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Yili: Taking the lead to promote high-quality economic development in Inner Mongolia

Recently, the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the China Enterprise Confederation and other institutions have released the 2023 Top 500 Private Enterprises and Top 500 Chinese Enterprises lists. Yili ranks first in the two lists with a total revenue of 123.171 billion yuan in 2022, firmly occupying the top position of the "2023 Top 100 Private Enterprises in Inner Mongolia", more than 50 billion yuan ahead of the second. The authoritative list shows that Yili Group is currently the largest, strongest and best performing enterprise in Inner Mongolia, and plays an irreplaceable role in helping the high-quality development of the dairy economy in Inner Mongolia and China with a strong sense of responsibility.

According to the list of the top 20 global dairy companies released by Rabobank on August 29, 2023, Yili ranks among the top five dairy companies in the world, ranking first in Asia's dairy industry for ten consecutive years, and is China's largest dairy company with the most comprehensive product categories. In recent years, Yili has risen steadily in the ranking of China's top 500 private enterprises and China's top 500 enterprises, which shows the vigorous development momentum and vitality of Inner Mongolia and China's dairy industry.

Since 2018, when the country and Inner Mongolia put forward the dairy industry revitalization plan and a series of policies and measures, Yili has worked hard, actively invested in the construction of dairy industry cluster projects as a leading enterprise, helped the whole chain of dairy industry in Inner Mongolia to upgrade and develop, and took the lead in the national dairy industry revitalization. The dairy enterprises in Inner Mongolia led by Yili are energetic and unswerving, and the "milk cans" in Inner Mongolia are fragrant all over the country. Moreover, Yili has also played a positive and significant role in helping the high-quality economic development of Inner Mongolia, promoting industrial transformation and upgrading, solving youth employment and entrepreneurship, and accelerating industrial scientific and technological innovation. Since 2019, Yili has invested more than 40 billion yuan in dairy industry cluster projects in several leagues and cities in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Digital empowerment promotes the whole chain upgrading of dairy industry in Inner Mongolia

Yili Modern Smart Health Valley

On August 5, at the World Dairy Conference held in Hohhot, Hohhot was officially awarded the title of "World Dairy Science and Technology Capital" by the International Food Science and Technology Alliance, and was awarded the title of "China Dairy Breeding Capital" by the China Dairy Association. The acquisition of two honors proves that the "science and technology" of Hohhot, the milk capital of China, is increasing. Driven by Yili Group, a leading dairy enterprise in Asia, all links in the dairy industry chain of Hohhot and even Inner Mongolia "from a grass to a cup of milk" are full of technological power.

At this World Dairy Conference, Yili, on behalf of Inner Mongolia, presented its overall industrial chain layout results to global guests. With leading breeding technology, innovative strength in line with the world, and high-quality innovative products, Yili has given the world a new understanding of the scientific and technological innovation of China's dairy industry.

As one of the organizers of the conference, Yili not only participated in the preparation of conferences, activities and forums, but also showed the global dairy industry its high-quality development sample of China's dairy industry, Yili Modern Smart Health Valley, which is also the only place to watch the conference. Hundreds of guests, including domestic and foreign political figures, relevant guests from international organizations, dairy experts, economists, and industry guests, made an in-depth investigation of Yili's whole industry ecosystem "from a grass to a cup of milk".

In Yili Modern Smart Health Valley, the forage planting base with a total area of 6300 mu is equipped with field data collection system, intelligent sprinkler irrigation system, agricultural machinery information, water fertilizer integration and other information systems. Yili takes the lead in developing the wrapping silage technology in China, so that the first crop alfalfa indicators will all reach the top grade or above in 2023, and the alfalfa silage protein indicators will reach the top level of American alfalfa.

In Yilichlechuan Ecological Smart Ranch, the intelligent automatic feeding system can accurately control the amount of feed added, with an accuracy of 98%, and can achieve full traceability to ensure the quality of raw milk. This ranch is a modern ranch representing the most advanced technology in the world. As one of the pastures built to support the productivity of Yili Modern Smart Health Valley, the pastures with a total investment of up to 700 million yuan and a total area of about 11250 mu are not only the pastures with the highest degree of intelligence and the most advanced low-carbon environmental protection technology in the world, but also the high-yield pastures built with the world's leading embryo technology, as well as the world-class green ecological sightseeing pastures.

