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Data of nationwide marriage registration in the second quarter: 156000 and 178000 couples of marriage and divorce respectively increased year on year

On September 15, the website of the Ministry of Civil Affairs released the statistics of civil affairs in the second quarter of 2023. Data shows that in the second quarter of this year (2023), 1.781 million marriages and 676000 divorces were registered nationwide.

Compared with the first quarter of this year, the number of marriage registrations nationwide in the second quarter of this year decreased by 366000 pairs, and the number of divorce registrations increased by 35000 pairs; Compared with the same period in the second quarter of last year, the two data increased by 156000 pairs and 178000 pairs respectively year on year.

In recent years, the news that the number of marriages across the country has reached a new low has aroused widespread concern.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the marriage data in China began to decline year by year in 2014, reaching 13.4693 million pairs in 2013, 10 million pairs in 2019, 7.636 million pairs in 2021, and 8 million pairs in 2021. In 2022, the number of marriages registered nationwide will be 6.833 million, a decrease of 803000 or 10.5% compared with the previous year.

key word: marry quarter Ministry of Civil Affairs whole country

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