would like to briefly introduce our city's plan for the construction of a "waste free city" during the "14th Five Year Plan" period.

The "14th Five Year Plan" period is a critical period to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, promote the overall green transformation of economic and social development, and realize the improvement of ecological environment quality from quantitative change to qualitative change. The municipal party committee and the municipal government attach great importance to the construction of "waste free city", always adhere to the construction of "waste free city" closely combined with the implementation of the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Xuzhou, closely combined with the building of a regional model for the implementation of new development concepts, and closely combined with the promotion of high-quality development practice, and all relevant departments of counties (cities), districts, and cities have established "waste free city" Build a coordination mechanism and set up a "waste free city" headquarters and other institutions.

The "Implementation Plan for the Construction of a" Waste free City "in Xuzhou during the" Fourteenth Five Year Plan "period was formulated and issued, the city's command meeting for in-depth pollution prevention and control and the promotion meeting for the construction of" waste free city "were held, and the construction of" waste free city "was included in the assessment of the target responsibility system for in-depth pollution prevention and control, It has formed a working pattern of "high-level promotion, up and down linkage, department cooperation and joint management".

The implementation plan of "waste free city" construction in Xuzhou during the "14th Five Year Plan" period basically follows the indicator system of the pilot construction stage, and combines the national Work Plan for Deepening the Construction of "Waste free City" during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, the "Waste free City" Construction Indicator System (2021) "and the" Waste free City "Construction Indicator System in Jiangsu Province" A total of 52 construction indicators are set for increase, decrease or adjustment, including 37 mandatory indicators, 12 optional indicators and 3 optional indicators.

A total of 45 tasks have been set up for the construction of the four major systems of system, technology, market and supervision, including 21 tasks for the construction of the system, 9 tasks for the construction of the technology system, 7 tasks for the construction of the market system and 8 tasks for the construction of the supervision system.

There are 43 engineering projects, with an estimated investment of 13.7 billion yuan. So far, 13 items have been completed, with an overall completion rate of 25.6%, meeting the chronological schedule requirements.

Overall goal: by 2025, the intensity of urban solid waste production will steadily decline, the proportion of enterprises passing the cleaner production audit and assessment will remain 100%, and the domestic waste clearing and transportation volume will not exceed 3.3 million tons/year; The level and proportion of comprehensive utilization of solid waste have increased significantly, with the comprehensive utilization rate of hazardous waste reaching 30%, and the utilization rate of construction waste recycling reaching 12%; The gap of disposal facilities was basically filled, and the amount of industrial hazardous waste landfill disposal decreased by 10%; The synergetic effect of pollution reduction and carbon reduction is obvious, and the solid waste management information "one network" is basically realized. The concept of "no waste" is widely recognized, and the solid waste management system and capacity are continuously improved.

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