Yili intelligent production line

At the Yili Healthy Valley Liquid Milk Global Intelligent Manufacturing Benchmark Base with a total investment of 5 billion yuan, the stacking manipulator rotates flexibly AGV driverless cars can intelligently avoid obstacles and smooth logistics, and the world's first-class storage system can intelligently manage... At present, the base can process 6500 tons of raw milk per day, which is the first factory in the world's dairy industry to introduce a production line with the fastest speed in the world and 40000 bags per hour. The milk produced every day can fully meet the daily drinking milk demand of a city with a population of 10 million. There is also Yili Milk Powder Global Intelligent Manufacturing Benchmark Base, with a total investment of 3 billion yuan and an annual production capacity of 60000 tons, which is currently a high-end infant formula production base with leading global production capacity, first-class technology and advanced digital intelligence.

Today, in Yili Modern Smart Health Valley, the dairy industry project has formed a production capacity of more than 7000 tons of raw milk per day, supporting the construction of large-scale ranches for 300000 cows and 100000 dairy goats, and realizing the comprehensive improvement of ecological, social and economic benefits.

Yili Modern Smart Health Valley is the epitome of Yili's full chain deployment of industrial chain and innovation chain "from a grass to a cup of milk". Aait Dijkhuizen, China Netherlands agricultural cooperation ambassador and former president of Wageningen University in the Netherlands, sighed after visiting Health Valley, "Seeing the application of artificial intelligence in factories and pastures in Health Valley, it is amazing that China's dairy industry has strong innovation ability." He firmly believed that China's dairy industry represented by Yili would play an increasingly important role in the world's dairy industry.

As a key promotion project of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hohhot City during the "14th Five Year Plan" period, Yili Modern Smart Health Valley focuses on building a "100 billion level industrial cluster" with dairy industry as the core. Through industry driven full chain development, digital enabled smart city, and green led industry city integration, it has created many of the top dairy industries in the world and condensed the top dairy resources in the world. For Yili, this is an excellent practice of exploring the development of dairy industry cluster, which will also strongly promote the regional economic growth of Hohhot and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and will comprehensively lead the upgrading, transformation and high-quality development of China's dairy industry.

Driven by the leading role of Yili, Hohhot, the world dairy science and technology capital, is building a hundred billion level industrial cluster. In recent years, Hohhot has vigorously introduced equipment manufacturing, packaging consumables, cold chain logistics and other enterprises, and the development scale of the whole dairy industry chain has been growing. From the forefront of "breeding" to breaking the technical difficulties, from "a cup of milk" to "a cup of goat milk" and "a cup of camel milk", the industrial structure has become more profound and diverse.

In order to solve the "choke" problem of dairy cattle breeding, the Secstar Group under Yili has mastered the world's leading livestock sex control technology and cow genetic improvement technology, has three world leading dairy cattle core breeding bases in the world, and the company's production capacity of sex controlled frozen semen ranks first in Asia; The dairy goat ranch located in Qingshuihe County, Hohhot City is the first large-scale dairy goat farm invested by Yili, with a total investment of 540 million yuan and a designed breeding scale of 50000 dairy goats. At present, the dairy goat ranch has been put into production, contributing to the power of "a cup of goat milk" for the world dairy science and technology capital.

Building industrial clusters to help Inner Mongolia's dairy industry take the lead in revitalization

Standardized dairy farm

Inner Mongolia is known as the national "milk can". One fifth of the country's milk originates from Inner Mongolia. The number of cows on hand and the output of milk rank first in the country. Every six cups of milk consumed by the people of the country, one cup comes from Inner Mongolia. Since the country put forward the dairy industry revitalization plan in 2018, Inner Mongolia has formulated and issued the Implementation Opinions on Promoting the Dairy Industry Revitalization, Several Policies and Measures for Promoting the Dairy Industry Revitalization, Nine Policies and Measures for Promoting the Dairy Industry Revitalization, etc., continued to increase support for the dairy industry, and formulated the strategic goal of "taking the lead in achieving the dairy industry revitalization in the country by 2025". In 2023, Inner Mongolia issued an "upgraded" dairy revitalization policy - Several Policies and Measures to Promote the High Quality Development of the Dairy Industry to fully promote the upgrading and development of the dairy industry.

