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How to grasp the investment opportunity of "Gold Nine Silver Ten"? Wells Fargo Fund's "Investment Together" Special Strategy Meeting in September was successfully held

The sky is clear in summer, the leaves are moving in autumn, and the golden autumn September is already half way through. Resumption of the market since this year, A-share has experienced "spring agitation" in the first quarter, shock consolidation in the second quarter and high volatility since the third quarter. With the introduction of a series of policy combinations recently, the "policy bottom" has emerged. Can the "golden nine and silver ten" in the market this year come as scheduled? How to layout in the current stage? On September 15, the Wells Fargo Foundation held a special strategy meeting on "investing together" in September with the theme of "nine gold and ten silver, fineness geometry". Xiong Yuan, chief economist of Guosheng Securities and the best analyst of New Fortune, Sun Yuanyuan, chief analyst of the pharmaceutical industry of Industrial Securities and the best analyst of New Fortune, Wu Wei, the proposed fund manager of Fuguo Value Growth, and Zhang Fusheng, the intelligent fund manager of Fuguo Auto were invited to attend.

The first half of the strategy meeting was composed of three keynote speeches. The guests Xiong Yuan, Wu Wei and Zhang Fusheng brought their investment prospects for the future market from the three directions of macro economy, investment strategy and industry trend; In the second half of the open round table forum, the chief securities trader and the fund manager of Fullrich launched a discussion with the theme of "nine gold and ten silver, what to buy at the bottom of the market?" to jointly explore the main investment line and driving factors that deserve attention in the current market.

It is reported that this strategy meeting is one of the "investment together" brand series activities of Wells Fargo Fund, and two chief analysts and two managers of Wells Fargo Fund are regularly invited every month to directly attack the hottest investment topic in the current market and bring the industry's front-line views to investors. This strategy will be broadcast on more than 30 platforms simultaneously, attracting market attention.

In the second half of the year, the market or trend is better, and the current confidence is more important than gold

In the first half of the strategy meeting, Xiong Yuan, the chief economist of Guosheng Securities and the best analyst of New Wealth, described his research and judgment on the current market with the title of "nine gold and ten silver, what expectations does the capital market have". Xiongyuan said that since August, the economy has shown signs of stabilizing on a month on month basis. With a series of recently launched policy combinations, the market is expected to gradually move out of the "economic bottom". At present, confidence is more important than gold.

Wu Wei, the proposed fund manager of Wells Fargo Value Growth, also believes that the current market is at a relatively obvious bottom area, and the historical logic of policy bottom, profit bottom and market bottom is still valid. In the second half of the year, against the background of improved earnings and rising risk appetite, the stock market may have a better trend.

As one of the "new energy twin stars" of Wells Fargo, Zhang Fusheng, the fund manager of Wells Fargo Auto Smart Selection, said that in the first half of the resumption, the performance of the new energy segment has been differentiated year to date; Looking forward to the second half, the new energy sector still presents structural opportunities, focusing on automotive intelligence.

Focus on pro cycle, medicine, science and technology in the future

In the round table discussion session of the second half of the strategy meeting, Ma Lan, the asset allocation director of Wells Fargo Fund, together with the chief securities trader and Wells Fargo Fund Manager, discussed more specific investment opportunities and main lines.

Looking forward to the market in the second half of the year and the next year, Xiongyuan believes that the follow-up market may have a new understanding around the effect of the economy and policies, and there may be some opportunities for pro cyclical and growth styles. Wu Wei pointed out that at present, both the fundamentals and valuation have laid the foundation for the next stage of bottoming and recovery of the market. Zhang Fusheng believes that the key lies in the economic trend. There are still opportunities for A-shares, but more attention should be paid to their structure. Sun Yuanyuan also said that the A-share market was more optimistic in the second half of the year than in the first half.

key word: Zhang Fu market Wu Wei fund

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