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Hot news: Gansu: strengthen the dominant position of enterprise innovation and enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises

"Innovation is the eternal power of enterprise development, and enterprises are the main body of innovation." On June 14, at the policy interpretation conference of the Implementation Plan of Gansu Province for Strong Industry Action (2022-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") held by the Information Office of the Gansu Provincial Government, Zhu Xiaoli, the first level inspector of the Department of Science and Technology of Gansu Province, introduced the "Implementation Plan" in supporting enterprises to strengthen the main body of innovation, Specific measures to enhance the market competitiveness of enterprises.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

First of all, we should deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain and layout the industrial chain around the innovation chain.

Zhu Xiaoli said that by establishing and improving the "chain leader system" science and technology service system, the company aims to support "chain owners" enterprises and promote the financing and innovation of key industrial chains in the province. We will implement the plan to multiply provincial sci-tech innovative enterprises and high-tech enterprises, support the cultivation of a number of "specialized, refined, and new" enterprises, support high-tech enterprises above designated size to grow into leading sci-tech enterprises, and support qualified high-tech enterprises to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Edition and the Beijing Stock Exchange.

By 2025, we will strive to increase the number of high-tech enterprises in the province from 1229 in the "13th Five Year Plan" to more than 2600, and the ratio of industrial R&D expenditure to operating income above designated size will increase from 0.69% in the "13th Five Year Plan" to 1.5%. About 20 innovative consortia have been established in new energy, new materials, biomedicine, electronic information, fine chemicals and other fields.

Secondly, we will carry out key core technology research around important areas.

Zhu Xiaoli introduced that a number of innovative industrial clusters have been formed by accelerating the key core technologies of key industries such as traditional industries, new materials, biomedicine, new energy and equipment manufacturing. Focusing on the implementation of a number of key projects in the traditional industries such as petrochemical, nonferrous metals, iron and steel, new coal chemical industry, food processing, etc., to extend the chain and strengthen the chain, promote the upgrading of high-end, intelligent, and green transformation, accelerate the iterative updating of new technologies, new processes, and new products, and accelerate the promotion of traditional industries from the low end of the industrial chain to the high end of the industrial chain. Strengthen the technology supply of new material industry, and cultivate and expand a number of new material industry clusters. We will strengthen the tackling of key problems in biomedical technology and support the cultivation of key enterprises in the biomedical industry chain to become bigger and stronger.

In terms of improving transformation efficiency and accelerating the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements, Zhu Xiaoli introduced that it is necessary to improve the transfer and transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements, and build a scientific and technological achievements transfer and transformation system guided by enterprise technology needs, supported by market-oriented trading platforms and professional service institutions. We will improve the classification and evaluation system of scientific and technological achievements, formulate detailed rules for the implementation of scientific and technological achievements evaluation, promote the evaluation criteria for technological maturity, and establish an achievement evaluation mechanism involving multiple subjects. Build a public service platform for scientific and technological achievements, and accelerate the construction of market-oriented technology transfer institutions and intellectual property management standardization system.

key word: Scientific and technological achievements High tech enterprises Implementation plan core technology Industrial cluster

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