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Recently, Guangdong Provincial Health Commission

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Public health emergencies

Reported for Luoding, Yunfu

An incident of toxic mushroom poisoning

15 cases of morbidity and 5 cases of death

This season every year

It is the peak period of mushroom growth

Very easy to happen

Poisoning incident of eating wild mushrooms by mistake

According to the Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission

June 21-27, 2023

Poisoning risk of poisonous mushrooms in Shenzhen

Rise to "medium risk"

Mushrooms found during walking in the owner's community

Take it home for dinner Emergency medical treatment

On June 18, 2023, a citizen in Shenzhen found mushrooms growing in the green belt when walking in the community, picked them and took them home to make dinner. After eating for 3 hours, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms began to appear, and then he was sent to the hospital. After the hospital treatment, there was no life danger. According to the patient's description, the suspect food was identified as the wild mushroom he ate for dinner - Daqingplean.

Big green pleated umbrella, commonly known as green pleated ring umbrella, lead green pleated mushroom, green pleated mushroom, etc., is the most common poisonous mushroom species in southern China. The umbrella fold is white when it is young, and light green to cyan or light cyan when it grows up. The large green pleated umbrellas are concentrated in June to October, and often grow on the lawns, vegetable fields, roadside grasslands, wasteland, sawdust piles, and even near garbage dumps in parks or communities. They are the nearest poisonous mushrooms to people, and the most common poisonous mushrooms that cause mushroom poisoning events in China.

Disease control reminder: the wild mushrooms growing in the green belt of the residential area are not safe. The identification of poisonous mushrooms is extremely difficult. Citizens should never trust the folk or online identification methods without scientific basis. When citizens go out to play, for the health of you and your family, remember not to pick, buy or eat wild mushrooms.

Recently, there has been continuous rain

Many netizens found that

Mushrooms popped up overnight

Yang Zhiqian, chief physician of the Poisoning Department of the 12th People's Hospital of Guangzhou, pointed out that some wild poisonous mushrooms are similar to edible mushrooms in appearance, and identification requires professional knowledge and certain instruments and equipment. It is difficult to identify with the naked eye and according to external characteristics such as shape, smell, color, etc., and it is very easy to cause poisoning by eating them by mistake. Therefore, you should never identify whether mushrooms are poisonous by personal experience, Don't pick and eat without permission. If you eat it by mistake, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Common poisonous mushrooms

White Poison Umbrella (Lethal Goose Cream)

Amanita fuliginea

Huanggai goose paste white variety

Here are some common poisonous mushrooms in Guangdong

Don't touch it!

These rumors are lying to you!

The news of eating mushroom poisoning is countless every year, but there are still countless people taking risks to taste delicious. One reason is that there are many "great gods" among the people, who think they have a set of secrets to identify good mushrooms and poisonous mushrooms.

These tips have been circulating on the Internet, but they are actually pits.

Are brightly colored mushrooms poisonous?

In fact, just looking at the appearance of mushrooms, there is no absolute safety standard. The white gooseberry looks ordinary, but it is a deadly "white poison umbrella"!

The small fleshy brown scale umbrellas and autumn helmets, which are not bright in color and not good in appearance, are also extremely toxic. But the equally beautiful orange goose paste is a famous edible fungus.

Is it toxic to grow in dark and humid places?

Some people say that edible non-toxic mushrooms mostly grow on clean grass or pine and oak trees; Poisonous mushrooms often grow in dark, wet and dirty corners.

This is also wrong!

All mushrooms tend to grow in "dark and humid" places, which has nothing to do with toxicity. Edible coprinus often "blooms" on animal dung such as cow dung; Many poisonous mushrooms, including "White Poison Umbrella", grow on the ground in clean forests.

Is it poisonous if you don't have maggots or insects?

In fact, the famous poisonous fungus, the leopard poison umbrella, is often eaten by slugs, and many poisonous species can also produce maggots.

Is it toxic that silver and garlic will turn black when boiled together?

In fact, mushroom toxins will not react with silverware, garlic, etc.

Wouldn't it be toxic to be injured, discolored, and juicy?

This is not absolute, for example, Lactarius matsutake, Lactarius eryngii and milk all turn blue green, but they are delicious edible mushrooms.

Is it poisonous only when there are warts on the cap, rings on the handle, and fungus trays?

Although the proportion of toxic species of such bacteria is large, it is not absolutely the case. Many poisonous fungi have no unique characteristics, for example, the mushroom with ordinary appearance is very poisonous.

What if I accidentally get poisoned?

1. Call an ambulance immediately;

2. Immediately induce vomiting. First, let the person who eats by mistake take a large amount of warm salt water, and then stimulate the pharynx with his fingers (preferably wrapped with a cloth) to promote vomiting, so as to reduce the absorption of toxins. Pregnant women should use emesis cautiously; If the poisoned person is in a coma, it is not advisable to induce vomiting artificially, which may cause suffocation;

3. Blanket insulation;

4. Send to the hospital immediately. People who have eaten the same mushroom together, whether they are sick or not, also need to go to the hospital immediately for inspection;

5. Keep samples of poisonous mushrooms. The remaining mushrooms eaten should be kept for inspection to find out the cause of poisoning.


Remind again

Mushrooms of unknown origin

Don't pick it! Don't buy! Don't eat!

Source/People's Daily, Qianjiang Evening News, Guangdong Provincial Health Commission, Shenzhen CDC, Zhejiang Disease Control and Prevention, netizens' comments

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