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Focus today! Policy support+financial innovation+cultivation service  Sunshine, rain and dew moisten enterprises in Xi'an High tech Zone grow into towering trees

The continuous development and growth of enterprises, in addition to their own excellent core competitiveness, can not be separated from the strong support of policies, finance and local governments. In recent years, in Xi'an High tech Zone, local technology-based enterprises such as Brilliant, Juzi Biology and Kangtuo Medical have gradually grown into leaders in their respective industries by virtue of their strong scientific and technological innovation strength, plus the fertile soil and sufficient sunshine and rain provided locally.

Behind the growth of enterprises, the scientific and perfect enterprise cultivation system, "real gold and silver" financial support and diversified financial service mechanism of Xi'an High tech Zone have become the key "fertilizer" for enterprises to grow into towering trees. In the whole process of enterprise listing, Xi'an High tech Zone also fully cooperated, and strengthened the confidence of enterprise listing through a series of listing cultivation activities. In 2022, Xi'an High tech Zone enterprises have made remarkable achievements in listing, with 10 enterprises successively landing in the capital market, and the total amount of initial fundraising reached 8.888 billion yuan.

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Continuously improve the enterprise cultivation system

Incubate "seed" players with heart

Recently, Juzi Biology was listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the "first share of collagen". Juzi Biology, founded in 2001, was born in Xi'an High tech Zone and grew up in Xi'an High tech Zone. It is a high-tech industry dominated by genetic engineering technology, biomedical materials and tissue engineering. It is also a global human like industry ® Collagen ".

Looking back at the 20 years of development of Juzi Biology, from three employees to a team of 500 people, from a 15 ㎡ office to a new factory covering an area of 60 mu, from the Pioneer Building to Wangzuo Modern City, to a new enterprise research and development center, we can see the tremendous changes. Along the way, the support provided by Xi'an High tech Zone can be seen everywhere, from helping enterprises solve "small things" such as recruitment and office space to "big things" such as cultivating enterprises to go public.

The process of Juzi Biology from small to large, growing into a listed company, is also a microcosm of Xi'an High tech Zone's efforts to cultivate local science and innovation enterprises. For a long time, Xi'an High tech Zone has attached great importance to the cultivation of innovation subjects, actively issued support policies, built a service platform, and constantly improved the innovation ability of enterprises, forming a whole life cycle cultivation chain of "technology-based SMEs - high-tech enterprises (gazelle enterprises) - listed enterprises (unicorn enterprises)". In order to strengthen the service capacity for high-tech enterprises and technology-based SMEs, the High tech Zone has also established a "small scale upgrading backup enterprise library", with a cultivation period of one year. During the library period, the Park enjoys various services and policies of enterprises in the library, and coordinates to solve problems such as enterprise financing, labor supply and order demand, so as to help SMEs quickly "upgrade".

In particular, in terms of supporting the listing of enterprises, Xi'an High tech Zone has always adhered to the concept of supporting and encouraging the listing of "hard technology" enterprises, actively built platforms, mechanisms, policies and strong elements, and optimized the "five special" service mechanism for enterprise listing by issuing the "Xi'an National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone's Policy on Supporting the Listing Development of Enterprises", Boost the number of listed enterprises in the zone to achieve a new breakthrough and the market value to a new level. In addition, the "Several Policies and Measures on Supporting Hard Science and Technology Innovation" ("Nine Science and Technology Innovation") was also issued, and nine measures were introduced in three aspects of implementing double chain integration, supporting hard science and technology research and development and transformation, and creating an innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem. The maximum policy support was given to science and technology innovation enterprises. The cumulative policy benefits more than 5000 enterprises, and the amount of awards and subsidies exceeded 1 billion yuan.

With the support of a series of powerful measures, high-tech enterprises and technology-based enterprises have sprung up in Xi'an High tech Zone. Since the construction of Qin Chuangyuan, 27356 new market entities have been added, 3207 newly identified technology-based SMEs, accounting for 28.6% of the province, and 3874 high-tech enterprises have been identified, accounting for 46% of the province

Continue to promote financial innovation

Water the "tree" of scientific innovation

The operation and development of enterprises cannot be separated from financial support. Since 2022, in the context of normalized epidemic prevention and control, Xi'an High tech Zone has further strengthened financial support and service guarantee, constantly increased financial support for small and micro enterprises and scientific and technological innovation enterprises through policies, platform building, refined services, strong docking and other ways, and provided support for the sustainable development of enterprises by stabilizing the flow and increment of financial "live water".

