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Insurance institutions in 16 disaster stricken areas including Hebei have paid 2.54 billion yuan

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The picture shows the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 16 (Reporter Wu Yu, Li Yanxia) On August 16, the reporter learned from the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration that, as of August 15, there were million insurance cases reported in 16 disaster stricken areas, including Hebei, with an estimated loss of billion yuan, and total compensation and advance payment of million yuan.

It is reported that among the insurance reports received by the insurance institutions in the disaster stricken areas, there were million insurance reports in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Fujian, with an estimated loss of billion yuan, and a total of million claims and prepayments of 2.4 billion yuan.

In terms of post disaster recovery and reconstruction, the General Administration of Financial Supervision organized banking institutions to formulate support policies in a timely manner and increase credit supply. According to preliminary statistics, as of August 15, billion yuan of loans for flood control, disaster relief, post disaster reconstruction and other related projects had been issued to six severely affected areas. We will promote banking institutions to comprehensively extend loans, reduce financing costs and other ways to help disaster stricken enterprises out of trouble.

In addition, in terms of financial service guarantee. Since the flood, 4452 banking and insurance institutions in 6 severely affected areas have been closed due to the disaster. As of August 15,% of the outlets had resumed operation. For those unable to operate for a short time, temporary business exhibition arrangements were made by means of co signing offices nearby, building "tent banks", mobile service vehicles, etc.

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