Under the guidance of national and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region policies, Yili started from Hohhot, took the lead in the industry to carry the banner of dairy industry revitalization, pushed the pace of building industrial clusters to the whole autonomous region and the whole country, and comprehensively helped China's dairy industry revitalization and rural revitalization.

In fact, Inner Mongolia is located in the northern part of the country, far away from the densely populated areas with large sales of dairy products. The planned layout of pastures and production bases in Inner Mongolia does not have the advantage of logistics costs. After the project is completed, enterprises will bear high logistics costs. Just because the grassland is Yili's root, and only to repay the kindness of the grassland, several investment projects were launched quickly - since 2019, Yili has invested in the construction of dairy industry cluster projects in Hohhot, Hulunbeier, Xing'an League and other places, becoming a "powerful engine" to help the revitalization of Inner Mongolia dairy industry and improve the international competitiveness and influence of China's dairy industry.

In Hulunbeier, the first batch of production lines of Yili Green Intelligent High end Organic Dairy Products Demonstration Project were completed and put into operation, driving the construction and completion of 14 standardized dairy farms in Arong Banner. Thanks to the rapid development of dairy industry, Arong Banner will achieve an output value of 593 million yuan in the first quarter of 2023, up 12.1% year on year, accounting for 85.8% of the total output value of the primary industry. At present, the total herd of dairy cattle in Arong Banner has reached 50900 heads, 8 pastures have milk production operations, and the daily output of fresh milk is 641 tons. In the first quarter, the accumulated milk output was 43100 tons, up 47.1% year on year.

In Xing'an League, the first production lines of the first phase of the "5G+Industrial Internet Platform" Application of Intelligent Manufacturing New Technology Demonstration Project of Inner Mongolia Xing'an Yili Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. were officially put into operation. The annual production is expected to be 100000 tons, with an annual output value of more than 500 million yuan, directly driving 500 people to find jobs, driving the synchronous and rapid development of seven farms in Xing'an League, and driving 30000 people to increase income in the whole industrial chain.

As a star enterprise moving from Inner Mongolia to the world, Yili actively helps the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization and dairy revitalization in Inner Mongolia, and contributes to the high-quality development of Inner Mongolia. Aiming at the problems of "weak technology, difficult financing, high risk and slow transformation" of farmers and herdsmen on their way to becoming rich, Yili gives full play to the advantages of leading enterprises in technology, management, capital and other aspects. Through the "interest linkage mechanism", Yili forms a community with farmers and herdsmen to share interests and risks, and leads farmers and herdsmen to increase income and become rich together through industrial chain empowerment and rural talent training.

Today, a large number of embedded service personnel are active in the first-line pastures all the year round to solve problems for dairy farmers, help dairy farmers improve their scientific breeding ability, promote the coordinated development of local primary, secondary and tertiary industries, effectively solve the root causes of labor loss in poor areas, low employment rate and other difficult problems, and lead and drive local people to become rich.

The construction of large-scale and high-quality industrial clusters and milk source bases shows the unique "Inner Mongolia speed" of China's dairy industry. According to incomplete statistics, Yili, driven by the planning of various industrial clusters in Inner Mongolia, will have more than 1 million matching high-quality cows on hand, becoming a well deserved "main force" in the revitalization of Inner Mongolia dairy industry.

Build a first-class seed source, first-class forage and first-class milk source base, create a first-class processing enterprise, create a first-class brand, form a first-class quality, lead the development of the national dairy industry, and realize the revitalization of the dairy industry. Yili's development can be regarded as the portrayal of the economic development of Inner Mongolia and the epitome of China's economic development.

In the future, Yili will continue to lead the upstream and downstream partners of the industrial chain, farmers and herdsmen to work together for common prosperity and development through its own virtuous cycle of development, so as to help the high-quality development of the local economy.