On May 29, 2022, Xi'an High tech Zone will actively guide financial institutions in the zone to reduce fees and increase credit supply, and some banks will give 15 to 110 basis points of internal transfer price (FTP) preferential policies to key industries and weak links. Since the implementation of the policy, the amount of fee reduction and profit concession of banks has reached 7.01 million yuan, benefiting 809 enterprises, and the total amount of deferred principal and interest payment has reached 2.556 billion yuan, benefiting 992 enterprises.

This year, Xi'an Hi tech Zone also launched exclusive specialized, special and new credit products with banking institutions, supported specialized, special and new enterprises with credit, increased support for specialized, special and new enterprises, and promoted rapid and high-quality development of enterprises. By the end of October, "Xinyi Loan" and "First Credit" had completed the credit of 3.18 billion yuan for more than 500 small and medium-sized enterprises represented by "specialized, special and new" enterprises, and this year, the total amount of credit granted by "Resumption Assistance Loan" was 60 million yuan

In order to cultivate and support small and micro enterprises, Xi'an High tech Zone has also set up a financing docking service platform of "Changrong High tech" to guide financial institutions, local financial organizations and venture capital institutions to launch financial products and services - "high-tech credit", "high-tech research and development loan", "high-tech credit loan" and other financial products according to the characteristics of high-tech zone enterprises. At present, The customized financial products have benefited 66 enterprises, with a credit line of 220 million yuan. The high-tech zone also provides all-round financial support by comprehensively applying various preferential policies such as risk compensation, equity investment, guarantee amplification, loan discount, promotion of investment and loan linkage pilot, science and technology insurance subsidies, financial leasing subsidies, etc. This year, 586 small and micro enterprises have been provided with guarantee and credit enhancement support, and the loan amount has reached 2.7 billion yuan. The charge for small and micro enterprises and the main body of agriculture, rural areas and farmers whose guarantee amount is less than 5 million yuan has been reduced to 0.5%, and the total charge has been reduced by 6.75 million yuan, effectively reducing the financing cost of enterprises.

It is worth mentioning that Xi'an Hi tech Zone has also established the first hard science and technology branch in China - the hard science and technology branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank in Xi'an Hi tech Zone. The Bank will, within the scope of laws, regulations and regulatory policies, give preferential policies to technology-based enterprises in terms of plan management, resource allocation, credit approval, assessment and evaluation, incentives and constraints, and strive to achieve the goal that hard technology enterprise loans account for no less than 70% of the total corporate enterprise loans and the number of households account for no less than 90% in three years. At present, Qinchuangyuan Kechuangji Golden Park, the key construction of Xi'an High tech Zone, has attracted many global technology, finance and innovation enterprise headquarters, which can bridge the gap between industry and capital and help enterprises achieve greater development.

Free application for policy fulfillment

Real gold and silver boost high-quality development

Among all kinds of support policies, "real gold and silver" is the most persuasive way to implement enterprise support policies.

"This 31209100 yuan is extremely precious, which directly solved the capital problem of our enterprise in purchasing equipment. It is really a timely rain!" In July this year, Xi'an Yisiwei Silicon Chip Technology Co., Ltd., which is in the ramp up period of mass production, was facing the upward pressure of capital turnover due to the continuous increase of R&D and production investment. At this critical moment, the high-tech zone delivered the 31209100 yuan tax rebate in full, It greatly reduces the capital pressure of enterprises and provides effective guarantee for the follow-up development of enterprises.

It is understood that in order to further improve the efficiency of policy delivery and give full play to the guiding role of financial funds, the High tech Zone has launched a new model of free application and instant access to policy delivery. Through intelligent, precise and personalized service embedding, it has implemented the quick delivery mechanism of "three reductions and one increase", promoted the transformation of policy delivery from "people looking for policies" to "policy looking for people", and used "system screening" Instead of "enterprise declaration", "data escape" instead of "manual transmission", and "intelligent audit" instead of "manual audit", it has realized direct access to policy dividends and accurate cashing everywhere.

According to statistics, since this year, Xi'an High tech Zone has implemented 105000 combined tax support policies, with a total of 8.068 billion yuan of tax reduction, exemption, refund and postponement. It has built a platform of "helping enterprises", sorted out 147 preferential policies for enterprises, delivered 687 million yuan of policy funds in 2021, and benefited more than 3000 enterprises.

If an enterprise prospers, the economy will prosper; if an enterprise is strong, the high-tech zone will be strong. In the future, Xi'an High tech Zone will be a good parent of enterprises, constantly strengthen enterprise support services, actively implement various preferential policies, strive to create an optimal business environment, respond to the needs and demands of enterprises at the first time, and go all out to support and ensure the development and growth of enterprises.

(Picture source: Xi'an High tech Zone)

key word: Xi'an High tech Zone Small and micro enterprises High tech enterprises technological innovation Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

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