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Survey: Bookings of popular hotels in Golden Week soared by more than 500%, with a 5.4 times increase in Beijing

In Beijing, the reporter visited several hotels and learned that the number of bookings for the "National Day" holiday in many hotels has increased significantly. According to the data from the travel booking platform, as of September 15, the number of bookings of popular hotels in China has increased by 514% year on year. Among them, hotel bookings during the "National Day" holiday in Beijing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Changsha, Xi'an, Nanjing and Guangzhou increased more than three times compared with 2019. Among them, Beijing increased by 5.4 times, Hangzhou and Wuhan by 4.8 times and 4.5 times respectively. Have you booked a hotel for the National Day holiday?

key word: Pre order quantity Beijing hotel Wuhan

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