Innovation leads to accelerate the deep integration of Inner Mongolia dairy industry and global industrial chain

From winning the "National Quality Award" in the field of quality in China, to the "Food Safety Innovation Award" issued by the International Dairy Federation (IDF), to the "Asian Quality Excellence Award", the highest honor in the field of quality in Asia, Yili has included all national, intercontinental and global authoritative quality management honors, It has forged a unique quality award of "full slam" in China's dairy industry. Behind this impressive transcript is Yili's concept of "no innovation, no future".

The National Dairy Technology Innovation Center, approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China and headquartered in Yili Modern Smart Health Valley, is the only national level technology innovation center in China's food industry, which is jointly built by enterprises, universities and research institutes, with the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as the main responsibility body. At present, the center has attracted more than 100 member units, gathered 10 academicians, more than 100 senior industry experts, more than 20 overseas experts, more than 1000 core scientific researchers and more than 5000 whole industry chain innovation teams, gathered China's largest dairy industry top think tank, and committed to independent scientific and technological innovation, Explore a high-quality development road of dairy industry with Chinese characteristics, and build a dairy technology innovation hub with global influence.

As one of the co construction units, Yili has jointly carried out 134 scientific research projects, applied for 98 patents, published 78 papers and issued 12 standards. At the World Dairy Conference, Professor Pablo Gregorini of Lincoln University, after visiting the National Dairy Technology Innovation Center, said that the performance of China's dairy industry represented by Yili in innovation was shocking, and he was deeply impressed by Hohhot's leading position in the world dairy industry. On August 27, Wang Zhigang, minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, visited the National Dairy Technology Innovation Center, highly recognized the construction achievements of the center, and hoped that the center would give full play to its platform advantages, integrate global advanced technology and high-quality resources, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and contribute more to the revitalization of the dairy industry.

Over the years, Yili has taken innovation as an important strategy to drive enterprise development. From a grass, a cow to a cup of milk, Yili has arranged the innovation chain in the whole chain, breaking through the difficulties in the development of each industry. By the end of December 2022, Yili's total number of patent applications and invention applications in the world has ranked second in the world's dairy industry, becoming an innovation highland leading the revitalization of the dairy industry.

At present, Yili has set up 15 innovation centers around the world, integrated domestic and overseas R&D resources, carried out innovation cooperation in the whole industry chain, and continued to create healthy products that meet the needs of the whole population, the whole life cycle, and the whole consumption scenario, and achieved fruitful practical results.

Yili continuously provides consumers with health products

As China's largest dairy enterprise with the most complete product categories, Yili's products are sold to more than 60 countries and regions around the world. Every day, more than 100 million Yili products reach consumers. Up to now, Yili has built 81 production bases in the world, with more than 2000 global partners covering 6 continents and 39 countries. Yili is driving upstream and downstream enterprises to speed up technology upgrading, process optimization and process reengineering, and comprehensively promote in-depth cooperation in all links of the global industrial chain.

From grassland to international reputation, Yili has become a shining name card of Inner Mongolia. While developing and growing, it is also sparing no effort to promote the comprehensive economic and social development of Inner Mongolia. In the first half of 2023, Yili will achieve a total operating revenue of 66.197 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.31%. Since its listing in 1996, the accumulated tax payment has reached 60.202 billion yuan, directly and indirectly driving the coordinated development of dozens of related industries and creating millions of jobs for the society.

Looking back on the past ten years, Yili has made great achievements in developing enterprises, leading the industry and serving the society; We have always been committed to sharing the country's worries and taking responsibility for the people's livelihood. Standing at the starting point of the top five dairy companies in the world, Yili has officially announced the medium-term goal of advancing to the "top three dairy companies in the world" in 2025 and the long-term strategic goal of achieving the "top one dairy industry in the world" in 2030.

Adhering to the concept of "thickness is better than speed, industry prosperity is better than individual brilliance, and social value is greater than commercial wealth" put forward by Pan Gang, chairman of Yili Group, Yili undertakes the mission of technological innovation and high-quality development of dairy industry in Inner Mongolia and even China.

key word: Dairy industry Inner Mongolia Dairy industry China

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