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Carry out key technology research and consolidate the momentum of machinery industry

The machinery industry is an important cornerstone to support the country's manufacturing capacity and comprehensive national strength, and is the "ballast" to stabilize the industrial economy. Seven departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, recently jointly issued the Work Plan for Steady Growth of the Machinery Industry (2023-2024), which proposes to strive for an average growth rate of more than 3% of the operating income of the machinery industry from 2023 to 2024, to reach 8.1 trillion yuan by 2024, and to cultivate a number of competitive small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic clusters and 10 or so hundred billion level industrial clusters with international competitiveness.

Wang Weiming, Director of the First Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the stable growth plan of the machinery industry mainly focused on 11 sub sectors, including machine tools, agricultural machinery, engineering machinery, robots, and medical equipment. China will support equipment manufacturing enterprises to tackle key core technologies and carry out intelligent and green transformation.

The momentum of development accumulates and grows

Recently, Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd. released a semi annual performance report, saying that the operating income in the first half of the year was about 15.036 billion yuan, an increase of 9.22% year on year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was about 614 million yuan, up 28.06% year on year.

Behind the rapid growth of leading enterprises is the overall improvement of the equipment industry. First, the production of equipment industry rebounded rapidly. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to July this year, the added value of the equipment industry increased by 8.9% year on year, 5.1 percentage points higher than that of industries above designated size, which played a significant role in driving industrial growth; Second, the enterprise benefit continued to improve. From January to July, the operating income and total profit of enterprises above the designated size of the equipment industry increased by 7.5% and 14.1% respectively year on year, 8 and 29.6 percentage points higher than those of enterprises above the designated size; Third, exports maintained a steady growth. The value of export delivery increased by 10.9% year on year, 15.8 percentage points higher than that of industries above designated size.

Zuo Shiquan, Chief Engineer of the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, analyzed that the demand market has generally recovered and improved, the national policy support and technological innovation led the optimization and upgrading of the product structure, so as to promote the accumulation and growth of the development momentum of the equipment industry, and promote the recovery of the economic benefit indicators of the equipment industry.

Zuo Shiquan introduced that, first of all, the automobile industry, which accounts for about 30% of the equipment industry, has played a significant role in driving. From January to July, the production and sales of automobiles reached 15.65 million and 15.626 million respectively, with year-on-year growth of 7.4% and 7.9% respectively. Secondly, driven by battery manufacturing, power transmission and transformation, control equipment and other fields, the production of electrical equipment has continued to grow rapidly. Third, driven by high-end, intelligent, and green demands, smart manufacturing equipment and other fields have achieved rapid growth around technological transformation and new generation product research and development.

"It should also be noted that the current external environment is complex and severe, there are many risks and hidden dangers in key areas, the development of the equipment industry is facing new situations, and the pressure on the stable growth of the industry is great." Wang Weiming said that the Plan proposed 16 key tasks in four aspects from both sides of supply and demand. Next, equipment manufacturing enterprises will be supported to carry out key core technology research and intelligent green transformation; Strengthen the economic operation monitoring of the equipment industry by using information platforms such as "Digital Industry and Information Technology", and timely coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems faced by the development of industry enterprises; We will encourage local governments to adopt targeted policies to stabilize growth in the region based on actual conditions.

Zuo Shiquan believes that the economic operation of the equipment industry will maintain a stable growth trend in the second half of the year under the support of stable growth policies in machinery, automobile, electric equipment and other industries, and driven by industrial upgrading.

Carry out core technology research

The Plan proposes that we should strengthen the precise implementation of policies, take the promotion of high-quality development of key sub industries as the main line, make overall plans to promote the improvement of weak points, forge long plates, strengthen the foundation, cultivate new industries, and stimulate the endogenous sustainable growth power of key sub industries such as industrial machinery.

The industrial machine is the "tool for making machines" and the "foundation for self-improvement". It is a basic industry related to national strategic security and overall development. According to Tianyan's data, there are nearly 340000 machine tool related enterprises in China.

Li Jingying, director of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry Development Research Center of China National Machinery Academy, said that in recent years, through continuous research, the technical level of some equipment of China's industrial aircraft has reached the world level and has been applied in key fields such as aerospace. However, the international industrial development environment is becoming increasingly severe. There are still a number of high-end industrial machine tools and key functional components that are heavily dependent on imports, and there are risks in the independent control of the industrial chain.

Li Jingying believes that in addition to tapping the potential of the domestic market and cultivating typical application scenarios, it is also necessary to systematically improve the supply capacity, ensure the safety and controllability of the industrial chain, gradient cultivate high-quality enterprises, and create advanced manufacturing clusters. In promoting application, it is necessary to build a batch of industrial master machine application verification production lines, demonstration application factories or bases, and guide the application iteration of innovative achievements. It is suggested to prepare the promotion and application directory of high-end industrial master equipment in combination with the guidance directory for the promotion and application of the first set of major technical equipment, and increase government procurement.

In terms of improving supply, Li Jingying said that we should give full play to the role of various policies such as product research, technological transformation, finance, taxation and finance, promote the continuous implementation of relevant major science and technology projects as soon as possible, improve the layout and construction of the innovation system, create a number of industrial base common technology centers, deploy a number of pilot certification platforms, and promote the application of typical scenarios in groups and chains.

Promote key core technology research to reach consensus in the industry. Zuo Shiquan said that the next step is to focus on advantageous resources to formulate technical research and product development plans, target national strategic needs and key industrial fields, and comprehensively improve the R&D capability of key core technologies of industrial machines on the basis of good identification of security risks in the industrial chain supply chain.

Promote intelligent manufacturing

On September 12, the foundation of Sany Group's Indonesia "Lighthouse Factory" Phase II project was officially laid. Compared with Phase I, Phase II of Sany Indonesia Industrial Park is not only larger in scale, but also more "smart". It is equipped with more than 10 digital systems, such as automated material distribution system, digital twin system, process simulation system, intelligent manufacturing operation management system, and combined with automated production equipment to improve the level of production intelligence.

At present, the sales volume of Sany Group in Indonesia has exceeded 20 billion yuan, and the equipment ownership has exceeded 24000 sets.

"The equipment industry is a basic industry that provides technical equipment for the development of the national economy. Its digital transformation has become an inevitable choice to firmly grasp the dominant power of equipment manufacturing and open up a new track for the development of the digital economy." Wang Weiming said.

According to Li Jingying's analysis, there are many explanations for the connotation of intelligent manufacturing, but they can't be separated from three cores: first, the new manufacturing mode with the deep integration of new generation information technology and advanced manufacturing technology; second, the systematic embodiment throughout the whole life cycle of product design, manufacturing and service; third, the goal is to manufacture products with high efficiency, high quality, flexibility, green and agile. The Plan proposes to promote the intellectualization of manufacturing industry from new modes, system solutions, digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises and other aspects. It is precisely around these three cores.

Li Jingying believes that at present, China's machinery industry is still under great pressure for stable growth, and we should adhere to the main direction of intelligent manufacturing. Promote intelligent manufacturing from several aspects, such as aiming at the industrial direction, promoting intelligence, doing a good job in implementing the overall plan step by step, identifying the core needs, cultivating system solution providers, and accelerating the cultivation of professional talents, to support the steady growth of the industry.

key word: Industry increase Master a batch

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