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Global highlights today! What are the specialties of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College? What are the advantageous specialties of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College

(Data pictures are for reference only)

What are the characteristic and advantageous majors of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College is a matter of great concern to the majority of examinees and parents. In order to facilitate your inquiry, our website has compiled a list of national, provincial, municipal and other key majors of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College for your reference:

1. List of Key Specialties of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College

Key majors: preschool education, publishing and computer editing technology, computer application technology

2. Teachers of Sichuan Wenxuan Vocational College

The college has 494 teaching staff and 378 full-time teachers, including 22 with senior professional titles, 40 with deputy senior professional titles and 123 with intermediate professional titles; There are 7 doctors and 120 masters. The teachers of the college won 5 third prizes in the provincial informatization contest; It won one second prize, eight third prizes and eight excellent prizes in the Multimedia Courseware Competition of the Ministry of Education.

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