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From January to August, the national catering revenue increased by 19.4% year on year. The catering industry focused on new demand to improve adaptability

Put the ingredients on the grill, set the program, and the machine can automatically complete the barbecue. At the 8th China International Food and Beverage Expo, an automatic barbecue machine attracted many people. The meat skewers on the grill are "sizzling" and emitting oil. In less than half a minute, the mechanical arm lifts the grill to turn over automatically, and the operations such as oil brushing and spreading are completed in one go. A few minutes later, a kebab will be made.

The 8th China International Food and Beverage Expo 2023, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce, the People's Government of Hunan Province, and organized by the Circulation Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce, was recently held in Changsha, Hunan Province. At the Expo, new technologies, new trends and new formats of the food and catering industry can be seen everywhere. In 15 professional exhibition areas, more than 40000 products from all over the country and more than 30 countries and regions, such as South Korea, Thailand, Australia, etc., appeared on the same stage, attracting more than 200000 visitors to the exhibition.

"At 10 a.m., the first group of tourists had arrived at the store, and 80% of them were tourists from other places." The head of Songji Restaurant in Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province said that the consumption heat of the store during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday this year was much higher than that in previous years, and the number of customers received and the turnover of the store increased significantly every day. According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce, the market sales during the Mid Autumn Festival National Day holiday this year grew steadily and rapidly, and the average daily sales of national key retail and catering enterprises increased by 8.6% over the 2022 National Day holiday.

At present, with the acceleration of the implementation of consumption promotion policies across the country, the consumption season in various regions is booming, the diversified and characteristic catering consumption supply is constantly enriched, and the catering consumption potential has been significantly released. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to August, the national catering revenue was 3281.8 billion yuan, up 19.4% year on year. In August, catering revenue was 421.2 billion yuan, up 12.4%.

Since this year, the Ministry of Commerce has actively organized a series of "Chinese Food Fair" catering activities to promote consumption, promote local specialty food, and drive the continuous recovery of catering consumption.

Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the 8th China International Food and Beverage Expo, as one of the key events of the "2023 Year of Consumption Boost", could play a role as a national level exhibition platform, and play a positive role in further expanding catering consumption, promoting innovation in the food industry, helping rural revitalization, and driving high-quality development of the industry. During the exhibition, more than 20 events of high specification, high quality and high level were presented successively.

The catering industry is a key area to promote consumption, benefit people's livelihood and stabilize employment. Promoting high-quality development of the catering industry is of great significance for expanding domestic demand, promoting the formation of a strong domestic market, and serving to build a new development pattern. China has the advantage of super large scale market, and the potential of catering consumption market is still great. Focusing on new consumption demand, continuously increasing high-quality supply and improving supply and demand adaptability, the catering industry is expected to accelerate its recovery.

Wang Dongtang, Director of the Department of Trade in Services and Trade Services of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the catering industry played an important supporting role in expanding consumption. At present, the recovery of the catering industry is showing a new atmosphere and gathering new momentum. In the next step, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to make efforts to foster innovative development momentum, strengthen industrial development support, optimize industrial development mode, and actively create a development environment to promote high-quality development of the catering industry.

key word: catering Adaptability Ministry of Commerce Catering consumption Spreading material

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